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Last active March 4, 2020 11:46
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import UIKit
// Type erasure example
protocol Joint {
associatedtype T
var count: T { get }
class SingleJoint: Joint {
var count: Float {
class MultipleJoints: Joint {
var count: Int {
protocol ViewModelProtocol {
var joints: String { get }
class ViewModel2<T: Joint> {
private let joint: T
init(joint: T) {
self.joint = joint
// Here we do type erasing
// To be able to assign ViewModel2 instance to a property that confirms to ViewModelProtocol later
extension ViewModel2: ViewModelProtocol {
var joints: String {
// Introducing generic types to the view controller is not an option
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let model: ViewModelProtocol = ViewController.modelInstance()
func test() {
// Here we refer to a non generic protocol
// that delegates a call to a corresponding generic implementation i.e. SingleJoint or MultipleJoints
print("Joints \(model.joints)")
extension ViewController {
private static var decisionMakeCondition: Bool {
// This is where the magic happens
// We can return an instance of a generic type assigning it to non generic one
private static func modelInstance() -> ViewModelProtocol {
if self.decisionMakeCondition {
return ViewModel2(joint: SingleJoint())
} else {
return ViewModel2(joint: MultipleJoints())
let controller = ViewController()
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