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Last active February 11, 2024 10:14
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Wetter Conky
lua_load Pfad anpassen an die eigenen Pfade
Adapt lua_load path to your own paths
conky.config = {
-- — Conky settings
background = false,
update_interval = 1,
total_run_times = 0,
no_buffers = true,
-- — Window specifications with Shadow
own_window = true,
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_hints = 'undecorated,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below',
-- end
double_buffer = true,
minimum_width = 280, minimum_height = 140,
alignment = 'top_left',
-- — Text settings
use_xft = true,
font = 'Symbola:size=10',
override_utf8_locale = true,
gap_x = 20,
gap_y = 20,
-- Lua Load
lua_load = './wetter.lua',
lua_draw_hook_post = 'main',
conky.text = [[
2023 Bleys
Wetter Bilder:
Namen anpassen an das Original Openweather Schaem:
require 'cairo'
--require "imlib2"
home_path = os.getenv ('HOME')
function rgb_to_rgba(color,alpha)
if color == nil then color=0xFF0000 end
if alpha == nil then alpha=1 end
return ((color / 0x10000) % 0x100) / 255., ((color / 0x100) % 0x100) / 255., (color % 0x100) / 255., alpha
function write_text(cr, x, y, text, f)
--write_text(cr, x, y, text, {})
--font attributes | Schriftattribute zuweisen oder default Werte annehmen
local x=x+x_cw
local y=y+y_cw
local font=f.font or "Symbola"
local size=f.size or 12
local align=f.align or 'l'
local bold=f.bold or false
local ital=f.italic or false
local color=f.color or "0xffffff"
local slant
local weight
if ital then sland=1 else sland=0 end
if bold then weight=1 else weight=0 end
--Text Size | Textgröße für die Plazierung bestimmen.
local x_a=0
local y_a=0
local te = cairo_text_extents_t:create()
cairo_select_font_face (cr, font, slant, weight)
cairo_set_font_size (cr, size)
cairo_text_extents (cr, text, te)
--Text Position
if align=='c' then
x_a = -(te.width/2+te.x_bearing)
y_a = -(te.height/2+te.y_bearing)
if align=='r' then
x_a = -(te.width+te.x_bearing)
--Schadow 1 Pixel | Schatten für den Text um 1 Pixel versetzt
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgb_to_rgba(0x000000,1))
cairo_move_to (cr, x+1+x_a, y+1+y_a)
cairo_show_text (cr, text)
-- Now Text on Top | jetzt den Text oben drauf
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgb_to_rgba(color,1))
cairo_move_to (cr, x+x_a, y+y_a)
cairo_show_text (cr, text)
function mysplit (inputstr, sep)
if sep == nil then
sep = ","
local t={}
for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
table.insert(t, str)
return t
function fDrawImage(cr,path,xx,yy,ww,hh,arc)
local xx=xx+x_cw
local yy=yy+y_cw
cairo_save (cr)
local img = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png(path)
local w_img, h_img = cairo_image_surface_get_width(img), cairo_image_surface_get_height(img)
cairo_translate (cr, xx, yy)
if arc then
cairo_rotate (cr, arc)
cairo_scale (cr, ww/w_img, hh/h_img)
cairo_set_source_surface (cr, img, -w_img/2, -h_img/2)
cairo_paint (cr)
cairo_surface_destroy (img)
collectgarbage ()
cairo_restore (cr)
function conky_main()
if conky_window==nil then return end
local cs=cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display,conky_window.drawable,conky_window.visual, conky_window.width,conky_window.height)
local cr=cairo_create(cs)
local updates=conky_parse('${updates}')
directions = mysplit(d_string)
if update_num>4 then
wetter = mysplit (conky_parse('${execi 300 sh '..home_path..'/.conky/Wetter/}')) --1-text, 2-temperatur, 3-wind, 4-luftfeuchtigkeit, 5-icon, 6-Sonnenaufgang, 7-Sonnenuntergang,8-aktualisiert,9-luftdruck,10-boeen, 11-Richtung
-- Wetter | Weather
if wetter[1]~=nil then
write_text(cr, 20,20,wetter[1], {bold=true, align="l", size=12})
write_text(cr, 20,60,wetter[2].."°C", {bold=true, size=32, align="l", color="0xf0f0f0"})
write_text(cr, 20,80,"rF: ", {bold=true, align="l"})
write_text(cr, 160,80,wetter[4].."%", {bold=true, align="r", color="0x1e90ff"})
write_text(cr, 20,96,"Wind: ", {bold=true, align="l"})
write_text(cr, 160,96,wetter[3].." ("..wetter[10]..") km/h", {bold=true, align="r", color="0x1e90ff"})
write_text(cr, 20,112,"Luftdruck: ", {bold=true, align="l"})
write_text(cr, 160,112,wetter[9].." hPa", {bold=true, align="r", color="0x1e90ff"})
write_text(cr, 190,130,"🔁 ", { size=16, align="l"})
write_text(cr, 210,130,wetter[8].." Uhr", {bold=true, align="l"})
write_text(cr, 20,130,"⮬🟒 ", {bold=true, align="l", size=12})
write_text(cr, 124,130,"🟒⮯", {bold=true, align="l", size=12})
write_text(cr, 40,130,wetter[6].." --- "..wetter[7], {bold=true, align="l", color="0x1e90ff"})
fDrawImage(cr,home_path..'/.conky/wettericons/'..wetter[5]..'.png',210,40,116,80) -- an eigenen Pfad anpassen | Adapt path to your own paths
local arc_deg = (2 * math.pi / 360) * wetter[11]
local deg=tonumber(wetter[11])
local dir=math.floor((deg+11.25)/22.5)+1
if dir==17 then dir = 1 end
write_text(cr, 230,96,deg.."° "..directions[dir], {bold=true, align="r", color="0x1e90ff"})
#openweathermap RSS tool conky
# Bleys 2022
key="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" #persönlicher Key. Hier einmal Account anlegen: und key erzeugen
lat="51.450832" #Längengrad der eigenen Location
lon="7.013056" #Breitengrad der eigenen Location
wetter=$(curl -s ''$lat'&lon='$lon'&lang=de&units=metric&appid='$key 2>/dev/null)
text=$(echo $wetter | jq -r '.weather[0].description')
tp=$( printf "%.1f" $(echo $wetter | jq -r '.main.temp'))
wind=$( printf "%.1f" $(echo $wetter | jq -r '.wind.speed'))
deg=$(echo $wetter | jq -r '.wind.deg')
lf=$(echo $wetter | jq -r '.main.humidity')
icon=$(echo $wetter | jq -r '.weather[0].icon')
stadt=$(echo $wetter | jq -r '.name')
luftdruck=$(echo $wetter | jq -r '.main.pressure')
boeen=$(echo $wetter | jq -r '.wind.gust')
# sunrise=$(date +%l:%M%p -d @$(echo $wetter | jq -r '.sys.sunrise')) #us Format
# sunset=$(date +%l:%M%p -d @$(echo $wetter | jq -r '.sys.sunset')) #us Format
sunrise=$(date +%H:%M -d @$(echo $wetter | jq -r '.sys.sunrise'))
sunset=$(date +%H:%M -d @$(echo $wetter | jq -r '.sys.sunset'))
aktualisiert=$(date +%k:%M)
kmhwind=$(echo "scale=1; ($wind*3.6+0.5)/1"|bc)
kmhboeen=$(echo "scale=1; ($boeen*3.6+0.5)/1"|bc)
echo $text','$tp','$kmhwind','$lf','$icon','$sunrise','$sunset','$aktualisiert','$luftdruck','$kmhboeen','$deg
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