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Created July 24, 2023 14:15
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import asyncio
import qtinter
import ipaddress
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
class ExportPayloadDialog( QObject ):
Creates a dialog for exporting a payload.
resetup_dialog = pyqtSignal();
def __init__( self, parent, rpc_object ):
Sets up the user interface and signals.
super( QObject, self ).__init__( parent );
# set the rpc object
self.rpccli = rpc_object
# Force all labels to be vertically placed downwards
layout_labels = QVBoxLayout();
layout_labels.addWidget( QLabel( 'IPv4 Address' ) )
layout_labels.addWidget( QLabel( 'x64' ) )
layout_labels.addWidget( QLabel( 'Sleep Time' ) )
layout_labels.addWidget( QLabel( 'Chunk Size' ) )
layout_labels.addWidget( QLabel( 'Kill Date' ) )
layout_labels.setSpacing( 6 );
# Force all inputs to be vertically placed downwards
layout_inputs = QVBoxLayout();
# address for filling in the IPv4 address
self.ipv4_address = QLineEdit();
self.ipv4_address.setPlaceholderText( 'e.g.' )
# is this an x64 arch or is it x86?
self.is_arch_64 = QCheckBox();
# Sleep time. Max 24 hours or less
self.sleep_time = QSpinBox();
self.sleep_time.setRange( 1000, 86400000 );
# set allows us to configure the chunk size
self.chunk_size = QSpinBox();
self.chunk_size.setRange( 100, 1400 );
# set the kill date to kill the agent
self.kill_date = QDateEdit();
layout_inputs.addWidget( self.ipv4_address );
layout_inputs.addWidget( self.is_arch_64 );
layout_inputs.addWidget( self.sleep_time );
layout_inputs.addWidget( self.chunk_size );
layout_inputs.addWidget( self.kill_date );
layout_inputs.setSpacing( 6 );
# create the labels next to the inputs!
layout_labels_inputs = QHBoxLayout();
layout_labels_inputs.addLayout( layout_labels );
layout_labels_inputs.addLayout( layout_inputs );
layout_labels_inputs.setSpacing( 6 );
# create the button and the spacer
layout_spacer_button = QHBoxLayout();
spacer = QSpacerItem( 40, 20, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum );
self.generate_button = QPushButton( "Generate" );
self.generate_button.clicked.connect( self._generate );
self.generate_button.setEnabled( False );
layout_spacer_button.addItem( spacer );
layout_spacer_button.addWidget( self.generate_button );
layout_spacer_button.setSpacing( 6 );
# create a vertical layout to hold the labels/inputs + line + spacer/button
layout_form = QVBoxLayout();
layout_form.addLayout( layout_labels_inputs );
layout_form.addLayout( layout_spacer_button );
layout_form.setSpacing( 6 );
# create the output dialog
layout_dialog = QGridLayout();
layout_dialog.addLayout( layout_form, 0, 0, 1, 1 );
layout_dialog.setSpacing( 6 );
# set the layout
parent.setLayout( layout_dialog );
# set the title
parent.setWindowTitle( 'Payload Configuration' );
# resize the window
parent.resize( 480, 167 );
# set the dialog
self.dialog = parent
# connect the resetup signal to resetup
self.resetup_dialog.connect( self._resetup );
# is this lock set?
self.lock = asyncio.Lock();
# a timer for checking if the input is filled in
self.timer = QTimer();
self.timer.setInterval( 100 );
self.timer.timeout.connect( self._validate_input );
def reset( self ):
Emits the signal to recreate the user interface.
def _validate_ipv4_address( self ):
Validates the IPv4 address and returns true on whether it succeeded.
# the buffer was not filled at all!
if self.ipv4_address.text() == '':
return False
# has a text valud within the widget
# is this an IPv4 address that was passed?
ipaddress.ip_address( self.ipv4_address.text() );
# return true
return True
except ValueError:
# No address was passed
return False
async def _validate_input( self ):
Checks the input of each required variable and enables the button
if all the fields are properly validated.
# Is this lock set currently?
if not self.lock.locked():
# Attempt to get the lock
async with self.lock:
# Is the IPv4 address filled in?
if self._validate_ipv4_address():
# set the button as enabled
self.generate_button.setEnabled( True );
# set the button as disabled
self.generate_button.setEnabled( False );
async def _resetup( self ):
Regenerages a already generated user interface and resets it up!
# attempt to get the lock
async with self.lock:
# close and refrence the ui!
self.dialog.resize( 480, 167 );
# clear all the values
self.is_arch_64.setChecked( True );
self.sleep_time.setValue( 1000 );
self.chunk_size.setValue( 100 );
# disable the button
self.generate_button.setEnabled( False );
# reshow the user interface;
async def _generate( self ):
A user has requested to generate a payload. We ask the teamserver to send us an
exported payload
# attempt to get the lock
async with self.lock:
# close the dialog
# export a payload and save it to the disk if we can
shell_code = await self.rpccli.export_payload( self.ipv4_address.text(), self.is_arch_64.isChecked(), self.sleep_time.value() );
# do we have a buffer available
if shell_code:
# save it to the disk so that we can do shit with it.
path_to_file, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self.dialog, "Save Payload", "", "Binary Files (*.bin)", options = QFileDialog.Options() | QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog );
# Did we get a file path?
if path_to_file:
# save the path to the file!
with open( path_to_file, 'wb+' ) as open_file:
# write the shellcode!
open_file.write( shell_code );
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