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Created August 2, 2012 23:28
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Save rebcabin/3241921 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(* This code is released into the public domain by its author, Brian \
Beckman, on 2 Aug 2012. *)
ClearAll[grid, fopts];
ClearAll[allAreRulesQ, noneAreAtomsQ];
(* A "HoldAll" version of the following, with "Unevaluated" \
everywhere, may be required. *)
noneAreAtomsQ[candidates_List] :=
And @@ (Not[AtomQ@#] & /@ candidates);
allAreRulesQ[candidates_List] :=
And @@ (With[{h = Head@#}, h === Rule || h === RuleDelayed] & /@
fopts[fcolor_, bcolor_] :=
Sequence[Frame -> All, Alignment -> Left, FrameStyle -> fcolor,
Background -> {{LightOrange, {bcolor}}}]
grid[Rule[key_, val_]] :=
Grid[{{Style[grid@key, Bold, Black], Style[grid @ val, Bold, Blue]}},
fopts[Blue, LightYellow]];
grid[RuleDelayed[key_, val_]] :=
Grid[{{Style[grid@key, Bold, Black], Style[grid @ val, Bold, Red]}},
fopts[Red, LightYellow]];
(* Put lists of non-atoms vertically and join them up, removing one \
level of nesting. *)
grid[exprs_List?noneAreAtomsQ] :=
Grid[(join@Transpose@{grid /@ exprs}),
Frame -> All, FrameStyle -> Darker[Green], Alignment -> Left,
Background -> LightGreen];
(* Put other lists vertically but DON'T join them up. *)
grid[exprs_List] :=
Grid[(Transpose@{grid /@ exprs}),
Frame -> All, FrameStyle -> Darker[Green], Alignment -> Left,
Background -> LightGreen];
grid[h_[parts___]] :=
Grid[{{Style[grid@h, Bold, Darker[Purple]]}~Join~(grid /@ {parts})},
fopts[Black, LightGreen]];
grid[any_?AtomQ] := Style[Grid[{{any}}, Alignment -> Left], Bold];
grid[any_] := Grid[{{any}}, Alignment -> Left];
(* Arbitrarily choose the first of multiple option tails z1, z2, ... \
. *)
join[{{Grid[{xs__}, z1___]}, {Grid[{ys__}, z2___]}}] := {{Grid[{xs,
ys}, z1]}};
join[{{Grid[{xs__}, z1___]}, {Grid[{ys__}, z2___]}, k__}] :=
join[{{Grid[{xs, ys}, z1]}, k}];
join[{{Grid[xs___]}}] := {{Grid[xs]}};
join[{{Style[Grid[{xs__}, z1___], sty1___]}, {Style[
Grid[{ys__}, z2___], sty2___]}}] := {{Style[Grid[{xs, ys}, z1],
join[{{Style[Grid[{xs__}, z1___], sty1___]}, {Style[
Grid[{ys__}, z2___], sty2___]}, k__}] :=
join[{{Style[Grid[{xs, ys}, z1], sty1]}, k}];
join[{{Style[Grid[{xs__}, z1___], sty1___]}, {Grid[{ys__},
z2___]}}] := {{Style[Grid[{xs, ys}, z1], sty1]}};
join[{{Style[Grid[{xs__}, z1___], sty1___]}, {Grid[{ys__}, z2___]},
k__}] := join[{{Style[Grid[{xs, ys}, z1], sty1]}, k}];
join[{{Grid[{xs__}, z1___]}, {Style[Grid[{ys__}, z2___],
sty2___]}}] := {{Style[Grid[{xs, ys}, z1], sty2]}};
join[{{Grid[{xs__}, z1___]}, {Style[Grid[{ys__}, z2___], sty2___]},
k__}] := join[{{Style[Grid[{xs, ys}, z1], sty2]}, k}];
join[{{Style[Grid[xs___], sty___]}}] := {{Style[Grid[xs], sty]}};
join[{}] := {};
grid[{rp -> z, sp[a, b], blah[q][r, s, q@t]}]
grid[{rp -> z, sp[a, b]}]
grid[{q -> {x, y}, rp -> z, sp[a, b]}]
grid[k[{q -> {x, y}, r -> z}, s]]
SetAttributes[f, {HoldAll, OneIdentity, Flat, Orderless}];
f /: h_*f[x_] := Exp[x + h];
f /: h_ + f[x_] := Exp[h*x];
f[x_] := Sqrt[x];
f[x_, y_] := Log[x + y];
(Language`ExtendedFullDefinition[f][[1]] /. f -> "f") // grid
{{"BlanusaSnark", {1, 1}}, {"BlanusaSnark", {1, 2}}} // InputForm
DeleteCases[GraphData["Snark"], {"Snark", _}]
DeleteCases[GraphData["Snark"], {"Snark", _}] // grid
{a[b], qfe[a, {}], c[d, e]} // grid
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