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Last active August 7, 2018 05:58
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Migrate an SVN repo from Beanstalk to Github ( note this does not retain the history, that is more complex and was not required by me backing up some very old repos )
echo off
echo !
echo =====================================
echo = Script to migrate from SVN to GIT =
echo = By Chris Houston =
echo = =
echo =====================================
echo !
REM Usage:
REM First create a new blank repo on GitHub with the same name as the Beanstalk Repo.
REM From a command line that has access to GIT and SVN!
REM Run the command: Migrate YourBeanstalkRepoName
REM The Beanstalk Repo name is case sensitive, but Git Hub is not.
REM You must update:
REM You will also need to update the folder where you would like the files to be checked out, it will create a new folder for each repo, in the example below, inside the svnMigrations folder
REM If you include NOTGIT as the second parameter, it just does the SVN checkout.
REM E.g. Migrate YourBeanstalkRepoName NOTGIT
REM If you include GITONLY it does the rest of the process ( note, you must be inside the checked out folder if you only run one half of the process and then this half )
REM E.g. Migrate YourBeanstalkRepoName GITONLY
REM The following command is useful for finding any files over 100MB which you can manually remove in the middle of the process by using the previous two attributes.
REM forfiles /S /M * /C "cmd /c if @fsize GEQ 104857600 echo @path"
if "%2" =="GITONLY" goto uploadtogithub
if not exist %1 goto createdir
echo -- Checking to see if the folder is empty
dir /b /a "%1\*" | >nul findstr "^" && (goto foldernotempty) || (goto checkoutsvn)
echo Files already exist, please clear the "%1" directory and re-run the script
goto end
echo -- Creating a new %1 directory
mkdir %1
echo -- Checking out the %1 SVN solution
echo on
svn checkout "" "c:\Development\svnMigrations\%1" --username YOURBEANSTALKUSERNAME --password YOURBEANSTALKPASSWORD
if "%2" =="NOGIT" goto end
cd "c:\Development\svnMigrations\%1"
echo "%1" >>
echo -- Removing any .svn folders so they are not added to GitHub
for /d /r . %%d in (.svn) do @if exist "%%d" rd /s /q "%%d"
git init
git add *
git commit -m "Migrating the %1 Repo from Beanstalk"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
cd ..
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