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Created March 14, 2021 11:27
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Zettelkasten automation
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
## Using line feed as a delimeter when cycling through tags
## Starting an index page here
echo -e "## Zettelkasten Index\n\n" >
## Beginning of a "tag cloud", we're not adding a line feed here
echo -n "#### " >>
## Cycling through tags. This line is shitty & probably needs rewriting
## But at least it works both on Mac and Linux!
for tag in $(grep -hri '^##### Tags' zettelkasten/ | sed 's|##### Tags: ||g;s|, |\n|g;s|\[||g;s|\]||g'| cut -f 1 -d '(' | sort -u); do
## echo-ing every tag without LF into a "tag cloud"
echo -n "[${tag}](./zettelkasten/catalog/$(echo ${tag} | sed 's|\ |%20|g').md) ••• " >>
## Building an index of notes for each tag, using relative paths everywhere
## Gitea can take care of rendering links
echo -e "#### ${tag} | [Index](../../" > zettelkasten/catalog/${tag}.md
FNAMES=$(grep -ri '^##### Tags' zettelkasten | grep "${tag}" | cut -f 1 -d ':' | sort)
for FNAME in ${FNAMES}; do
echo "+ [$(basename ${FNAME})](../../${FNAME})" >> zettelkasten/catalog/${tag}.md
## Adding all generated pages into upcoming commit
## We're done here
git add
git add zettelkasten/catalog/*
## 14 Mar 2021 | [Index](./
##### Tags: [[blog]], [[music]], [[writing]], [[tech]]
This is a sample note that gets "compiled" into a zettelkasten page
Motorola ROKR G3, an attempt to return music phones to life[^1]
+ Boot screen
+ Navigation key buttons (music player + radio)
+ Wallpapers
+ /etc/mixer_paths.xml for boosting headphone volume
+ Vanilla Music + Replay gain
+ Builtin FM radio
+ Last.FM scrobbler
+ Syncthing
+ Power button double click shortcut
+ Additional software (AntennaPod, VLC)
+ Panasonic earpieces with play/pause button
+ Music itself
[^1]: [link](./
#!/usr/bin/env bash
## Put this shortcut somewhere inside ${PATH}
set -e
## Each filename gets compiled from current date
COMMIT_MESSAGE="Added some lines"
FILENAME="$(date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S").md"
## My repo path, change it to whatever you like
cd ${HOME}/dev/mood-tracker/zettelkasten/ \
## Before adding new notes we need to make sure there won't be merge conflicts
&& git pull \
## Checking if a note exists already (highly unlikely, but still)
## and creating a new one out of a template otherwise
&& test -f ${FILENAME} \
|| { date '+## %d %b %Y | [Index](./ Tags: %n%n' > ${FILENAME} && COMMIT_MESSAGE="New idea"; } \
## Editing a file + jumping to the last line
&& vim + ${FILENAME} \
## Cross-platform sed pipeline for replacing obsidian-like tags with actual links to tag index pages
&& sed -i.bak 's|\[\[\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\)\]\]|\[\1\](./catalog/\1\.md)|g' ${FILENAME} \
## We don't need a backup file
&& rm -f "${FILENAME}.bak" \
## Adding, committing, and pushing
&& git add ${FILENAME} \
&& git commit -m "${COMMIT_MESSAGE}" \
&& git push origin master \
&& cd -
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