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Created January 31, 2014 16:33
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# see
pidfile /var/run/
log local0 info
maxconn 64000
clitimeout 60000 # maximum inactivity time on the client side
srvtimeout 60000 # maximum inactivity time on the server side
timeout connect 8000 # maximum time to wait for a connection attempt to a server to succeed
stats enable
stats auth admin:password
stats uri /monitor
stats refresh 5s
option httpchk GET /
retries 5
option redispatch
# errorfile 503 /path/to/503.text.file
balance roundrobin # each server is used in turns, according to assigned weight
frontend http
bind :80
mode http
monitor-uri /haproxy # end point to monitor HAProxy status (returns 200)
default_backend servers
frontend tcp
bind :9000
option tcplog
option contstats
default_backend tcpservers
backend tcpservers
balance leastconn
server tcp1 check port 7070 inter 60s rise 2 fall 10 fastinter 1s maxconn 5000
server tcp2 check port 7070 inter 60s rise 2 fall 10 fastinter 1s maxconn 5000
server tcp3 check port 7070 inter 60s rise 2 fall 10 fastinter 1s maxconn 5000
backend servers
option httpchk OPTIONS /
option forwardfor
option http-server-close
appsession JSESSIONID len 52 timeout 3h
# option httpclose
### server srv0 ${IP}:${PORT} weight 1 maxconn 100 check inter 4000
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cat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 
        log /dev/log    local0
#       log /dev/log    local1 notice
#      log local3 debug
        chroot /var/lib/haproxy
        user haproxy
        group haproxy
      stats socket /var/lib/haproxy.socket user dw mode 660
      maxconn     24000

        log     global
        contimeout 5000
      maxconn     24000

    clitimeout 60000 # maximum inactivity time on the client side
    srvtimeout 60000 # maximum inactivity time on the server side
    timeout connect 8000 # maximum time to wait for a connection attempt to a server to succeed

listen http 
    mode http
    option httplog
    stats enable
    stats auth admin:password
    stats uri /monitor
    stats refresh 5s
    #option httpchk GET /

    server http1
      maxconn     24000

frontend tcp
    bind :17070
    option tcplog
    option  contstats
    default_backend tcpservers
      maxconn     24000

backend tcpservers
    #balance leastconn
    balance roundrobin
    server tcp1 check port 17078 inter 60s rise 2 fall 10 fastinter 1s maxconn 5000
    server tcp2 check port 17079 inter 60s rise 2 fall 10 fastinter 1s maxconn 5000
    server tcp3 check port 17080 inter 60s rise 2 fall 10 fastinter 1s maxconn 5000
    server tcp4 check port 17081 inter 60s rise 2 fall 10 fastinter 1s maxconn 5000
    server tcp5 check port 17082 inter 60s rise 2 fall 10 fastinter 1s maxconn 5000
    server tcp6 check port 17083 inter 60s rise 2 fall 10 fastinter 1s maxconn 5000
    server tcp7 check port 17084 inter 60s rise 2 fall 10 fastinter 1s maxconn 5000
    server tcp8 check port 17085 inter 60s rise 2 fall 10 fastinter 1s maxconn 5000
    server tcp9 check port 17086 inter 60s rise 2 fall 10 fastinter 1s maxconn 5000
    server tcp10 check port 17087 inter 60s rise 2 fall 10 fastinter 1s maxconn 5000

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