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use seed::{*, prelude::*};
use seed_hooks::*;
use seed_hooks::style::*;
use seed_hooks::style::measures::px;
// Model, Msg, Update, init(), and start()
// ---------------------------------------
struct Model {}
rebo /
Created March 30, 2020 00:52
styled components in seed with theme support
fn view(_model: &Model) -> Node<Msg> {
let theme = Theme::new_with_styles(
("primary_color", "orange"),
("secondary_color", "gray"),
use_theme(theme, ||
rebo /
Last active February 27, 2020 18:49
Seed Hook Glossary


Seed hook - any of the Seed functions that facilitate storing and updating of component state. For example, functions such as use_state, new_state and bind. The term hook refers to React Hooks which have similar functionality.

Component state - the collection of state variables that are used and stored by a component.

State variable - a variable that is stored locally in a component by use_state or new_state. i.e. the integer value in:

let counter = use_state(||0);
rebo /
Last active February 27, 2020 14:47
markdown gist


Seed hook - any of the Seed functions that facilitate storing and updating of component state. For example, functions such as use_state, new_state and bind.

Component state - the collection of state variables that are used and stored by a component.

State variable a variable that is stored locally in a component by use_state or new_state. i.e. the integer value in:

let counter = use_state(||0);
rebo /
Last active January 23, 2020 12:19
use comp_state::topo;
// ------ ------
// Before Mount
// ------ ------
fn before_mount(_: Url) -> BeforeMount {
use comp_state::{topo, use_state};
use enclose::enclose as e;
use seed::{prelude::*, *};
use std::str::FromStr;
pub mod color;
use color::{Color, ColorValue};
// ------ ------
// Usage
rebo /
Created January 18, 2020 18:17
twisk components
use crate::{generated::css_classes::C, twisk::*, Msg};
use comp_state::{topo, use_state};
use seed::{prelude::*, *};
use seed_comp_helpers::on_click;
pub fn view() -> Node<Msg> {
"Tailwind Starter Kit in Seed",
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct Country {
name: String,
currency: String,
emoji: String,
pub fn view() -> Node<Msg> {
// These could be arguments to view(...) for instance.
let graphql_query = "{countries {name currency emoji}}";
fn reacts_example() -> Node<Msg> {
let (name, mut name_access) = use_istate(|| "bob".to_string());
let (person, person_access) = use_istate(Person::default);
name_access.react_with(&person_access, |name, mut person| { = name;
fn view(&mut self) -> Element<Message> {
let (count, count_access) = use_istate(||0);
.on_press_callback(||count_accesss.set(count + 1)),