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Created February 10, 2020 03:06
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Dot Net Core API Docker Setup
$version=git describe --abbrev=0
$versionTag = "$($repo):$($version)"
$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region us-west-2) | Invoke-Expression
docker build -t $versionTag -f API.Dockerfile .
docker push $versionTag
FROM AS build-env
# Set working directory
# Copy source code
COPY . ./
# Restore packages
RUN cd src && dotnet restore
# build the app
RUN cd /app/src/DayHiker.API && dotnet publish -c Release -o /app/out
# build Runtime Image
COPY --from=build-env /app/out .
RUN sed -i "s|DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=2|DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=1|g" /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "DayHiker.API.dll"]
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