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rdump / PyV8 in Kali for peepdf.txt
Created November 30, 2017 19:45 — forked from rjohnson-ucar/PyV8 in Kali for peepdf.txt
Installing PyV8 in Kali for use with peepdf
Installing PyV8 in Kali for use with peepdf
Kali 2016.1 rolling comes with peepdf 0.3, but it doesn't at present have PyV8 for javascript. peepdf may tell you this sad news. Here, we find out how to be happier.
First, we solve some dependencies. v8 relies upon boost. The dependencies aren't packaged up nicely, so builds will fail. You can fix that with an apt-get of dev packages
apt-get install libboost-python-dev
apt-get install libboost-thread-dev
Then we get v8 and PyV8 from old googlecode and put them in /usr/local/src
rdump /
Last active November 30, 2017 20:15 — forked from rjohnson-ucar/CWM-Tether-vs-OpenVPN.txt
Error loading /tmp/tun.kext in Clockworkmod's on Mac OS X / macOS -- I uninstalled OpenVPN to work around this

CWM vs OpenVPN on Mac OS X / macOS

Error description

An "Error loading /tmp/tun.kext" in Clockworkmod's for the Mac typically (often?) means that failed to detect and unload an interfering tun/tap kext. thus gets an error return from the OS when it tries to insert itself into an already occupied spot.

TunnelBlick client works

Here are a couple of options for getting to latest desired Android release when OTA fails on your Google Nexus.
Option 1 (manual OTA chain) may allow preservation of root access.
Option 2 (flashing new OS but not userdata) will require re-rooting if root access is needed.
Each of these options presumes you have installed and in your $PATH 'android', 'adb', 'fastboot', and other parts they need from the "Android SDK Tools" and "Android SDK Platform-tools" packages at and
Also, you want to be relatively current on the release versions per
$ android list sdk