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Created May 15, 2009 11:27
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ini_set('default_charset', 'utf-8');
header('Content-type: application/xml');
$html = utf8_encode(file_get_contents(""));
// Tenho vergonha, mas foi o jeito para o lixo de HTML
preg_match_all(("/» &nbsp;Pretinho das (.*)<!-- Escutar--><!-- Baixar-->&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a/"), ($html), $matches);
$matches = explode("»", $matches[0][0]);
foreach ($matches as $match){
// Pegando titulos
preg_match("/&nbsp;(.*):&nbsp;</",$match, $matches);
if (!empty($matches[1])) $titulos[] = $matches[1];
preg_match("/<a href=\"(.*)\">Escutar/",$match, $matches);
if (!empty($matches[1])) $arquivos[] = $matches[1];
/* Criar array unificado */
$data = "0";
foreach($titulos as $id => $titulo){
$headers = get_headers($arquivos[$id], 1);
if($headers[0] == 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'){
$programas[] = array('titulo' => $titulo, 'arquivo' => $arquivos[$id], 'headers' => $headers);
if(strtotime($headers['Last-Modified']) > $data){
$data = strtotime($headers['Last-Modified']);
$last_modified = $headers['Last-Modified'];
<?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' ?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
<title>Pretinho Básico - Rádio Atlântida</title>
<description>Na Rádio Atlântida, de segunda a sábado às 13h e às 18h. E aqui, a qualquer hora do dia ou da noite.</description>
<lastBuildDate><?php echo $last_modified; ?></lastBuildDate>
<pubDate><?php echo $last_modified; ?></pubDate>
<copyright>Copyright&#xA9; <?php echo date("Y"); ?> - Grupo RBS</copyright>
<generator>Ricardo Antonio Duarte -</generator>
<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
foreach($programas as $programa){
<title><?php echo $programa['titulo']; ?></title>
<description><?php echo $programa['titulo']; ?></description>
<link><?php echo $programa['arquivo']; ?></link>
<enclosure url="<?php echo $programa['arquivo']; ?>" length="<?php echo $programa['headers']['Content-Length']; ?>" type="<?php echo $programa['headers']['Content-Type']; ?>"/>
<guid isPermaLink="true"><?php echo $programa['arquivo']; ?></guid>
<pubDate><?php echo $programa['headers']['Last-Modified']; ?></pubDate>
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