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Created March 27, 2020 23:07
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vertx-http-example output using fmp
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------< io.openshift.example:http-vertx >-------------------
[INFO] Building Vert.x - HTTP 37-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- vertx-maven-plugin:1.0.22:initialize (vmp) @ http-vertx ---
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ http-vertx ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 1 resource
[INFO] --- fabric8-maven-plugin:4.4.0:resource (fmp) @ http-vertx ---
[INFO] F8: Using Container image name of namespace: myproject
[INFO] F8: Running generator vertx
[INFO] F8: vertx: Using Container image as base / builder
[INFO] F8: fmp-controller: Adding a default Deployment
[INFO] F8: fmp-service: Adding a default service 'http-vertx' with ports [8080]
[INFO] F8: fmp-ingress: Not generating Ingress for service http-vertx type is not LoadBalancer: null
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-vertx: HTTP health check disabled (path not set)
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-vertx: HTTP health check disabled (path not set)
[INFO] F8: fmp-revision-history: Adding revision history limit to 2
[INFO] F8: validating /Users/rruss/Documents/GitHub/vertx-http-example/target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/kubernetes/http-vertx-service.yml resource
[INFO] F8: validating /Users/rruss/Documents/GitHub/vertx-http-example/target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/kubernetes/http-vertx-deployment.yml resource
[INFO] F8: fmp-controller: Adding a default DeploymentConfig
[INFO] F8: fmp-service: Adding a default service 'http-vertx' with ports [8080]
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-vertx: HTTP health check disabled (path not set)
[INFO] F8: f8-healthcheck-vertx: HTTP health check disabled (path not set)
[INFO] F8: fmp-revision-history: Adding revision history limit to 2
[INFO] F8: validating /Users/rruss/Documents/GitHub/vertx-http-example/target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/openshift/http-vertx-deploymentconfig.yml resource
[INFO] F8: validating /Users/rruss/Documents/GitHub/vertx-http-example/target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/openshift/http-vertx-service.yml resource
[INFO] F8: validating /Users/rruss/Documents/GitHub/vertx-http-example/target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/openshift/http-vertx-route.yml resource
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) @ http-vertx ---
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ http-vertx ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 1 resource
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ http-vertx ---
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) @ http-vertx ---
[INFO] Surefire report directory: /Users/rruss/Documents/GitHub/vertx-http-example/target/surefire-reports
Running io.openshift.example.HttpApplicationTest
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
Server started on port 8081
Server started on port 8081
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.105 sec
Results :
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ http-vertx ---
[INFO] Building jar: /Users/rruss/Documents/GitHub/vertx-http-example/target/http-vertx-37-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] --- vertx-maven-plugin:1.0.22:package (vmp) @ http-vertx ---
[INFO] --- fabric8-maven-plugin:4.4.0:build (fmp) @ http-vertx ---
[INFO] F8: Running in OpenShift mode
[INFO] F8: Using OpenShift build with strategy S2I
[INFO] F8: Running generator vertx
[INFO] F8: vertx: Using Container image as base / builder
[INFO] Copying files to /Users/rruss/Documents/GitHub/vertx-http-example/target/docker/http-vertx/latest/build/maven
[INFO] Building tar: /Users/rruss/Documents/GitHub/vertx-http-example/target/docker/http-vertx/latest/tmp/docker-build.tar
[INFO] F8: [http-vertx:latest] "vertx": Created docker source tar /Users/rruss/Documents/GitHub/vertx-http-example/target/docker/http-vertx/latest/tmp/docker-build.tar
[INFO] F8: Updating BuildServiceConfig http-vertx-s2i for Source strategy
[INFO] F8: Adding to ImageStream http-vertx
[INFO] F8: Starting Build http-vertx-s2i
[INFO] F8: Waiting for build http-vertx-s2i-2 to complete...
[INFO] F8: Using as the s2i builder image
[INFO] F8: INFO S2I source build with plain binaries detected
[INFO] F8: INFO S2I binary build from fabric8-maven-plugin detected
[INFO] F8: INFO Copying binaries from /tmp/src/maven to /deployments ...
[INFO] F8: http-vertx-37-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] F8: Pushing image ...
[INFO] F8: Build http-vertx-s2i-2 in status Complete
[INFO] F8: Found tag on ImageStream http-vertx tag: sha256:4480a14d58ff240b34c0f067bcc97de81f913c01e1f22578ea66d058609373cb
[INFO] F8: ImageStream http-vertx written to /Users/rruss/Documents/GitHub/vertx-http-example/target/http-vertx-is.yml
[INFO] --- maven-failsafe-plugin:2.22.2:integration-test (default) @ http-vertx ---
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Running io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
namespace = myproject
master.url =
namespace.lazy.enabled = true
namespace.cleanup.enabled = true
namespace.cleanup.timeout = 0
namespace.cleanup.confirm.enabled = false
namespace.destroy.enabled = false
namespace.destroy.confirm.enabled = false
namespace.destroy.timeout = 0
wait.enabled = true
wait.timeout = 480000
wait.poll.interval = 5000
ansi.logger.enabled = true
env.init.enabled = true
logs.copy = false
cube.api.version = v1 = true = false = false
cube.fmp.pom.path = pom.xml
cube.fmp.debug.output = false
cube.fmp.logs = true =
keepAliveGitServer = false
autoStartContainers = []
proxiedContainerPorts = []
portForwardBindAddress =
openshiftRouterHttpPort = 80
openshiftRouterHttpsPort = 443
enableImageStreamDetection = false
routerSniPort = 443
templateProcess = true
startupTimeout = 600
httpClientTimeout = 120
awaitRouteRepetitions = 1
Initializing Session:bace0688
Using Kubernetes at:
Applying kubernetes configuration from: jar:file:/Users/rruss/Documents/GitHub/vertx-http-example/target/http-vertx-37-SNAPSHOT.jar!/META-INF/fabric8/openshift.yml
Processing template. No parameters file has been specified, processing without external parameters!
Replication controller: [http-vertx-1]
Pod: [http-vertx-1-926rs] Status: [Running]
Pod: [http-vertx-1-deploy] Status: [Running]
Pod: [http-vertx-s2i-1-build] Status: [Succeeded]
Pod: [http-vertx-s2i-2-build] Status: [Succeeded]
Service: [http-vertx] IP: [] Ports: [ 8080 ]
Mar 27, 2020 5:06:35 PM org.arquillian.cube.openshift.impl.CEEnvironmentProcessor createEnvironment
INFO: Creating environment for io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT
Mar 27, 2020 5:06:35 PM org.arquillian.cube.kubernetes.impl.resources.KubernetesResourcesApplier applyKubernetesResourcesAtClassScope
INFO: Creating environment for io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT
Mar 27, 2020 5:06:35 PM org.arquillian.cube.openshift.impl.CEEnvironmentProcessor createOpenShiftResource
INFO: Creating environment for io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT method public void io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT.testThatWeServeAsExpected()
Mar 27, 2020 5:06:35 PM org.arquillian.cube.kubernetes.impl.resources.KubernetesResourcesApplier applyKubernetesResourcesAtMethodScope
INFO: Creating environment for io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT method testThatWeServeAsExpected
Mar 27, 2020 5:06:39 PM org.arquillian.cube.openshift.impl.CEEnvironmentProcessor deleteOpenShiftResource
INFO: Deleting environment for io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT method testThatWeServeAsExpected
Mar 27, 2020 5:06:39 PM org.arquillian.cube.kubernetes.impl.resources.KubernetesResourcesApplier removeKubernetesResourcesAtMethodScope
INFO: Deleting environment for io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT method testThatWeServeAsExpected
Mar 27, 2020 5:06:39 PM org.arquillian.cube.openshift.impl.CEEnvironmentProcessor createOpenShiftResource
INFO: Creating environment for io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT method public void io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT.testThatWeAreReady()
Mar 27, 2020 5:06:39 PM org.arquillian.cube.kubernetes.impl.resources.KubernetesResourcesApplier applyKubernetesResourcesAtMethodScope
INFO: Creating environment for io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT method testThatWeAreReady
Mar 27, 2020 5:06:41 PM org.arquillian.cube.openshift.impl.CEEnvironmentProcessor deleteOpenShiftResource
INFO: Deleting environment for io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT method testThatWeAreReady
Mar 27, 2020 5:06:41 PM org.arquillian.cube.kubernetes.impl.resources.KubernetesResourcesApplier removeKubernetesResourcesAtMethodScope
INFO: Deleting environment for io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT method testThatWeAreReady
Mar 27, 2020 5:06:41 PM org.arquillian.cube.openshift.impl.resources.OpenShiftResourceFactory deleteEnvironment
INFO: Deleting environment for io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT
Mar 27, 2020 5:06:41 PM org.arquillian.cube.kubernetes.impl.resources.KubernetesResourcesApplier removeKubernetesResourcesAtClassScope
INFO: Deleting environment for io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT
[INFO] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 14.73 s - in io.openshift.example.OpenShiftIT
Destroying Session:bace0688
[INFO] Results:
[INFO] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] --- maven-failsafe-plugin:2.22.2:verify (default) @ http-vertx ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 34.231 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-03-27T17:06:42-06:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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