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Created September 11, 2017 05:25
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Perl interface to
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use URI;
use Math::Round;
### Set these
my $auth_data = { 'username' => 'user',
'password' => 'password' };
my $message_data = { 'from' => '07777777777', # Where the message should appear to have come from
'message' => 'test message', # What the message should be
'maxsplit' => 3, # Maximum number of message credits to use per destination
'delay' => 3, # How many minutes from now the message should be sent
my $cost_per_message = 2.2;
my $to = ['07123456789', '07321654987'];
### Don't change this
my $uri = URI->new("");
my $api_doc = "";
my $max_message_length = 765;
my $max_maxsplit = 5;
my $message_split_point = 153;
my $max_single_message_length = 160;
### Main
# Set up our browser object
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
# Check our inputs are OK
unless(length($message_data->{'message'}) <= $max_message_length)
print STDERR "Message too long. Maximum permitted length is $max_message_length. See $api_doc\n";
exit 1;
unless($message_data->{'maxsplit'} <= $max_maxsplit)
print STDERR "Maxsplit is too high. Maximum number of splits is $max_maxsplit, See $api_doc\n";
exit 2;
# Work out how many messages we are going to send
print "Message length: ".length($message_data->{'message'})."\n";
my $messages_per_destination;
if(length($message_data->{'message'}) <= 160)
$messages_per_destination = 1;
my $remaining_chars = length($message_data->{'message'});
while($remaining_chars > 0)
$remaining_chars -= $message_split_point;
print "Sending $messages_per_destination per destination\n";
unless($messages_per_destination <= $message_data->{'maxsplit'})
print STDERR "Message is too long for your maxsplit setting. This message would split into $messages_per_destination messages, but your maxsplit is set to ".$message_data->{'maxsplit'}."\n";
exit 3;
my $total_messages = scalar(@$to) * $messages_per_destination;
print "Sending $total_messages in total, at a cost of ".$total_messages * $cost_per_message."p\n";
# Work out if we have enough credits for the messages we want to send
my $balance;
my $call_data = { %$auth_data, ('action' => 'balance') }; # Merge the action params with the authentication params
my $response = $ua->post($uri, $call_data); # Call the SMS service
my ($result, $message) = split(/:/, $response->decoded_content); # Split out the colon-separated response
if($response->is_success && $result =~ /^OK$/) # If we got back an HTTP 200 and the result in the response data was 'OK',
{ # our message was sent
print "Balance: $message\n";
$balance = $message;
else # Something went wrong
print STDERR "Failed to get account balance\n";
print STDERR "Response was: $result, Error: $message, HTTP result: ".$response->status_line;
exit 4;
if($balance < $total_messages)
print STDERR "Insufficient message credits in account to send these messages\n";
exit 5;
# Send the messages
my $results = []; # Store the results in here in case you want them later
foreach my $destination (@$to)
$message_data->{'to'} = $destination; # Set the destination for this message in the params to the call
my $call_data = { %$auth_data, %$message_data }; # Merge the message params with the authentication params
my $response = $ua->post($uri, $call_data); # Call the SMS service
my ($result, $attempted_destination, $ref) = split(/:/, $response->decoded_content); # Split out the colon-separated response
chomp $ref; # Eliminate the bonus newline that gets put into ref
if($response->is_success && $result =~ /^OK$/) # If we got back an HTTP 200 and the result in the response data was 'OK',
{ # our message was sent
print "$destination: $result, reference $ref\n";
push(@$results, { 'destination' => $destination, 'result' => 1, message => undef });
else # Probably didn't get sent
my $msg = "$result, Error: $ref, HTTP result: ".$response->status_line;
print STDERR "$destination: $msg\n";
push(@$results, { 'destination' => $destination, 'result' => 0, message => $msg });
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