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Notes on Chapter 8 of "The Little Typer"
;; ___ _ _ ___
;; / __| |_ __ _ _ __| |_ ___ _ _ ( _ )
;; | (__| ' \/ _` | '_ \ _/ -_) '_| / _ \
;; \___|_||_\__,_| .__/\__\___|_| \___/
;; |_|
;; This is a challenging chapter because it's not
;; clear at the start where it's going. I figured it
;; out by reading it and writing about it several
;; times, and the notes below are my current
;; iteration.
;; We'll prove that `(+ 1)` _equals_ `add1`, and
;; then that `incr` _equals_ `add1`. `Equals`, here,
;; is not the same as "the same as," which we
;; already know about from judgments:
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; T h e F o u r F o r m s
;; o f J u d g m e n t
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; 1. ____ is a ____.
;; 2. ____ is the same ____ as ____.
;; 3. ____ is a type [as opposed to an instance]
;; 4. ____ and ____ are the same type.
;; Judgments are for humans; formal statements and
;; proofs of statements are for computers. "Formal"
;; means "machine-checkable." We write a formal
;; statement as a `claim` and a formal proof as a
;; `define`, that is, by exhibiting an instance or
;; witness of the claim. Claims, implicitly, are
;; statements that something exists, so showing an
;; instance is a good proof of a claim like that.
;; To say formally what we mean by `equals`, we
;; introduce a type constructor, `=`, its companion
;; value constructor `same`, and some eliminators
;; for `=`. See [the
;; documentation](
;; for more.
;; The first claim and proof of equality will look
;; like this:
;; (claim +1=add1
;; (Π ((n Nat)) ; Read: for every Nat n,
;; (= Nat (+ 1 n) (add1 n)))) ; ...
;; (define +1=add1 ; Proof by constructing
;; (λ (n) (same (add1 n)))) ; a "same" value for it.
;; We'll work up to a proof that `incr` equals
;; `add1`. We'll define `incr` as we go along.
;; Bottoming out in `add1` is a good idea because
;; it's a built-in.
;; We'll use "same as" judgments as human
;; motivations along the way. Remember that two
;; expressions are the same, according to some type,
;; if and only if (iff) their normal forms are
;; identical, up to consistent renaming of their
;; variables.
;; We now have three similar notions in the air: (1)
;; "identical," which is machine checkable, even
;; with consistent renaming of variables [footnote];
;; (2) "same," which we check by judgments and which
;; sometimes means "identical," so can be checked by
;; machine; and (3) "equals," which we are going to
;; show now, but solves problems that checking for
;; identical normal forms cannot solve.
;; footnote:: Checking that two expressions are
;; identical up to consistent renaming is
;; surprisingly tricky, and the greats have
;; published mistakes about it. See [de Bruijn
;; Index](
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; P r o v i n g t h a t + 1 E q u a l s a d d 1
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; We start by showing that the normal forms of
;; `(+ 1)` and `add1` are identical (up to
;; consistent renaming of variables). That means
;; they're "the same." Then we'll write that fact up
;; via `=` and `same`, showing that they're `equal`.
;; The later proof that `incr` equals `add1`
;; requires new eliminators for `=`, namely `cong`
;; and `replace`, because the normal forms for these
;; two are not identical (up to consistent renaming
;; of variables).
;; Start with the normal form of `(+ 1)`, which is
;; partial application of `+` to `1`:
;; Recall the definition of `+`:
;; (define +
;; (λ (n j) ;; Don't use the name n-1 here.
;; ;; target base step ; the pattern
;; ;; |------|----|-------|
;; (iter-Nat n j step-+ )))
;; where `(define step-+ (λ (n-1) (add1 n-1)))`
;; bottoms out at the built-in `add1`.
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; N o r m a l F o r m o f ( + 1 )
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; Calculate the normal form of `(+ 1)`:
;; (+ 1)
;; (+ (add1 zero)) destructuring
;; (λ (j)
;; (iter-Nat (add1 zero) j step-+)) subst. def
;; (λ (j) -----v-----
;; (step-+ _^__
;; (iter-Nat zero j step-+)) elimination
;; (λ (j)
;; (add1 ,------- n-1 -------. subst. def of step-+
;; (iter-Nat zero j step-+)))
;; /
;; ----
;; /
;; (λ (j) (add1 j)) elimination
;; That's the normal form of `(+ 1)`. Remember or
;; bookmark it.
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; N o r m a l F o r m o f a d d 1
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; The normal form of `(+ 1) is identical to the
;; normal form of `add1` if we wrap `add1` in a
;; minimal function, and we must. The Pie REPL
;; reveals that a naked `add1` doesn't have a normal
;; form:
;; add1 ; <-- REPL input ~~> REPL response -->
; ../playground.pie:11:0: add1: expected valid Pie name
; at: add1
; in: add1
;; But the wrapped `add1` is fine (with a type hint)
;; and is already in normal form -- the Pie REPL
;; can't reduce it any more:
;; (the (→ Nat Nat) (λ (n) (add1 n))) ; input to REPL
; (the (→ Nat ; response from REPL
; Nat)
; (λ (n)
; (add1 n)))
;; If `add1` were a function, we could use the Final
;; Law of Application (Page 139, Fifth Printing), or
;; even the Initial Law of Application (Page 38,
;; Fifth Printing) to show that `add1` is "the same"
;; as `(λ (n) (add1 n))`.
;; This pattern of wrapping `add1` is exactly like
;; the common need to wrap macros with functions in
;; C and Lisp. We must often do that so we can pass
;; around the functions as values. Macros are not
;; values, but functions _are_ values because they
;; have the constructor λ up top; that's the
;; definition of a value -- it has a constructor up
;; top.
;; Let's call it a day: `(λ (n) (add1 n))` _is_ "the
;; normal form of `add1`". The easiest way to write
;; something that the REPL reduces to the normal
;; form is `(+ 1)`. You can't present a naked `add1`
;; to the REPL.
;; We've now shown that `(+ 1)` and `add1` have
;; identical normal forms (up to renaming), so
;; they're "the same" by Big Box on Page 13. That
;; doesn't mean they're `equal`. So let's write
;; `equal` as a statement -- a `claim` or a type --
;; and its proof as a `define`.
;; Frame 8.23, Page 177 (Fifth Printing):
;; Here is a type that _states_ the equality of
;; `(+ 1 n)` and `(add1 n)`. The statement boils
;; down to stating that the normal forms are
;; identical, hence the same. That's not a proof of
;; equality, but a precise statement of it. We'll
;; need a witness, conveniently packaged in a
;; `define`.
(Π ((n Nat)) ; input to REPL
(= Nat (+ 1 n) (add1 n)))
; (the U ; response from REPL
; (Π ((n Nat))
; (= Nat
; (add1 n)
; (add1 n))))
;; The REPL converged the normal forms to
;; `(add1 n)`! They're "the same" by construction.
;; So we can write the formal proof of the equality
;; statement by defining something that constructs a
;; value by the sole constructor for =, namely
;; _same_.
;; -----------------------------------------------
(claim +1=add1
(Π ((n Nat)) ; For every Nat, n, ...
(= Nat (+ 1 n) (add1 n))))
(define +1=add1
(λ (n) (same (add1 n))))
;; Really, just the fact that the definition
;; satisfies the claim _is_ the proof! Here is the
;; whole magillah without `claim` or `define`, just
;; a type and a witness, with the type streamlined a
;; bit ("defines are never necessary!" Page 58,
;; Fifth Printing).
(the (Π ((n Nat)) ; input to REPL
(= Nat (+ 1 n) (add1 n)))
(λ (n) (same (add1 n))))
; (the (Π ((n Nat)) ; response from REPL
; (= Nat
; (add1 n)
; (add1 n)))
; (λ (n)
; (same (add1 n))))
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; T h e L a w o f =
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; Page 174 (Fifth Printing): "An expression
;; (= X from to)
;; is a type if X is a type, _from_ is an X, and
;; _to_ is an X."
;; When discussing an = type expression, call the
;; second argument the FROM of the expression and
;; the third argument the TO of the expression, with
;; the words FROM and TO in all-caps.
;; The FROM and TO might be types or not, but they
;; must be of type X. Therefore, an (= ...) is a
;; dependent type because it might depend on things
;; that might not, themselves, be types.
;; Some examples of = types for describing equality
;; -- remember, types _describe_ values, but they
;; are also propositions in logic that _state_ that
;; a value satisfying the type exists.
(= Nat (+ 6 7) 13) ; input to REPL
; (the U ; response from REPL
; (= Nat 13 13))
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; P r o o f t h a t i n c r E q u a l s a d d 1
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; Here is `incr`:
;; -----------------------------------------------
(claim incr (→ Nat Nat))
(define incr
(λ (n)
(iter-Nat n ; target
1 ; base
(+ 1)))) ; step
;; The normal forms of `(+ 1)` and `incr` are not
;; "the same." We'll show so by showing that their
;; normal forms are not identical (up to renaming).
;; Check your hand calculation by computing the
;; normal forms in the REPL:
;; playground.pie> (+ 1) ; input to REPL
; (the (→ Nat ; response from REPL
; Nat)
; (λ (j)
; (add1 j)))
;; playground.pie> incr ; input to REPL
; (the (→ Nat ; response from REPL
; Nat)
; (λ (n)
; (iter-Nat n
; (the Nat 1)
; (λ (j)
; (add1 j)))))
;; I made up the following exercise to express the
;; claim -- the statement, the type -- that they're
;; equal, though not the same.
(Π ((n Nat))
(= Nat (+ 1 n) (incr n))) ; input to REPL
; (the U ; response from REPL
; (Π ((n Nat))
; (= Nat
; (add1 n)
; (iter-Nat n
; (the Nat 1)
; (λ (j)
; (add1 j))))))
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; T h e L a w o f s a m e
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; My edits after incorporating Frame 8.37, Page 179.
;; The expression (same e3) is an (= X e1 e2) if e1,
;; e2, and e3 are each an X and e1 is the same as e2
;; (identical normal forms). We've seen that (+ 1 n)
;; and (add1 n) are the same but (+ 1 n) and
;; (incr n) are not the same.
;; Writing a formal type-witness proof of sameness
;; is called _internalizing_ a sameness judgment.
;; Π-expressions are statements of universal
;; quantifications, i.e, "for-every," ∀, statements
;; (Page 187, Fifth Printing). (→ Y X) is a
;; shorthand for (Π ((y Y)) X) when the name of Y's
;; instance, y, is not needed in X (Page 138, Fifth
;; Printing).
;; "By combining Π with =, we can write statements
;; that are true for arbitrary Nats, while we could
;; only make judgments about particular Nats. Here's
;; an example:"
;; Here is a commented-out copy of the formal proof
;; of +1=add1 above just to remind us.
;; -----------------------------------------------
;; (claim +1=add1
;; (Π ((n Nat))
;; (= Nat (+ 1 n) (add1 n))))
;; (define +1=add1
;; (λ (n) (same (add1 n))))
;; ... proves the statement that for every Nat n, (+
;; 1 n) equals (add1 n). Equals, here is via the
;; type constructor =.
;; But incr=add1 doesn't prove so easily, as noted.
;; Here is a statement of the proposition, copied
;; from above and attached to a name via `claim`.
;; -----------------------------------------------
(claim incr=add1
(Π ((n Nat))
(= Nat (incr n) (add1 n))))
;; This is _harder_ to prove because the normal
;; forms of (incr n) and (add1 n) are not identical.
;; (define incr=add1
;; (λ (n)
;; (same (add1 n)))) ; input to REPL
; The expressions ; response from REPL
; (iter-Nat n
; (the Nat 1)
; (λ (j) ; same as (+ 1)
; (add1 j))) ; and add1
; and
; (add1 n)
; are not the same Nat
;; The normal form of (incr n) is
;; (iter-Nat n 1 (+ 1) (we must add a type hint for
;; Pie):
(the (→ Nat Nat) (λ (n) (incr n))) ; input to REPL
; (the (→ Nat ; response from REPL
; Nat)
; (λ (n)
; (iter-Nat n
; (the Nat 1)
; (λ (j) ; same as add1 or
; (add1 j))))) ; (+ 1
;; __ ___ __
;; ___ ___ __ __/ /________ _/ (_) /___ __
;; / _ \/ -_) // / __/ __/ _ `/ / / __/ // /
;; /_//_/\__/\_,_/\__/_/ \_,_/_/_/\__/\_, /
;; /___/
;; The book goes on a long discourse about
;; neutrality, here, to make needed observations
;; about normal forms.
;; This normal form of (incr n),
;; (iter-Nat n 1 (+ 1))
;; is neutral, because it's not a value (no
;; constructor up top) and it cannot (yet) be
;; evaluated because of the variable n. From Page
;; 182 (Fifth Edition):
;; "Variables that are not defined are neutral. If
;; the target of an eliminator expression [like
;; iter-Nat] is neutral, then the eliminator
;; expression is neutral. _Thus values are not
;; neutral_."
;; This implication needed [a little
;; clarification](
;; for me. The gist is that neutral variables and
;; neutrally targeted eliminator expressions are
;; _the only_ kinds of neutral expressions. No value
;; can be of either kind. `(add1 n)` though
;; seemingly neutral, is not a neutral expression by
;; a convenient definition, or perhaps because its
;; normal form, `(λ (j) (add1 j))`, reported by Pie,
;; is a value with a λ constructor up top.
;; Now, we're going to do a lot of talking about
;; whether neutral expressions are normal. This is
;; the most tricky bit of reasoning in the book
;; through Chapter 8, but we shall exhibit neutral
;; expressions that are not normal because they to
;; values and values can never be neutral.
;; Frame 2.26, Page 40: "Expressions that are not
;; values and cannot yet be evaluated due to a
;; variable are called _neutral_."
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; N o r m a l a n d N e u t r a l
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; Frames 8.48-8.49, Page 181 (Fifth Printing): the
;; normal form of `(incr n)`, namely
;; (iter-Nat n 1 (+ 1)) is neutral because (1) it is
;; not a value (no constructor up top) and (2) it
;; cannot yet be evaluated due to the variable n.
;; This is normal and neutral.
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; N o r m a l b u t N o t N e u t r a l
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; (λ (x) (add1 x)) is not neutral because it's
;; already in normal form with the function
;; constructor λ up top. This is normal but not
;; neutral.
(the (→ Nat Nat) (λ (x) (add1 x))) ; input to REPL
; (the (→ Nat ; response from REPL
; Nat)
; (λ (x)
; (add1 x)))
;; itself; normal but not neutral
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; N e i t h e r N o r m a l n o r N e u t r a l
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
(+ 1) ; ~~> neither neutral nor normal; its normal
; form is (the (→ Nat Nat) (λ (x) (add1 x))), as above.
;; (+ 1) ; input to REPL
; (the (→ Nat ; response from REPL
; Nat)
; (λ (j)
; (add1 j)))
;; `(add1 x)` is not neutral by definition, or, if
;; you prefer because its normal form
;; `(λ (j) (add1 j))` is not neutral because it has
;; λ up top.
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; N e u t r a l b u t N o t N o r m a l
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; Page 183 (Fifth Printing):
;; the neutral expression (the (→ Nat Nat) f) is
;; "the same" as (λ (n) (f n)) (by the Laws of λ)
;; when n does not occur in f. (λ (n) (f n)) is not
;; neutral because it is a value. So f is reckoned
;; "neutral but not normal."
;; Page 184, Fifth Printing: Likewise, any neutral
;; (Pair A D), p, is not normal because its normal
;; form, (cons (car p) (cdr p)) is not neutral.
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; B a c k t o W o r k
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; Remember our claim:
;; (claim incr=add1
;; (Π ((n Nat))
;; (= Nat (incr n) (add1 n))))
;; Let's try
;; (define incr=add1
;; (λ (n) (same (iter-Nat n 1 (+ 1))))) ; input to REPL
; The expressions ; response from REPL
; (add1 n)
; and
; (iter-Nat n
; (the Nat 1)
; (λ (j)
; (add1 j)))
; are not the same Nat
;; This fails because the normal form of `(add1 n)`,
;; namely `(λ (n) (add1 n))`, is not neutral because
;; it's a value, but `(iter-Nat n 1 (+ 1))` is
;; neutral even thought it's normal.
;; Check it a couple of more ways:
;; (check-same (→ Nat Nat)
;; (λ (n) (iter-Nat n 1 (+ 1)))
;; (λ (n) (add1 n)))
; The expressions
; (λ (n)
; (iter-Nat n
; (the Nat 1)
; (λ (j)
; (add1 j))))
; and
; (λ (n)
; (add1 n))
; are not the same
; (→ Nat
; Nat)
;; (check-same (→ Nat Nat)
;; (λ (n) (iter-Nat n 1 (+ 1)))
;; (λ (n) (+ 1 n)))
; The expressions
; (λ (n)
; (iter-Nat n
; (the Nat 1)
; (λ (j)
; (add1 j))))
; and
; (λ (n)
; (add1 n))
; are not the same
; (→ Nat
; Nat)
;; Socrates, on the left-hand side of every frame,
;; says "try ind-Nat." We'll need a target, a base,
;; a motive, and a step.
;; -+-+-+-+-
;; b a s e
;; -+-+-+-+-
;; Here is a base case that makes an `=` statement
;; about `zero`:
;; -----------------------------------------------
(claim base-incr=add1
(= Nat (incr 0) (add1 zero)))
(define base-incr=add1
(same (add1 zero)))
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; m o t i v e
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; Here is a motive that makes an `=` statement
;; about any Nat:
;; -----------------------------------------------
(claim mot-incr=add1
(→ Nat U))
(define mot-incr=add1
(λ (k)
(= Nat (incr k) (add1 k))))
;; -+-+-+-+-
;; s t e p
;; -+-+-+-+-
;; The step must move us from an `=` statement about
;; Nat k to an `=` statement about `(add1 k)`:
;; The following attempt works, but it considered
;; not ideal for reasons to-be-revealed:
;; (claim step-incr=add1
;; (Π (( n-1 Nat ))
;; (→ (mot-incr=add1 n-1)
;; (mot-incr=add1 (add1 n-1)))))
;; Git rid of the references to the motive:
;; (claim step-incr=add1
;; (Π (( n-1 Nat ))
;; (→ (= Nat
;; (incr n-1)
;; (add1 n-1))
;; (= Nat
;; (incr (add1 n-1))
;; (add1 (add1 n-1))))))
;; The following claim is considered ideal because
;; it pulls the add1 up top in the output of
;; step-incr=add1. See Page 188 (Fifth Printing) for
;; a lengthy calculation.
(claim step-incr=add1
(Π (( n-1 Nat ))
(→ (= Nat
(incr n-1)
(add1 n-1))
(= Nat
(add1 (incr n-1))
(add1 (add1 n-1))))))
;; To prove this claim, i.e., to write the
;; corresponding `define`, we introduce `cong`
;; ("congruent"). `cong` is an eliminator for =.
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; T h e L a w o f c o n g
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; Page 190 (Fifth Printing): If f is an (→ X Y) and
;; target is an (= X from to), then then (cong
;; target f) is an (= Y (f from) (f to)).
;; This looks like [The Yoneda Lemma]( to my eyes.
;; In our example, we must transform
;; (= Nat
;; (incr n-1)
;; (add1 n-1))
;; into
;; (= Nat
;; (add1 (incr n-1))
;; (add1 (add1 n-1))))
;; by eliminating =:
(define step-incr=add1
(λ (n-1)
(λ (incr=add_n-1)
(cong incr=add_n-1 (+ 1)))))
;; We're done:
(define incr=add1
(λ (n)
(ind-Nat n
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; T h e C o m m a n d m e n t o f c o n g
;; -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
;; Page 194 (Fifth Printing): If x is an X and f is
;; an (→ X Y), then (cong (same x) f) is the same (=
;; Y (f x) (f x)) as (same (f x))
;; Frame 8.89, Page 195 (Fifth Printing):
;; Soc: "The interplay between judging sameness and
;; stating equality is at the heart of dependent
;; types. This taste only scratches the surface."
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