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Tarun Kumar Vangani reachtarunhere

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tvst /
Last active April 14, 2024 20:24
DO NOT USE!!! Try st.session_state instead.
"""Hack to add per-session state to Streamlit.
>>> import SessionState
>>> session_state = SessionState.get(user_name='', favorite_color='black')
>>> session_state.user_name

A complete list of books, articles, blog posts, videos and neat pages that support Data Fundamentals (H), organised by Unit.


If the resource is available online (legally) I have included a link to it. Each entry has symbols following it.

  • ⨕⨕⨕ indicates difficulty/depth, from ⨕ (easy to pick up intro, no background required) through ⨕⨕⨕⨕⨕ (graduate level textbook, maths heavy, expect equations)
  • ⭐ indicates a particularly recommended resource; 🌟 is a very strongly recommended resource and you should look at it.
Brainiarc7 /
Last active September 17, 2022 04:51
How to correctly install nvidia-docker2 on Ubuntu 16.04LTS

How to install NVIDIA Docker 2 package on Ubuntu and Debian:

If you came to this result (from Google or elsewhere) after realizing that Nvidia-docker's entry on this subject does not result in a working installation, here are the basic steps needed to install this package correctly:

For starters, ensure that you've installed the latest Docker Community edition by following the steps below:

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

A Tour of PyTorch Internals (Part I)

The fundamental unit in PyTorch is the Tensor. This post will serve as an overview for how we implement Tensors in PyTorch, such that the user can interact with it from the Python shell. In particular, we want to answer four main questions:

  1. How does PyTorch extend the Python interpreter to define a Tensor type that can be manipulated from Python code?
  2. How does PyTorch wrap the C libraries that actually define the Tensor's properties and methods?
  3. How does PyTorch cwrap work to generate code for Tensor methods?
  4. How does PyTorch's build system take all of these components to compile and generate a workable application?

Extending the Python Interpreter

PyTorch defines a new package torch. In this post we will consider the ._C module. This module is known as an "extension module" - a Python module written in C. Such modules allow us to define new built-in object types (e.g. the Tensor) and to call C/C++ functions.

pylover /
Last active May 27, 2024 21:51
Fixing bluetooth stereo headphone/headset problem in ubuntu 16.04, 16.10 and also debian jessie, with bluez5.
#! /usr/bin/env python3
"""Fixing bluetooth stereo headphone/headset problem in debian distros.
Workaround for bug:
Run it with python3.5 or higher after pairing/connecting the bluetooth stereo headphone.
This will be only fixes the bluez5 problem mentioned above .
Licence: Freeware
jteneycke / gist:7947353
Last active June 5, 2024 09:26
How to install and configure Common Lisp for Emacs. (SBCL + Slime + Emacs24)

In your shell

sudo apt-get install sbcl
curl -O
sbcl --load quicklisp.lisp

Inside the context of sbcl