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#[derive(Debug, Default, Validate, Deserialize,Clone)]
struct SignupData {
mail: String,
phone: String,
site: String,
#[validate(length(min = 1), custom = "validate_unique_username")]
#[serde(rename = "firstName")]
rebo /
Last active July 22, 2020 21:11
#[derive(Debug, Validate, Deserialize)]
struct SignupData {
mail: String,
phone: String,
site: String,
#[validate(length(min = 1), custom = "validate_unique_username")]
// An example To-do seed application, includes filtering of todos
// Each UI component is naturally scoped to specific state changes.
// This makes each part understandable
// The UI elements are themselves `#[computed]` properties of the
// underyling state and only update if the underlying state changes.
struct Todo{
idx: usize,
description: String,
// An example To-do seed application, includes filtering of todos
// Each UI component is naturally scoped to specific state changes.
// This makes each part understandable
// The UI elements are themselves `#[computed]` properties of the
// underyling state and only update if the underlying state changes.
struct Todo{
idx: usize,
description: String,
struct Todo{
idx: usize,
description: String,
complete: bool,
// Atom of state, a vector holding Todo structs
fn showcard_view<Ms: 'static>(
opts: ShowOpts,
root: Node<Ms>,
_children: Vec<Node<Ms>>,
mut title: Node<Ms>,
mut description: Node<Ms>,
award: Vec<(Node<Ms>, AwardOpts)>,
) -> Node<Ms> {
struct RegisterId{
id: i32
struct FsValue {
value: String,
struct FsPointer{
rebo /
Created May 31, 2020 21:08
use my_macros::{view_macro,process_part};
macro_rules! some_rando_global_name_hohoho_left {
() => {
println!("yes this prints 1");
extern crate proc_macro;
use self::proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::{format_ident, quote};
use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Result};
use syn::{parse_macro_input, Expr};
use syn::{ItemFn};
fn basic_styled_counter() -> Node<Msg> {
h3!["Basic Styled Counter"],
r#"This is a basic styled button, the button is styled with the following