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Created June 14, 2014 10:58
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"Good job"
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"### Node.js not found\n",
"- [Node.js install]("
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"re4lfl0w@re4lfl0wui-MacBook-Pro:~/Documents/ipython/books/violent_python$ ipython nbconvert --to slides Untitled1.ipynb \n",
"[NbConvertApp] Using existing profile dir: u'/Users/re4lfl0w/.ipython/profile_default'\n",
"[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook Untitled1.ipynb to slides\n",
"[NbConvertApp] Support files will be in Untitled1_files/\n",
"[NbConvertApp] Loaded template slides_reveal.tpl\n",
"/Users/re4lfl0w/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/nbconvert/filters/ UserWarning: Node.js 0.9.12 or later wasn't found.\n",
"Nbconvert will try to use Pandoc instead.\n",
" \"Nbconvert will try to use Pandoc instead.\")\n",
"[NbConvertApp] Writing 187123 bytes to Untitled1.slides.html"
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