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Created May 10, 2017 15:30
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Red [
Needs: 'View
; #include %support/
print "clr - define object"
celer: object [
; --- support funcs ----------------------------------------------------------
src-to-exe: func [src] [replace copy src ".red" ".exe"]
in-home: func [file] [append copy celer-home file]
; --- paths (have to be defined on global lever or compiler would complain) --
celer-home: system/options/path
red-path: in-home %red-master/
; --- layouts ----------------------------------------------------------------
drop-source: none
drop-output: none
slider-verbosity: none
text-verbosity: none
drop-target: none
check-debug: none
check-library: none
check-no-runtime: none
intro-win: layout [
title "Celer installation"
text 300x60 {It seems that you don’t have Red && Rebol installed.
Celer can install required files for you (recommended),
or you can choose Red directory with Rebol 2 executable in it.}
button "Install" [install unview]
button "Locate" [red-path: request-dir unview]
main-win: layout [
title "Red Compiler"
style path-button: button 24x24 "..."
panel [
text "Source:"
path-button [
drop-source/text: form request-file
insert drop-source/data reduce [drop-source/text none]
drop-source/data: unique drop-source/data
drop-output/text: src-to-exe drop-source/text
drop-source: drop-down 300
; [print mold face/data print face/selected]
on-select [drop-output/text: src-to-exe drop-source/text]
text "Output:"
path-button [
drop-output/text: append form request-dir last split src-to-exe drop-source/text #"/"
drop-output: field 300
text "Verbosity:"
slider-verbosity: slider 250 [
level: to integer! face/data * 11
text-verbosity/text: form reduce case [
zero? level [["Quiet"]]
level <= 3 [[level "- Red only"]]
true [[level "- Red && Red/System"]]
text-verbosity: text 120 "Quiet"
text "Target:"
drop-target: drop-list data [
"MSDOS" "Windows"
"Linux" "Linux-ARM" "RPi"
"Android" "Android-x86"
panel [
check-debug: check "Debug mode"
check-no-runtime: check "No runtime"
check-library: check "Shared library"
button "Compile" [compile]
status: base 20x20 orange
; --- functions --------------------------------------------------------------
print "clr - define functions"
init: has [data] [
print "clr - add custom actor"
; add custom actor
main-win/actors: object [
on-close: func [
face [object!]
event [event!]
] [
; view install splash, when needed
print "clr - view install splash"
unless exists? red-path [view intro-win]
; load settings
print "clr - load settings"
either exists? [
print "clr - settings exist"
data: load
print mold data
red-path: select data 'red-path
print "clr - set gui values"
unless empty? drop-source/data: unique data/history [
print "clr - set source"
drop-source/text: first drop-source/data
print "clr - set output"
drop-output/text: src-to-exe drop-source/text
print "clr - set selected"
drop-target/selected: data/target
] [
print "clr - settings don’t exist"
red-path: in-home %red-master/
drop-source/data: copy []
drop-target/selected: 2
print "clr - init ends"
install: does [
write/binary in-home %unzip.exe read/binary
write/binary in-home read/binary
call {unzip}
write/binary in-home %red-master/rebol.exe read/binary
red-path: in-home %red-master/
compile: does [
if drop-source/text [
status/color: red
; loop 25 [do-events/no-wait wait .05]
system/options/path: red-path
write %temp.r mold rebol-code
call/wait {rebol -s "temp.r"}
status/color: green
save-prefs: does [
save in-home reduce [
'history drop-source/data
'target drop-target/selected
'red-path red-path
rebol-code: has [t] [
probe compose [
Rebol []
do/args %red.r (
form reduce [
either zero? t: to integer! slider-verbosity/data * 11 [""] [append copy "-v " t]
either check-debug/data ["-d"] [""]
either check-library/data ["-dlib"] [""]
either check-no-runtime/data ["-r"] [""]
"-t" pick drop-target/data drop-target/selected
"-o" drop-output/text
; --- main -------------------------------------------------------------------
print "clr - run celer"
print "clr - view"
view/no-wait celer/main-win
print "clr - do-events"
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