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Magento2 Fakes implementation built step by step to support our tests. (Context:
namespace Terrang\Fluxs\Test\Fake\Repository;
use Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException;
class FakeAddressRepository implements \Magento\Customer\Api\AddressRepositoryInterface
private $db = [];
public function save(\Magento\Customer\Api\Data\AddressInterface $address)
$this->db[$address->getId()] = $address;
public function getById($addressId)
if (!array_key_exists($addressId, $this->db)) {
throw NoSuchEntityException::singleField('addressId', $addressId);
return $this->db[$addressId];
public function getList(\Magento\Framework\Api\SearchCriteriaInterface $searchCriteria)
// TODO: Implement search filters
return $this->db;
public function delete(\Magento\Customer\Api\Data\AddressInterface $address)
return $this->deleteById($address->getId());
public function deleteById($addressId)
$found = false;
if (array_key_exists($addressId, $this->db)) {
$found = true;
return $found;
namespace Terrang\Fluxs\Test\Fake;
class FakeCollection extends FakeDb
public function __construct() {
public function getTable($table) {}
public function setEntity($entity) {}
public function getEntity() {}
public function getResource() {}
public function setObject($object = null) {
return $this;
public function addItem(\Magento\Framework\DataObject $object) {
return parent::_addItem($object);
public function getAttribute($attributeCode) {}
public function addAttributeToFilter($attribute, $condition = null, $joinType = 'inner') {
$this->addFieldToFilter($attribute, $condition);
return $this;
public function addFieldToFilter($attribute, $condition = null) {
$this->_filters[] = compact('attribute', 'condition');
return $this;
public function addAttributeToSort($attribute, $dir = self::SORT_ORDER_ASC) {
return $this;
public function addAttributeToSelect($attribute, $joinType = false) {
return $this;
public function addEntityTypeToSelect($entityType, $prefix) {
return $this;
public function addStaticField($field) {
return $this;
public function addExpressionAttributeToSelect($alias, $expression, $attribute) {
return $this;
public function groupByAttribute($attribute) {
return $this;
public function joinAttribute($alias, $attribute, $bind, $filter = null, $joinType = 'inner', $storeId = null) {
return $this;
public function joinField($alias, $table, $field, $bind, $cond = null, $joinType = 'inner') {
return $this;
public function joinTable($table, $bind, $fields = null, $cond = null, $joinType = 'inner') {
return $this;
public function removeAttributeToSelect($attribute = null) {
return $this;
public function setPage($pageNum, $pageSize) {
$this->_curPage = $pageNum;
$this->_pageSize = $pageSize;
return $this;
public function load($printQuery = false, $logQuery = false) {
if ($this->_pageSize) {
$startIndex = $this->_pageSize * ($this->_curPage - 1);
$this->_items = array_slice($this->_items, $startIndex, $this->_pageSize);
return $this;
public function getAllIds($limit = null, $offset = null) {}
public function getAllIdsSql() {}
public function save() {
return $this;
public function delete() {
return $this;
public function exportToArray() {
return $this->_items;
public function getRowIdFieldName() {}
public function getIdFieldName() {}
public function setRowIdFieldName($fieldName) {
return $this;
public function _loadEntities($printQuery = false, $logQuery = false) {
return $this;
public function _loadAttributes($printQuery = false, $logQuery = false) {
return $this;
public function setOrder($attribute, $dir = self::SORT_ORDER_ASC) {
return $this;
public function toArray($arrAttributes = []) {
return parent::toArray($arrAttributes);
public function getLoadedIds() {}
public function clear() {
return parent::clear();
public function removeAllItems() {
return $this;
public function removeItemByKey($key) {
return $this;
public function getMainTable() {}
public function addFieldToSelect($field, $alias = null) {
return $this;
public function removeFieldFromSelect($field) {
return $this;
public function removeAllFieldsFromSelect() {
return $this;
namespace Terrang\Fluxs\Test\Fake;
use Magento\Framework\Api\ExtensionAttribute\JoinDataInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Api\ExtensionAttribute\JoinProcessorInterface;
* Overrides all public method of the AbstractDB
* to provide a simple in memory implementation
* for use in tests
* @package Terrang\Fluxs\Test\Fake
class FakeDb extends \Magento\Framework\Data\Collection\AbstractDb
* In memory database content
* Almost the same than _items but in case of pagination items will
* be a slice of it
* @var array
protected $__db;
public function __construct() {
public function populateWith(array $items)
$this->__db = $items;
$this->_items = $items;
public function getResource() {}
public function addBindParam($name, $value) {}
public function getIdFieldName() {}
public function setConnection(\Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\AdapterInterface $conn) {}
public function getSelect() {}
public function getConnection() {}
public function getSize() {
return count($this->_items);
public function getSelectCountSql() {}
public function getSelectSql($stringMode = false) {}
public function setOrder($field, $direction = self::SORT_ORDER_DESC) {}
public function addOrder($field, $direction = self::SORT_ORDER_DESC) {}
public function unshiftOrder($field, $direction = self::SORT_ORDER_DESC) {}
public function addFieldToFilter($field, $condition = null) {}
public function distinct($flag) {}
public function load($printQuery = false, $logQuery = false) {
$this->_items = array_reduce($this->_filters, [$this, 'applyFilter'], $this->__db);
return $this;
public function loadWithFilter($printQuery = false, $logQuery = false) {}
public function fetchItem() {}
public function getData() {}
public function resetData() {}
public function loadData($printQuery = false, $logQuery = false) {}
public function printLogQuery($printQuery = false, $logQuery = false, $sql = null) {}
public function addFilterToMap($filter, $alias, $group = 'fields') {}
public function __clone() {}
public function joinExtensionAttribute(JoinDataInterface $join, JoinProcessorInterface $extensionAttributesJoinProcessor) {}
public function getItemObjectClass() {}
public function __sleep() {}
public function __wakeup() {}
private function applyFilter(array $data, array $filter)
$conditionMatcher = $this->makeConditionMatcher($filter['condition']);
$attribute = $filter['attribute'];
return array_values(array_filter($data, function (\Magento\Framework\DataObject $row) use ($attribute, $conditionMatcher) {
return $conditionMatcher($row->getData($attribute));
private function makeConditionMatcher($condition)
$trueMatcher = function ($value) {
return true;
$inMatcher = function ($allowedValues) {
return function($value) use ($allowedValues) {
return in_array($value, $allowedValues);
if (!empty($condition['in'])) {
return $inMatcher($condition['in']);
return $trueMatcher;
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