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Created September 15, 2023 14:32
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Example elements for displaying information back to the client and right-click-opt
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import PyQt5
import qtinter
import asyncio
class AgentProcListTab( PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget ):
Tasks the specified agent with requesting a process listing against the
specified agent and executes the rendered results.
COLUMN_NAMES = [ "Process", "Session ID", "PID", "PPID", "Username" ]
def __init__( self, ghost, agent_id ):
super( PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget, self ).__init__( ghost );
# set the ghost object
self.ghost = ghost
# set the agent ID
self.agent_id = agent_id
# Set the primary layout
self.layout = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout();
# Process table for displaying the process information
self.process_table = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableWidget();
self.process_table.setShowGrid( False );
self.process_table.setFocusPolicy( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.NoFocus );
self.process_table.setSelectionBehavior( PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableView.SelectRows );
self.process_table.setSelectionMode( PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableView.SingleSelection );
self.process_table.setRowCount( 0 );
self.process_table.setColumnCount( self.COLUMN_COUNT );
self.process_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( self.COLUMN_NAMES );
self.process_table.verticalHeader().setVisible( False );
self.process_table.horizontalHeader().setHighlightSections( False );
# Loop through each column
for i in range( 0, self.COLUMN_COUNT ):
# Request that the column be stretched to fit the table view
self.process_table.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode( i, PyQt5.QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch )
# Setup a one-time startup timer to request the results!
self.startup_event = PyQt5.QtCore.QTimer()
self.startup_event.setSingleShot( True );
self.startup_event.setInterval( 0 );
self.startup_event.timeout.connect( self._start_event_cb );
# Ad the table to the primary layout
self.layout.addWidget( self.process_table );
# Set the primary layout
self.setLayout( self.layout );
async def parse_proc_list( self, proc_list ):
Parses a list of process information dict and renders it within a table.
# Reset the table
self.process_table.setRowCount( 0 );
# Loops through each process
for proc in proc_list:
# Updates the row count with one more row
self.process_table.setRowCount( self.process_table.rowCount() + 1 );
# Column: "Process"
item = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( f'{proc[ "process" ]}' );
item.setTextAlignment( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter );
item.setFlags( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled );
self.process_table.setItem( self.process_table.rowCount() - 1, 0, item );
# Column: "Session ID"
item = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( f'{proc[ "session_id" ]}' );
item.setTextAlignment( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter );
item.setFlags( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled );
self.process_table.setItem( self.process_table.rowCount() - 1, 1, item );
# Column: "PID"
item = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( f'{proc[ "pid" ]}' );
item.setTextAlignment( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter );
item.setFlags( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled );
self.process_table.setItem( self.process_table.rowCount() - 1, 2, item );
# Column: "PPID"
item = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( f'{proc[ "ppid" ]}' );
item.setTextAlignment( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter );
item.setFlags( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled );
self.process_table.setItem( self.process_table.rowCount() - 1, 3, item );
# Column: "Username"
item = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( f'{proc[ "username" ]}' );
item.setTextAlignment( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter );
item.setFlags( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled );
self.process_table.setItem( self.process_table.rowCount() - 1, 4, item );
async def _start_event_cb( self ):
Requests a process listing from the specified agent on tab creation. Further
queries are handled via a "refresh" of the results.
# Request a process listing callback to this specified ID
await self.ghost.rpc.agent_proc_list( self.agent_id, ( await self.ghost.tab_widget.tab_get_id_from_object( self ) ) );
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import PyQt5
import asyncio
import qtinter
# Option Functionality
from lib.ui.tabs import agent_proc_list_tab
class AgentsWidget( PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget ):
A 'core' display within the ghost application view. Intended
to display all the active agents and their status, as well
as the information about them.
Furthermore, its a core widget for performing actions on the
widgets with the mouse.
Provides functionality to interact with a pseudo-console,
perform LDAP queries, and bulk interaction with multiple
COLUMN_NAMES = [ "ID", "OS", "Process", "PID", "PPID", "Username" ]
def __init__( self, ghost ):
# init the widget from the ghost object
super( PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget, self ).__init__( ghost );
# set the ghost 'object' for performing most base operations
self.ghost = ghost
# create the primary layout for this widget
self.layout = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout();
# List of agents in the database
self.agents = []
# create the table to display the agents
self.agent_table = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableWidget();
self.agent_table.setShowGrid( False );
self.agent_table.setFocusPolicy( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.NoFocus );
self.agent_table.setSelectionBehavior( PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableView.SelectRows );
self.agent_table.setSelectionMode( PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableView.SingleSelection );
self.agent_table.setRowCount( 0 );
self.agent_table.setColumnCount( self.COLUMN_COUNT );
self.agent_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( self.COLUMN_NAMES );
self.agent_table.verticalHeader().setVisible( False );
self.agent_table.horizontalHeader().setHighlightSections( False );
self.agent_table.setContextMenuPolicy( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu );
self.agent_table.customContextMenuRequested.connect( self._context_menu_requested );
# Menu: "Options". A collection of options that can be used to task or request information
# about the specific agent
self.agent_option_menu = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMenu()
# Menu: "Options". Action: "Process List"
self.agent_option_menu_action_process_list = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction( 'Process List' );
self.agent_option_menu_action_process_list.triggered.connect( lambda: self._menu_agent_option_action_process_list( self.agent_table.selectionModel().selectedRows()[0].row() ) );
self.agent_option_menu.addAction( self.agent_option_menu_action_process_list );
# Loop through each column
for i in range( 0, self.COLUMN_COUNT ):
# Request that the column be stretched to fit the table view
self.agent_table.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode( i, PyQt5.QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch );
# add the table to the primary layout
self.layout.addWidget( self.agent_table );
# Lock for monitoring agents callback
self.monitor_agent_lock = asyncio.Lock();
# create the async queue for monitoring agents
self.monitor_agent = PyQt5.QtCore.QTimer();
self.monitor_agent.setInterval( 100 );
self.monitor_agent.timeout.connect( self._monitor_agents );
# set the layout for this layout
self.setLayout( self.layout );
async def agent_table_get_id_by_row( self, agent_row ):
Returns the agent ID based on its row number.
# Returns an integer representing the ID of the agent
return int( self.agent_table.item( agent_row, self.COLUMN_NAMES.index( "ID" ) ).text() )
async def _menu_agent_option_action_process_list( self, agent_row ):
Requests that the agent perform a process listing.
# Extract the agent ID from the row
agent_id = await self.agent_table_get_id_by_row( agent_row );
# Create the new tab
await self.ghost.tab_widget.tab_add( agent_proc_list_tab.AgentProcListTab( self.ghost, agent_id ), f'[{agent_id}] Process Listing', True );
async def _context_menu_requested( self, pos ):
A custom menu called when the user right clicks on a row.
# Was one row selected? Then we can open a few options for that specific agent
if len( self.agent_table.selectionModel().selectedRows() ) == 1:
# Trigger the menu @ the position we were passed
self.agent_option_menu.popup( PyQt5.QtGui.QCursor.pos() );
async def _monitor_agents_add( self, agent_info : dict ):
Adds an agent to the table.
# Updates the row count with one more row
self.agent_table.setRowCount( self.agent_table.rowCount() + 1 );
# Column: "ID"
item = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( f'{agent_info[ "id" ]}' );
item.setTextAlignment( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter );
item.setFlags( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled );
self.agent_table.setItem( self.agent_table.rowCount() - 1, 0, item );
# Column: "OS"
item = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( f'{agent_info[ "os_major" ]}.{agent_info[ "os_minor" ]}.{agent_info[ "os_build" ]}' );
item.setTextAlignment( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter );
item.setFlags( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled );
self.agent_table.setItem( self.agent_table.rowCount() - 1, 1, item );
# Column: "Process"
item = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( f'{agent_info[ "process" ]}' );
item.setTextAlignment( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter );
item.setFlags( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled );
self.agent_table.setItem( self.agent_table.rowCount() - 1, 2, item );
# Column: "PID"
item = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( f'{agent_info[ "pid" ]}' );
item.setTextAlignment( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter );
item.setFlags( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled );
self.agent_table.setItem( self.agent_table.rowCount() - 1, 3, item );
# Column: "PPID"
item = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( f'{agent_info[ "ppid" ]}' );
item.setTextAlignment( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter );
item.setFlags( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled );
self.agent_table.setItem( self.agent_table.rowCount() - 1, 4, item );
# Column: "Username"
item = PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( f'{agent_info[ "domain" ]}\\{agent_info[ "username" ]}' );
item.setTextAlignment( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter );
item.setFlags( PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled );
self.agent_table.setItem( self.agent_table.rowCount() - 1, 5, item );
async def _monitor_agents( self ):
Monitors for new agents and updates the table with their information.
# Is there a callback not running at the moment?
if not self.monitor_agent_lock.locked():
# Lock access to the agent resource
async with self.monitor_agent_lock:
# Query the list of the agents!
agent_list = await self.ghost.rpc.teamserver_agent_list_get();
# Loop through every that hasnt been added yet!
for agent in [ agent for agent in agent_list if agent[ 'id' ] not in self.agents ]:
# Add the entry to the list!
self.agents.append( agent[ 'id' ] );
# Add the entry to the table!
await self._monitor_agents_add( agent );
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