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Last active March 4, 2020 15:03
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Save realazthat/1eba733ab5cf3ae5fe2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
\title{Memory Access Coalescing}
\tikzset{goodaccess/.style={minimum size=.8cm,
line width=1mm,
rounded corners,
\tikzset{thread/.style={-triangle 90, draw=blue,
line width=1mm,decorate,
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\tikzset{accessarrow/.style={triangle 90-triangle 90,
line width=1.2mm}}
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[evaluate=\i as \x using int(\i*2)]
in {1,...,\memorywords}
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\foreach \i
[evaluate=\i as \x using int(\xnode * 2)]
[evaluate=\i as \xend using int((\xnode * 2)+\groupsize)]
in {0}
\draw[dashed,line width=2mm,color=black,rounded corners]
(\x cm,-1 cm) rectangle (\xend cm,3 cm);
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\node at (13,-5.7) (goodTD) {};
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\draw[thread] (goodTC) -- ++(0,-4) node (goodTCend) {};
\draw[thread] (goodTD) -- ++(0,-4) node (goodTDend) {};
\node[goodaccess] at (11,1){};
\node[goodaccess] at (13,1){};
\node[goodaccess] at (15,1){};
\node[goodaccess] at (17,1){};
\path[name path=underline] (0,-.5) -- (43,-.5);
\path[name path =linea] ([yshift=.3cm] -- (11,1);
\path[name path =lineb] ([yshift=.3cm] -- (13,1);
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name intersections={of=linea and underline}]
([yshift=.3cm] -- (intersection-1);
name intersections={of=lineb and underline}]
([yshift=.3cm] -- (intersection-1);
name intersections={of=linec and underline}]
([yshift=.3cm] -- (intersection-1);
name intersections={of=lined and underline}]
([yshift=.3cm] -- (intersection-1);
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([yshift=-1 cm,xshift=-2cm]
-- ([yshift=-1 cm,xshift=2cm]
node[midway, color=blue, below, font=\footnotesize, yshift=0em,scale=3]
\node at(18,-5.7) (badTA) {};
\node at(19,-5.7) (badTB) {};
\node at(20,-5.7) (badTC) {};
\node at(21,-5.7) (badTD) {};
\draw[thread] (badTA) -- ++(0,-4) node (badTAend){};
\draw[thread] (badTB) -- ++(0,-4) node (badTBend){};
\draw[thread] (badTC) -- ++(0,-4) node (badTCend){};
\draw[thread] (badTD) -- ++(0,-4) node (badTDend){};
\node[goodaccess] at (19,1){};
\node[goodaccess] at (23,1){};
\node[goodaccess] at (27,1){};
\node[goodaccess] at (31,1){};
\path[name path =linea] ([yshift=.3cm] -- (19,1);
\path[name path =lineb] ([yshift=.3cm] -- (23,1);
\path[name path =linec] ([yshift=.3cm] -- (27,1);
\path[name path =lined] ([yshift=.3cm] -- (31,1);
name intersections={of=linea and underline}]
([yshift=.3cm] -- (intersection-1);
name intersections={of=lineb and underline}]
([yshift=.3cm] -- (intersection-1);
name intersections={of=linec and underline}]
([yshift=.3cm] -- (intersection-1);
name intersections={of=lined and underline}]
([yshift=.3cm] -- (intersection-1);
\draw[line width=1mm]
([yshift=-1 cm,xshift=-2 cm]
-- ([yshift=-1 cm,xshift=2 cm]
node[midway, color=blue, below, font=\footnotesize, yshift=0em,scale=3]
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\path[] \pagerect;
\path[] \pagerect;
\path[] \pagerect;
\path[] \pagerect;
\path[] \pagerect;
\path[] \pagerect;
\path[] \pagerect;
\title{Memory Coalescing}
\tikzset{allocated/.style={line width=1mm,rounded corners,
fill=gray,fill opacity=.4}}
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fill=gray,fill opacity=.1}}
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\node at (6,1) {Allocated};
\draw[allocated] (4,0) rectangle (8,2);
\node at (10,1) {Allocated};
\draw[allocated] (8,0) rectangle (12,2);
\node at (14,1) {Allocated};
\draw[allocated] (12,0) rectangle (16,2);
\node at (2,1) {Allocated};
\draw[allocated] (0,0) rectangle (4,2);
\node at (6,1) {Unallocated};
\draw[unallocated] (4,0) rectangle (8,2);
\node at (10,1) {Allocated};
\draw[allocated] (8,0) rectangle (12,2);
\node at (14,1) {Allocated};
\draw[allocated] (12,0) rectangle (16,2);
\node at (2,1) {Allocated};
\draw[allocated] (0,0) rectangle (4,2);
\draw[unallocated] (4,0) rectangle (8,2);
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\draw[unallocated] (8,0) rectangle (12,2);
\node at (10,1) {Unallocated};
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\node at (2,1) {Allocated};
\draw[allocated] (0,0) rectangle (4,2);
\draw[unallocated] (4,0) rectangle (12,2);
\node at (8,1) {Unallocated};
\node at (14,1) {Allocated};
\draw[allocated] (12,0) rectangle (16,2);
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