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Last active February 23, 2023 20:56
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Install Tactical Ops AoT on Ubuntu Linux

(DEPRECATED) Install Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror Ubuntu Linux

new version new

Probado en Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver, 20.04 Focal Fossa y Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)

Requisitos: Download

  • Imagen ISO del juego Tactical Ops v3.1.9
  • Tactical Ops AoT v3.4.0


Debido a que el juego corre en 32 bits, se necesitan algunas dependencias:

$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install libx11-6:i386 libxext6:i386 libc6:i386 libxpm4:i386

Instalar los siguiente para que el audio funcione:

$ sudo apt install osspd osspd-pulseaudio
$ sudo systemctl start osspd.service
  • Ahora necesitamos descargar el instalador creado por Loki: 'Tactical Ops AoT v3.4.0':

Tactical Ops AoT v3.4.0 Linux

También necesitamos el instalador para actualizar a la v3.5.0
Existen otras versiones de esta actualización, pero esta es la que me funciono a mi:

$ wget ''

Deberíamos tener los siguiente en nuestra carpeta de Descargas:

└── Downloads
     ├── Tactical Ops AoT v3.1.9 CD.iso
     ├── Tactical Ops AoT v3.4.0

Instalación v3.4.0

Descomprimir el archivo:

$ unzip Tactical\ Ops\ AoT\ v3.4.0\ -d Tactical_Ops_v3.4.0
$ cd Tactical_Ops_v3.4.0

Dentro de esta carpeta se encuentra el instalador, debemos dar permisos de ejecución:

$ chmod +x

Ejecutar el script

$ ./ --keep
Creating directory tacticalops_3.4.0-multilanguage.europe
Verifiying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror 3.4.0-multilanguage.europe Installer..............................................................................
----====== Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror installation program ======----

You are running a x86 machine with libc5
Hit Control-C anytime to cancel this installation program.

Would you like to read the README file ? [Y/n] n
Please enter the installation patch [/usr/local/games/tacticalops] /home/my_user/Desktop/tacticalops
Do you want to install symbolic links to a directory in your path? [Y/n] n
'Base Install' option will be installed.
Option: 'English' ? [Y/n] y
Option: 'French' ? [Y/n] n
Option: 'German' ? [Y/n] n
Option: 'Italian' ? [Y/n] n
Option: 'Spanish' ? [Y/n] n
Do you want to install startup menu entries? [Y/n] n
Installing to /home/my_user/Desktop/tacticalops
48782 MB available, 631 MB will be installed.

Continue install? [Y/n] y
Installing tacticalops binary ...
100% - /home/mi_usuario/Escritorio/tacticalops/

Please mount Tactical Ops: Assault On Terror CD.

Montamos la imagen ".iso" del juego, basta con hacer doble click sobre la imagen ISO y esta se montará.
En otras destruiciones distintas a Ubuntu esto puede cambiar:

Choose Yes to retry, No to cancel [N/y] y
Installing Base Install ...
Running script 

Extracting files from Disc 1

Installing English ...
100% ...
100% ...
Installation complete.
Would you like to start now? [Y/n] n

Con esto ya esta lista la intalación.

Actualizar v3.5.0

Permisos de ejecución al archivo que descargamos previamente:

$ chmod +x

Ejecutamos el script:

$ ./ --keep
Creating directory tacticalops-3.5.0
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Tactical .........................................................
./ 1 eval: Ops:: not found

Con esto se creará una carpeta, ingresar a la carpeta y ejecutar, saldrán algunas advertencias:

$ cd tacticalops-3.5.0/
$ linux32 ./
Warning: This XML file was generated with a later version of setupdp(1.6).
Problems may occur.
Warning: This XML file was generated with a later version of setupdp(1.6).
Problems may occur.
Welcome to the Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror 3.5.0 Update


Warning!   You must delete your TacticalOps.ini and User.ini
files located in your home directory

	eg. /home/bob/.TacticalOps/System
If you do not delete these files, you will have problems
playing Tactical Ops.


Would you like to apply this update? [Y/n]: y

Performing update:
Warning: This XML file was generated with a later version of setupdb (1.6).
Problems may occur.
Warning: This XML file was generated with a later version of setupdb (1.6).
Problems may occur.

Product updated successfully.

Debemos remover TacticalOps.ini y User.ini.
Ir a la carpeta de la instalación anterior que es encuentra en el Escritorio.
Recomiendo abrir una nueva ventana de la terminal para no cerrar la ventana anterior:

$ cd ~/Desktop/tacticalops/System/
$ rm -r TacticalOps.ini
$ rm -r User.ini

Ahora volvemos a la otra terminal, como ya borramos estos dos archivos, continuamos... :

Would you like to apply this update? [Y/n] y
Performing update:
Warning: This XML file was generated with a later version of setupdp(1.6).
Problems may occur.
Warning: This XML file was generated with a later version of setupdp(1.6).
Problems may occur.

Product updated successfully.


Antes de ejecutar el juego debemos realizar algunas modificaciones al archivo TacticalOps.ini.
Como los PC de ultima genración son muy rapidaspuede usar SDLSoftDrv.SDLSoftwareRenderDevice como render.
En mi caso usaré "vim" pero puede ocupar cualquier otro editor texto como: nano, vs code, atom, etc.

Buscar [Engine.Engine] y agregar la siguiente línea. SDLSoftDrv.SDLSoftwareRenderDevice:

$ vim TacticalOps.ini

Cambiar el motor de audio:


Ejecutar el juego.

$ cd ~/Escritorio/tacticalops/
$ ./tacticalops

Fix Server Browser



  • soifou ya que gracias a su proyecto pude realizar los cambios necesarios para ejecutar TO AoT en Linux.
  • Comunidad chilena de Tactical Ops Totito y también a Tactical Ops Community
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b3wii commented Jul 26, 2021

I get this error message when trying to run ./tacticalops

./to-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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rdrgox commented Jul 26, 2021

hi b3wii.... remember that if you have installed a version of linux in 64bits you must add the architecture in 32bits.
you need:
$ dpkg --add-architecture i386
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install libxpm4:i386

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Hi, I run the website and some changes been made to the TO:AoT pack downloadable over there.
Thanks to the UT99 v469c patch there is now an update zip on the site that includes all required files to run TO client/server native on linux.
There are both x86 and x64 files, the x64 version is said to run "ok" on Debian and CentOS. For servers its recommended to use the x86 files or the ACE server addon doesn't work correctly.

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rdrgox commented Dec 2, 2022

amazing tactical-ops-eu

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I saw your post in the TO Community Discord, thanks for testing the files and proving they work.

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rdrgox commented Feb 23, 2023

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