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Last active April 28, 2020 13:25
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import java.util.*
* A basic implementation of a hash map to demonstrate internal workings
class BasicHashMap<K, V> {
private data class Entry<K, V>(val key: K, val value: V)
private val loadFactor = 0.75
private var arraySize = 16
private var numberOfEntries = 0
private var entries: Array<LinkedList<Entry<K, V>>> = Array(arraySize) { LinkedList<Entry<K, V>>() }
fun put(key: K, value: V) {
if (numberOfEntries > arraySize * loadFactor) {
put(key, value, entries)
private fun put(key: K, value: V, localEntries: Array<LinkedList<Entry<K, V>>>) {
val index = calculateHashCode(key)
val listAtArraySlot = localEntries[index]
val newEntry = Entry(key, value)
// Check if the key already exists in the LinkedList entries
val indexOfEntryInList = listAtArraySlot.indexOfFirst { it.key == key }
if (indexOfEntryInList >= 0) {
listAtArraySlot[indexOfEntryInList] = newEntry
} else {
private fun increaseCapacity() {
println("Resizing for entry count of $numberOfEntries and capacity of $arraySize")
// Increase size
arraySize *= 2
// Create a new array and add all the exiting items to the bigger table
val localEntries: Array<LinkedList<Entry<K, V>>> = Array(arraySize) { LinkedList<Entry<K, V>>() }
numberOfEntries = 0
entries.forEach {
it.forEach { entry ->
put(entry.key, entry.value, localEntries)
// Make the local copy the new entry array
entries = localEntries
fun get(key: K): V? {
val index = calculateHashCode(key)
val listAtArraySlot = entries[index]
return listAtArraySlot.find { it.key == key }?.value
fun remove(key: K) {
val index = calculateHashCode(key)
private fun calculateHashCode(key: K): Int {
return key.hashCode() % arraySize
override fun toString(): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
entries.forEach { if (it.isNotEmpty()) sb.append(it).append('\n') }
return sb.toString()
fun main() {
fun testHashMap() {
val aHashMap = BasicHashMap<String, String>()
aHashMap.put("A", "Alpha")
aHashMap.put("B", "Bravo")
aHashMap.put("C", "Charlie")
aHashMap.put("D", "Delta")
aHashMap.put("E", "Echo")
aHashMap.put("F", "Foxtrot")
aHashMap.put("G", "Golf")
aHashMap.put("H", "Hotel")
aHashMap.put("I", "India")
aHashMap.put("J", "July")
aHashMap.put("K", "Kilo")
aHashMap.put("L", "Lima")
aHashMap.put("M", "Mike")
aHashMap.put("N", "November")
aHashMap.put("O", "Oscar")
aHashMap.put("P", "Papa")
aHashMap.put("Q", "Quebec")
aHashMap.put("R", "Romeo")
aHashMap.put("S", "Sierra")
aHashMap.put("T", "Tango")
aHashMap.put("U", "Uniform")
aHashMap.put("V", "Victor")
aHashMap.put("W", "Whiskey")
aHashMap.put("X", "X-Ray")
aHashMap.put("Y", "Yankee")
aHashMap.put("Z", "Zulu")
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