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Md Kamrul Islam reachkamrul

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//filter by current month
var myTimeout = setTimeout(myFilterFunction, 100);
var months = ("0" + (new Date().getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2)+"/";
months = "/"+months;
function myFilterFunction() {
// jQuery('select').sumo.selectItem(months.toString());
jQuery('option[value="'+months+'"]').prop("selected", true);
//filter by current year
var myTimeout = setTimeout(myFilterFunction, 100);
function myFilterFunction() {
var years = new Date().getFullYear();
* The following functions will add additional file types option to your file upload element
* In this case, You can enable MSG file format
* Just add this snippet to your theme's functions.php file or relevant place.
add_filter('fluentform_file_type_options', function ($types) {
$types[] = [
'label' => __('MSG file - MSG', 'fluentform'),
'value' => 'msg',
add_filter('fluentform_payment_receipt_pre_render_payment_info', function ($html, $entry) {
$orderItem = \FluentFormPro\Payments\Orders\OrderData::getOrderItems($this->entry);
$formId = $entry->form_id;
// replace $html with your own HTML and return
return $html;
}, 10, 2);
global $current_user;
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
$getEmail = $current_user->user_email;
$getID = get_current_user_id();
$column_key = "email";
echo do_shortcode('[ninja_tables id="621" filter_column="' . $column_key . '" filter="' . $getID . '" ] ');
$form.find('.address').on('change', function(){
var address = jQuery(this).val().split(',');
// To hide before filter
// js
$table.on("after.ft.filtering", function () {
var m = jQuery(this).find(':input option:selected');
$urlValue = '';
$fieldName = 'url';
$form.find('input[name="'+$fieldName+'"]').on('change, keyup', function($fieldValue){
$fieldValue = jQuery(this).val();
$url = $urlValue+$fieldValue;
$form.on('fluentform_submission_success', function(){$url, 'name');
* The following functions will add additional shortcode
* In this case, you can use a shortcode to show a random data among your table cell
* You can use like this [ninja_table_random_cell id="Your Table ID" column="Your Colum Key"]
* Just add this snippet to your theme's functions.php file or relevant place.
add_shortcode('ninja_table_random_cell', function ($atts) {
$shortCodeDefaults = array(