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Created October 4, 2016 14:44
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pval_computing <- function(tab, output) {
t <- read.table(tab);
cat("reading", tab, "Done\n")
p.val <- rep(NA, times = nrow(t));
ind_1 <- seq(1:nrow(t));
#chr1 3101 3200 4 0 68 4 0 53
#chr stt end #ofSites c_num t_num #ofSites c_num t_num
p.val[ind_1] <- lapply(ind_1, function(x) fisher.test(matrix(c(t[x, 5], t[x, 8], t[x, 6], t[x, 9]), nrow = 2))$p.val);
cat("P-value calculated Done!\n\n");
t <- cbind(t, as.numeric(p.val));
cat("P-value cbind Done!\n\n");
p.val.adj <- p.adjust(as.numeric(p.val), "BH")
cat("P-valuea adjusted calculated Done!\n\n");
t <- cbind(t, p.val.adj)
colnames(t) <- c("chr", "stt", "end", "#cytosine1", "#c1","#t1","#cytosine2", "#c2", "#t2", "p.val", "adj.pval")
cat("P-value adjusted cbind Done!\n\n");
write.table(t, output, sep = "\t", quote = F, row.names =F)
Args <- commandArgs()
cat("Useage: R --vanilla --slave --input alignment_profile_file --output methylation_profile_file < DMR_fisher_BH_correction.R\n")
for (i in 1:length(Args)) {
if (Args[i] == "--input") file_name = Args[i+1]
if (Args[i] == "--output") out_file = Args[i+1]
pval_computing(file_name, out_file)
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