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Last active November 22, 2020 18:00
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Snake implementation in F#
module Elmish.Snake
Timer as a source of events with an SVG clock, by Zaid Ajaj.
You can find more info about Emish architecture and samples at
open System
open Fable.Import
open Fable.Helpers.React
open Fable.Helpers.React.Props
open Elmish
open Elmish.React
open Fable.Import.Browser
type SVG = SVGAttr
let screenWidth = 20
let screenHeight = 20
type Position = {
type Direction =
| Up
| Down
| Left
| Right
type InGameModel = {
snakeParts: Position list
food: Position
direction: Direction
oldDirection: Direction
type GameState =
| GameOver
| GameIsRunning of InGameModel
type UserInteraction =
| KeyUp
| KeyDown
| KeyLeft
| KeyRight
type Msg =
| Input of UserInteraction
| TimeElapsed
type Collision =
| Wall
| Food of newFoodPosition:Position
| Tail of remainingSnakeParts:Position list
let getTranslationFromDirection direction =
match direction with
| Up -> 0, -1
| Down -> 0, 1
| Left -> -1, 0
| Right -> 1, 0
let getInvertedDirection direction =
match direction with
| Up -> Down
| Left -> Right
| Down -> Up
| Right -> Left
let random = new System.Random()
let tryGetCollision model =
let head = model.snakeParts |> List.head
// Yummy food!
if head.X = &&
head.Y = then
{ X = random.Next(screenWidth)
Y = random.Next(screenHeight)}
|> Collision.Food
|> Some
// We're biting us!
let possibleBitingPoint =
|> List.tail
|> List.tryFindIndex(fun e -> e.X = head.X && e.Y = head.Y)
match possibleBitingPoint with
| Some index ->
|> List.take index
|> Collision.Tail
|> Some
| None ->
if head.X <= 0 ||
head.Y <= 0 ||
head.Y >= screenHeight ||
head.X >= screenWidth then
|> Some
let initialModel =
{ snakeParts = [for i in 0..5 -> {X = 5; Y = 5 + i}]
direction = Up
food = {X = 10; Y = 10}
oldDirection = Up }
|> GameIsRunning
let update msg gameState =
match gameState with
| GameIsRunning(model) ->
match msg with
| Input userInteraction ->
let isValidNewDirection oldDirection newDirection =
match oldDirection, newDirection with
| Up, Down
| Down, Up
| Right, Left
| Left, Right -> false
| _ -> true
let newDirection =
match userInteraction with
| KeyUp -> Up
| KeyDown -> Down
| KeyLeft -> Left
| KeyRight -> Right
if isValidNewDirection model.oldDirection newDirection then
{ model with direction = newDirection }
|> GameIsRunning
| TimeElapsed ->
let currentDirection = model.direction
let oldDirection = model.direction
let newSnakePartsPositions =
let remainingParts =
|> List.rev
|> List.tail
|> List.rev
let xPlus, yPlus =
|> getTranslationFromDirection
let oldHead =
|> List.head
let newHead =
{ X = oldHead.X + xPlus
Y = oldHead.Y + yPlus }
newHead :: remainingParts
// Collision detection
let preCollisionModel =
{ model with
snakeParts = newSnakePartsPositions
direction = currentDirection
oldDirection = currentDirection }
match tryGetCollision preCollisionModel with
| Some collision ->
match collision with
| Wall -> GameOver
| Food newFoodPosition ->
let lastElement =
let defaultLastElement () =
let newHead =
|> List.head
let xPlus, yPlus =
|> getInvertedDirection
|> getTranslationFromDirection
{ X = newHead.X + xPlus
Y = newHead.Y + yPlus }
|> List.rev
|> List.tryHead
|> (function | Some a -> a | None -> defaultLastElement ())
{ preCollisionModel with
snakeParts = [lastElement] |> List.append preCollisionModel.snakeParts
food = newFoodPosition }
|> GameIsRunning
| Tail remainingSnakeParts ->
{ preCollisionModel with
snakeParts = remainingSnakeParts }
|> GameIsRunning
| None ->
|> GameIsRunning
| GameOver -> GameOver
let timerTick dispatch =
Browser.window.setInterval(fun _ ->
dispatch TimeElapsed
, 500) |> ignore
let inputs dispatch =
let update (e : KeyboardEvent, pressed) =
match e.key with
| "w" -> KeyUp |> Input |> dispatch
| "a" -> KeyLeft |> Input |> dispatch
| "s" -> KeyDown |> Input |> dispatch
| "d" -> KeyRight |> Input |> dispatch
| _ -> ()
document.addEventListener("keydown", fun e -> update(e :?> _, true))
let view gameState dispatch =
let offset = 3
let realScreenWidth, realScreenHeight =
screenWidth * offset, screenHeight * offset
let color = "#000000"
let width = 1.0
match gameState with
| GameIsRunning model ->
[ ViewBox (sprintf "0 0 %d %d" realScreenHeight realScreenWidth)
SVG.Width "500px" ]
// circle [
// Cx "50"
// Cy "50"
// R "45"
// SVG.Fill "#0B79CE" ] []
// circle in the center
line [
X1 "0"
Y1 "0"
X2 realScreenWidth
Y2 "0"
// Qualify these props to avoid name collision with CSSProp
SVG.Stroke color
SVG.StrokeWidth width ] []
line [
X1 "0"
Y1 "0"
X2 "0"
Y2 realScreenHeight
// Qualify these props to avoid name collision with CSSProp
SVG.Stroke color
SVG.StrokeWidth width ] []
line [
X1 realScreenWidth
Y1 "0"
X2 realScreenWidth
Y2 realScreenHeight
// Qualify these props to avoid name collision with CSSProp
SVG.Stroke color
SVG.StrokeWidth width ] []
line [
X1 "0"
Y1 realScreenHeight
X2 realScreenWidth
Y2 realScreenHeight
// Qualify these props to avoid name collision with CSSProp
SVG.Stroke color
SVG.StrokeWidth width ] []
circle [
Cx ( * offset)
Cy ( * offset)
R "1"
SVG.Fill "#FF0000"
SVG.Stroke "#023963"
SVG.StrokeWidth 0.5 ] []
circle [
(model.snakeParts |> List.head |> fun s -> s.X * offset |> box |> Cx)
(model.snakeParts |> List.head |> fun s -> s.Y * offset |> box |> Cy)
R "2"
SVG.Fill "#0B79CE"
] []
for part in (model.snakeParts.Tail) do
circle [
(part.X * offset |> box |> Cx)
(part.Y * offset |> box |> Cy)
R "2"
SVG.Fill "#0000FF"
] []
| GameOver ->
div []
str "GAME OVER :("
// App
Program.mkProgram (fun _ -> initialModel, Cmd.none) (fun msg model -> update msg model, Cmd.none) view
|> Program.withSubscription (fun _ -> [ Cmd.ofSub timerTick; Cmd.ofSub inputs ] |> Cmd.batch)
|> Program.withReactSynchronous "elmish-app"
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