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Last active March 6, 2017 16:44
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  • Save rebolek/094bc474b1ee1b5c29c4000ff0c62d26 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Commit to repo works
Red [
Title: "GitHub API implementation"
Author: "Boleslav Březovský"
Date: "5-3-2017"
map-each: function [
'word ; NOTE: leaks word
] [
forall series [
set word series/1
series/1: do bind body word
export: function [
"Export words from object to global context"
words "Words in format: optional: SET-WORD! - new name, WORD! - word to export"
] [
word: name: none
parse words [
some [
(name: none)
opt [set name set-word!]
set word word!
unless name [name: word]
set :name get in object word
github: context [
; --- internal support functions
decode: function [data] [
first json/decode third data
map: function [
"Make map with reduce/no-set emulation"
] [
value: none
parse data [
some [
change set value set-word! (reduce ['quote value])
| skip
make map! probe reduce data
json-map: func [
"Return JSON object from specs"
] [
json/encode map data
; --- send
send: func [
"Send request to Github API (GET by default)"
/type "Send POST request"
/local value link args-rule header
] [
type: either type [req-type] ['GET]
value: none
link: copy
args-rule: [
'? (change back tail link #"?")
some [
set value set-word! (append link rejoin [form value #"="])
set value [word! | string! | integer!] (
if word? value [value: get :value]
append link rejoin [value #"&"]
parse append clear [] data [
some [
| set value [set-word! | file! | string! | path!] (append link dirize form value)
| set value word! (append link dirize form get :value)
remove back tail link
header: compose/deep [
(type) [
Accept: "application/vnd.github.v3+json"
if all [user pass] [
append last header compose [
Authorization: (rejoin ["Basic " enbase rejoin [user #":" pass]])
unless equal? 'GET type [
insert last header [Content-Type: "application/json"]
append header json/encode request
response: decode probe raw: write/info probe link probe header
; ---------------------------------
user: none
pass: none
response: none
raw: none
login: func [
] [
user: username
pass: password
true ; so we won’t return password
; ---------------------------------
get-user: function [
user "User's name"
] [
send [%users name]
get-repos: function [
] [
send [%users user %repos]
comment {
make-gist "Super thing" ; loads
; --- GIST ---
comment {
List a user's gists - LIST-GISTS
List all public gists - N/A
List starred gists - N/A
Get a single gist - GET-GIST
Get a specific revision of a gist - GET-GIST/REVISION
Create a gist - MAKE-GIST
Edit a gist - MAKE-GIST/UPDATE
List gist commits - GIST-COMMITS
Star a gist - N/A
Unstar a gist - N/A
Check if a gist is starred - N/A
Fork a gist - FORK-GIST
List gist forks - LIST-GIT-FORKS
Delete a gist - N/A
Custom media types
list-gists: func [
] [
send [%users user %gists]
get-gist: func [
/revision "Get specific revision" ; TODO: test it
] [
link: [%gists id]
if revision [append link sha]
send link
make-gist: func [
"Make new or update Gist on GitHub. Returns Gits's ID."
data "Filename, or block of filenames"
description "Gist description"
/private "Should Gist be created as private?"
/update "Update existing gist instead of creating new one"
/local files gist link
] [
unless block? data [data: reduce [data]]
files: make map! length? data
foreach value data [
files/(form value): make map! reduce [quote content: read value]
; TODO: check for file existance, read/binary ?
gist: make map! reduce [
quote description: description
quote files: files
quote public: true
link: either update [reduce [%gists id]] [%gist]
send/type link 'POST gist
; TODO: error handling
gist-commits: func ["List gist commits" id] [send [%gists id %commits]]
fork-gist: func [id] [send/type [%gists id %forks] 'POST none]
list-git-forks: func [id] [send [%gists id %forks]]
; --- COMMITS ---
comment {
Get a Commit - GET-COMMIT
Create a Commit - MAKE-COMMIT
Commit signature verification - N/A
; GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/commits/:sha
get-commit: func [
repo [path!] "Repository in format owner/repo"
] [
send [%repos repo %git %commits sha]
; POST /repos/:owner/:repo/git/commits
; message string Required. The commit message
; tree string Required. The SHA of the tree object this commit points to
; parents array of strings Required. The SHAs of the commits that were the parents of this commit. If omitted or empty, the commit will be written as a root commit. For a single parent, an array of one SHA should be provided; for a merge commit, an array of more than one should be provided.
make-commit: func [
repo [path!] "Repository in format owner/repo"
; TODO: optional args author and commiter
] [
unless block? parents [parents: reduce [parents]]
send/type [%repos repo %git %commits] 'POST make map! reduce [
quote message: message
quote tree: tree
quote parents: parents
list-commits: func [
repo [path!] "Repository in format owner/repo"
] [
send [%repos repo %commits]
; --- TREES ---
comment {
Get a Tree - GET-TREE
Get a Tree Recursively - GET-TREE/DEEP
Create a Tree - MAKE-TREE
; GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/trees/:sha
get-tree: func [
repo [path!] "Repository in format owner/repo"
/local link
] [
link: copy [%repos repo %git %trees sha]
if deep [append link [? recursive: 1]]
send link
make-tree: func [
repo [path!] "Repository in format owner/repo"
] [
; TODO: some checks if tree has necessary fields
send/type [%repos repo %git %trees] 'POST tree
; --- BLOBS ---
; GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/blobs/:sha
get-blob: func [
repo [path!] "Repository in format owner/repo"
] [
send [%repos repo %git %blobs sha]
; POST /repos/:owner/:repo/git/blobs
make-blob: func [
repo [path!] "Repository in format owner/repo"
/encoding "Select encoding: base-64 or utf8 (default)"
] [
unless enc-type [enc-type: 'utf8]
send/type [%repos repo %git %blobs] 'POST make map! reduce [
quote content: content
quote encoding: enc-type
make-reference: function [
repo [path!] "Repository in format owner/repo"
name [path!] "Reference in format refs/heads/branch"
] [
send/type [%repos repo %git %refs] 'POST make map! reduce [
quote ref: form name
quote sha: sha
update-reference: function [
repo [path!] "Repository in format owner/repo"
name [path!] "Reference in format heads/branch"
] [
;PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs/:ref
; FIXME: POST should be PATCH
send/type [%repos repo %git %refs name] 'POST make map! reduce [
quote sha: sha
quote force: force
get-reference: function [
repo [path!] "Repository in format owner/repo"
name [path!] "Reference in format heads/branch"
] [
;GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs/heads/skunkworkz/featureA
; GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs
send either all [
[%repos repo %git %refs]
] [
[%repos repo %git %heads name]
; --- tools
find-file: function [
"Find file in tree and return tree object"
] [
print ["Find" mold file]
foreach obj tree/tree [
all [
equal? "blob" obj/type
equal? form file obj/path
return obj
commit: func [
repo [path!] "Repository in format owner/repo"
] [
1. get the current commit object
2. retrieve the tree it points to
3. retrieve the content of the blob object that tree has for that particular file path
4. change the content somehow and post a new blob object with that new content, getting a blob SHA back
5. post a new tree object with that file path pointer replaced with your new blob SHA getting a tree SHA back
6. create a new commit object with the current commit SHA as the parent and the new tree SHA, getting a commit SHA back
7. update the reference of your branch to point to the new commit SHA
unless block? files [files: reduce [files]]
; -- 1. get the current commit object
; TODO: should be done by PULL
commits: list-commits repo
_commit: first commits ; I hope order is guaranteed
; -- 2. retrieve the tree it points to
tree: get-tree repo _commit/commit/tree/sha
foreach file files [
tree-file: find-file tree file
; -- 3. retrieve the content of the blob object that tree has for that particular file path
; NOTE: why do I retrieve the blob? I am not reusing it, AFAIK
blob: get-blob repo tree-file/sha
; -- 4. change the content somehow and post a new blob object with that new content, getting a blob SHA back
content: read file
new-blob: make-blob repo content ; TODO: expects textfiles, does not handle binary files yet
blob/sha: new-blob/sha
; blob/content: content
; -- 5. post a new tree object with that file path pointer replaced with your new blob SHA getting a tree SHA back
tree/base_tree: tree/sha
tree/sha: none
tree/url: none
tree: make-tree repo tree
; -- 6. create a new commit object with the current commit SHA as the parent and the new tree SHA, getting a commit SHA back
new-commit: make-commit repo message tree/sha _commit/sha
; -- 7. update the reference of your branch to point to the new commit SHA
update-reference repo 'heads/master new-commit/sha ; TODO: support other branches
; --- end of context
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