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Last active March 3, 2018 20:09
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Provides the class ReferenceHelper with which one can simply open the documentation to a bash command through calling `helper.[commandyousearch]`
open System
open System.Net
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open System.Collections.Generic
// Learn more about F# at See the 'F# Tutorial' "project"
// for more guidance on F# programming.
module Option =
let inline defaultMap value f option = match option with | None -> value | Some value -> f value
module Result =
let inline isOk v =
match v with
| Ok _ -> true
| _ -> false
let inline getOk value =
match value with
| Ok value -> value
| _ -> invalidArg "value" "isn't case Result.Ok"
open System.IO
type ParserState<'a> =
| Valid of 'a
| Invalid
| End
type UrlKind =
| Valid of string
| Invalid of string
let inline read parser =
let rec readIn results =
let res = Console.ReadLine() |> parser
match res with
| Valid value -> results @ [value] |> readIn
| Invalid -> results |> readIn
| End -> results
readIn []
let commands () =
let word = Regex("[a-zA-Z]+")
let parser str =
if word.IsMatch str then Valid str
elif String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace str then End
else Invalid
read parser
|> List.toArray
let inline (+++) b a =
a |> Array.append b
let getCommandReferencePages (cmds:string array option) =
let commands = Option.defaultWith commands cmds
// "echo"
// "ln"
// "mv"
// "cat"
// "cal"
// "df"
// "w"
// "id"
// "last"
// "uptime"
// "date"
// "top"
// "uname"
// "pwd"
// "ls"
// "cd"
// "dir"
// "more"
// "less"
// "mkdir"
// "chmod"
// "mount"
// "du"
let referencePages =
let verifyURL checkContent url =
printfn "%s" url
let webrequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create url
webrequest.Timeout <- 2000
webrequest.Method <- "HEAD"
let success =
use response = (webrequest.GetResponse() :?> System.Net.HttpWebResponse)
let res = response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK
if res then
let client = new WebClient()
use s = client.OpenRead(url)
use reader = new StreamReader(s)
let content = reader.ReadToEnd()
if checkContent content then true
else false
with _ -> false
if success then Some url
else None
let urls =
[| for i in 1..8 -> sprintf "" i, "", fun _ -> true |]
[| "", ".html", fun _ -> true
"", "#NAME", fun (content:string) -> content.Contains "No results found." |> not || content |> String.IsNullOrEmpty |]
[| let namespaces = [| "System."; "System.Net."; "System.Reflection."; ""|]
for str in namespaces ->
sprintf "" str, "?view=netcore-2.0", fun _ -> true |]
let testOnUrls cmd =
|> Array.Parallel.choose (fun (url, ending, checker) -> url + cmd + ending |> verifyURL checker)
|> testOnUrls
|> Array.filter(fun (_, r) -> r |> Array.length > 0)
let tryOpenPage (reference:'a when 'a :> IDictionary<string,string array>) cmd =
reference.[cmd] |> Array.head |> System.Diagnostics.Process.Start |> ignore
type ReferenceHelper(cmds:string array) =
let getCommandReferencePagesAdjusted cmds =
let res = getCommandReferencePages (Some cmds)
match res with
| [||] -> Map.empty
| r -> Map.ofArray r
let reference = getCommandReferencePagesAdjusted cmds |> Dictionary
member __.AddCmd cmd =
let res = getCommandReferencePagesAdjusted [| cmd |] |> Map.toArray
if res.Length > 0 then
for key, value in res do reference.[key] <- value
else false
member self.Item(``command or class name``) =
if reference.ContainsKey ``command or class name`` then
tryOpenPage reference ``command or class name``
if self.AddCmd ``command or class name`` then
self.[``command or class name``]
else ArgumentException("command or class name", "This isn't a valid unix command or .NET class!") |> raise
let helper = ReferenceHelper([| "mv" |])
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