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you can install two packages `android-cmdlinetools` and `android-platform-tools` but the emulator will bark at you that it
cannot find the `platform-tools` directory. So you have to symlink one to the other
ln -sfn /opt/homebrew/Caskroom/android-platform-tools/34.0.3/platform-tools /opt/homebrew/share/android-commandlinetools/platform-toolsplatform-tools
Make sure to set $ANDROID_HOME to /opt/homebrew/share/android-commandlinetools/platform-tools
rebebop / shazam_export_how_to.adoc
Created April 28, 2020 13:55
How to export your shazam playlist
  • Login to your shazam account, go to your library page (

  • Run the following in the console to get the track listing with song title and artist

document.querySelectorAll('.details').forEach((elem) => play.push(elem.textContent))
  • This will give you an array of track listings

  • Click on the array (in the console) and select Copy object (e.g. in Firefox); the idea is to copy the array from the console.

  • Paste that into a file and you’ll see songs listed one in each line

  • Save this file e.g. shazam_songs.txt

set -e
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo "You need to provide a version number."
echo "Exiting..."