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Created February 5, 2015 19:30
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The reasons we set START_CTX in our unicorn config
so @keefe, the deal with the unicorn restart problem is this:
1) When restarting, unicorn takes the binary for the rails unicorn bin from $0
2) capistrano releases are changing this location
3) unicorn expects the binary it is using to stay in the same spot ($0)
so after: and
we are setting it to the shared bin stub at /var/www/thoughtstream-user_management/shared/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/bin/unicorn_rail
but you can only do that with the extremely hacky looking (but recommended by the author) Unicorn::HttpServer::START_CTX[0] = "/var/www/thoughtstream-user_management/shared/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/bin/unicorn_rails"
without forcing that, we were getting a unicorn rails bin path of something like: "/var/www/thoughtstream-user_management/releases/20150204232732/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/bin/unicorn_rails"
which stays in the running master, and is handed on to the next
oh geez
so when capistrano eventually cleans up that release, it has nothing to restart
it throws
the old stuff keeps working
I thought we’d had another issue with these restarts and some path location that we’d fixed as well… so unicorn needs the old binary to be in the same spot to restart and change over to the new one?
well that is no problem since we switched to a shared bundle
the bundle updates the shared bundle before the restart
so it always gets the latest
it does mean that a rollback needs a bundle install
it is what we used to do, but then we switched to the new deployment method, and probably re-caused the issue
you can see the duration of building new bundles here instead of using shared:
actually look at quarter or year for duration
oh ok I understand the bin for unicorn itself was in a per build bundle, when the 5th deploy happened that bundle is gone so now we share them
it is once per change to the Gemfile.lock version of unicorn
which has only happened once, which was for these changes
we actually shared them before, but unicorn was storing the expanded path of what it was executing, which included the release number
so even in the shared bundle when we update to the new version, it doesn’t have the old binary anymore so it fails to restart...
it doesn't replace old one
they both stay, but the one that ends up in the vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/bin/unicorn_rail is a wrapper to the latest bundled
this is where I found our problems:
sorry catching up on this ruby stuff… I’m confused about why after using a shared bundle the running binary was including the timestampped path, unless that only manifested once we switched to a shared bundle and the bug showed up when the non-shared bundle deploy which was running was cleaned up?
so this change will let us upgrade ruby without downtime right? otherwise that path stays constant in the unicorn master
so we’d switched from a nonshared bundle install to a shared bundle install so would a hard restart have resolved that bit?
a hard restart (stop / start) should always work fine
the zero downtime reload / restart is where the problem lives
I meant, would one hard restart after switching to shared bundles permitted future zero downtime restarts to work?
why not?
because of bundler
when you do "bundle exec unicorn"
cause the shared bundle location stays the same right?
it resolves the full path to where it thinks you should be getting the binary from
which will be relative to its pwd
inside of a release
which is numbered
so when unicorn first starts, it will store the location that bundle tells it
and it keeps that one
because of the $0
so it doesn’t resolve that symlink inside of /var/www/thoughtstream-user_management/releases/20150128175206/vendor to bundle -> /var/www/thoughtstream-user_management/shared/vendor/bundle
it just stores a hard /var/www/thoughtstream-user_management/releases/20150128175206/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/etc
deploy@acceptance:~$ cd /var/www/thoughtstream-user_management/current && bundle exec which unicorn
this is a compound problem created by unicorn assumptions, capistrono rotation and bundler path expansion
got it so even though it’s shared and that resolves to the shared bundle location, it gets confused due to the path expansion - it doesn’t know that /var/www/thoughtstream-user_management/releases/20150205030455/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/bin/unicorn is the same as /var/www/thoughtstream-user_management/shared/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/bin/unicorn
so we’re telling it that explicitly
what a mess...
thanks for explanation
yeah, we just make sure it knows exactly where the thing always is
it’s counter intuitive that we use a shared bundle and bundle exec doesn’t resolve to the real shared location on disk
well the "shared" part of the bundle is not a bundler concept, that is just fancy symlinking during deploy
ah got it
quite a mess.
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