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Created August 12, 2020 05:29
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-- # setup
create extension "uuid-ossp";
-- # users
create table users (
id serial not null constraint users_pk primary key,
username varchar(255) not null,
password bytea not null
alter table users
owner to postgres;
create unique index users_id_uindex
on users (id);
create unique index users_username_uindex
on users (username);
-- # sessions
create table sessions
id serial not null constraint sessions_pk primary key,
user_id integer not null constraint sessions_users_id_fk references users,
session_id varchar(36) not null
alter table sessions
owner to postgres;
create unique index sessions_id_uindex
on sessions (id);
create unique index sessions_session_id_uindex
on sessions (session_id);
-- # posts
create table posts
id serial not null constraint posts_pk primary key,
user_id integer not null constraint posts_users_id_fk references users,
content text,
display_id varchar(36) not null
alter table posts
owner to postgres;
create unique index posts_id_uindex
on posts (id);
create unique index posts_display_id_uindex
on posts (display_id);
-- # functions
create or replace function authenticate(uname varchar(255), pwd_sha bytea)
returns varchar(36) as $$
session_uuid varchar(36);
user_id int;
user_id := (select id from users where username = uname and password = pwd_sha);
if user_id is null then
return 0;
session_uuid := uuid_generate_v4();
insert into sessions (user_id, session_id) values (user_id, session_uuid);
return session_uuid;
end if;
$$ language plpgsql;
create or replace function post(session varchar(36), content text)
returns varchar(36) as $$
userid int;
display_uuid varchar(36);
userid := (select user_id from sessions where session_id = session);
if userid is null then
return 0;
display_uuid := uuid_generate_v4();
insert into posts (user_id, content, display_id) values (userid, content, display_uuid);
return display_uuid;
end if;
$$ language plpgsql;
-- all together now
-- create a user
insert into users (username, password) values ('someone', sha256('password'));
-- authenticate and post!
select post((select authenticate('someone', sha256('password'))), 'hewwo!');
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