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Last active October 9, 2022 07:48
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Build Gradle File showing the changes to enable dynamic configuration switching feature
android {
defaultConfig {
// Generate all the keys on
Config.keyList.forEach { key ->
buildConfigField("String", "KEY_$key", "\"$key\"")
applicationVariants.all {
// Handling the release variant separately to create RELEASE_MAP such that our release variants
// don't have any other configurations other than their own flavor.
if ( == "release") {
"java.util.Map<String,String>", "RELEASE_MAP", variantFields(flavorName)
defaultFlavors.forEach { value ->
buildConfigField("java.util.ArrayList<String>", "SET_OF_FLAVORS", "null")
} else {
buildConfigField("java.util.Map<String,String>", "RELEASE_MAP", "null")
defaultFlavors.forEach { value ->
buildConfigField("java.util.ArrayList<String>", "SET_OF_FLAVORS", flavorList())
* Returns the [ArrayList] of all build flavors as a `String`
fun flavorList(): String {
val flavorBuilder = StringBuilder()
defaultFlavors.forEach {
return "new java.util.ArrayList() {{$flavorBuilder}}"
* Returns the [HashMap] of all build configurations as a `String` for a given [flavor]
fun variantFields(flavor: String): String {
val fields = variantFieldMap[flavor]
val fieldsBuilder = StringBuilder("")
fields!!.forEach { entry ->
return "new java.util.HashMap() {{$fieldsBuilder}}"
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