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Forked from DideC/Livecode enhanced
Created October 3, 2016 08:48
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Based on Dockimbel VID livecode, this is a little more advanced version where you can define Red's values used by the VID code. The window is resizable and there is spliters to rearange space.
Red [
Title: "Simple GUI livecoding demo"
Author: "Nenad Rakocevic / Didier Cadieu"
Version: 1.2.0
Needs: 'View
Usage: {
Type VID code in the bottom right area, you will see the resulting GUI components
rendered live on the left side and fully functional (events/actors/reactors working live).
The top right area let you define Red's values to be used in your VID code, even functions or anything.
History: [
1.0.0 "01-09-2016" "First version (Nenad)."
1.1.0 "09-09-2016" "Addition of red code predefinitions area and window resizing (Didier)."
1.2.0 "21-09-2016" "Addition of vertical and horizontal spliters (Didier)."
context [ ; Isolate the code to not missbehave on some reuse of its words by the user code
; This handle the resize of window content when it is resized
insert-event-func [
if event/type = 'resize [
sz: mainwin/size - orig
pan/size/y: sz/y - pan/offset/y
vidcode/size/y: pan/size/y - vidcode/offset/y - orig/y
output/size: sz - output/offset
splitv/size: sz - splitv/offset
; There is a spliter style that does what a splitter must do. Here is the functions it needs.
; Initialize the spliter data in regards to its initial content.
on-spliter-init: func [face [object!] /local data v sz? op axis] [
; init global value
face/extra/fixedaxis: select [x y x] face/extra/axis: axis: either face/size/x < face/size/y ['x] ['y]
if not block? data: face/data [exit]
; Here is updated the face/data block by computing if the value of a move must be added or subtract
; to the facet regarding the face position, then store the operator next to the value.
forall data [
v: copy data/1
; search the face! object in the path
while [all [not empty? v not face? get v]] [all [sz?: take/last v none? find [size offset] sz? sz?: none]]
all [
not empty? v
v: get v
; use 'add or 'substract depends on where it is in regards of the spliter and the property to change
op: pick [+ -] (v/offset/:axis > face/offset/:axis) xor (sz? = 'size)
insert data: next data op
; This func does what is needed when a splitter is moved.
; The splitter/data block! must contain pairs of "facet operator" values, where :
; - "facet" is a face path ending by /size or /offset that must be changed when the splitter move like a-face/size or a-face/offset,
; - "operator" is one of '+ or '-, and determines if the move amount is added or subtract to the "facet" value.
on-spliter-move: func [face [object!] /local amount fa] [
fa: face/extra/fixedaxis
face/offset/:fa: face/extra/offset/:fa ; must not move on the fixed axis
amount: face/offset - face/extra/offset ; amount of the move since the last move
face/extra/offset: face/offset ; store the new offset
if any [amount = 0x0 not block? face/data] [exit]
foreach [prop op] face/data [
do reduce [load rejoin [form prop ":"] prop op amount] ; update the value with the new amount. I miss 'to-set-word here
err-color: 255.180.180
orig: 4x4
view/flags mainwin: layout [
title "Red Livecoding"
backdrop gray
origin orig
space 0x0
style area: area wrap font-name "Fixedsys"
style split: base 30x6 loose extra ['offset none 'auto-sync? none 'axis none 'fixedaxis none]
on-drag-start [face/extra/offset: face/offset face/extra/auto-sync?: system/view/auto-sync? system/view/auto-sync?: no] ; Need to disable realtime mode as the position is changed by the drag an the code
on-drag [on-spliter-move face show face/parent]
on-drop [system/view/auto-sync?: face/extra/auto-sync?] ; Don't forget to reset realtime mode to its previous value
on-over [face/color: either event/away? [gray][blue]]
on-create [on-spliter-init face]
pan: panel [
origin orig
space 0x0
text "Values to define before layout :" 200x15
redcode: area 500x100 on-key-up [
face/color: either error? err: try [any [empty? trim copy face/text do load face/text]][print err err-color][white]
pad 0x4
; horizontal splitter
splith: split 500x6 data [redcode/size vidtit/offset vidcode/offset vidcode/size]
vidtit: text "Layout code in VID dialect :" 200x15
vidcode: area 500x400 wrap font-name "Fixedsys" on-key-up [
face/color: either error? err: try [output/pane: layout/only load face/text][print err err-color][white]
; vertical spliter
splitv: split 6x600 data [pan/size splith/size redcode/size vidcode/size output/size output/offset]
output: panel 400x600
] 'resize
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