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Last active December 8, 2016 02:19
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Title: "View Interface Dialect"
Author: ["Nenad Rakocevic" "Boleslav Březovský"]
Tabs: 4
Rights: "Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Nenad Rakocevic. All rights reserved."
License: {
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
system/view/VID: context [
styles: #include
focal-face: none
reactors: make block! 20
default-font: [
name system/view/fonts/system
size system/view/fonts/size
color black
throw-error: func [spec [block!]][
either system/view/silent? [
throw 'silent
cause-error 'script 'vid-invalid-syntax [copy/part spec 3]
process-reactors: function [][
foreach [f blk] reactors [
either f [
bind blk ctx: context [face: f]
react/with blk ctx
react blk
clear reactors
calc-size: function [face [object!]][
case [
all [
block? data: face/data
not empty? data
find [text-list drop-list drop-down] face/type
min-sz: 0x0
foreach txt data [
if string? txt [
size: size-text/with face txt
if size/x > min-sz/x [min-sz/x: size/x]
if size/y > min-sz/y [min-sz/y: size/y]
if all [face/text face/type <> 'drop-list][
size: size-text face
if size/x > min-sz/x [min-sz/x: size/x]
if size/y > min-sz/y [min-sz/y: size/y]
min-sz + 24x0 ;@@ hardcoded offset for scrollbar
all [face/type = 'area string? face/text not empty? face/text][
len: 0
parse mark: face/text [
any [s: to [CR | end] e: (if len < new: offset? s e [len: new mark: s]) opt LF skip]
size-text/with face copy/part mark len
'else [
either face/text [
size: size-text face
if find [button radio check] face/type [size/x: size/x + size/y]
size-text/with face "X"
process-draw: function [code [block!]][
parse code rule: [
any [
pos: issue! (if color: hex-to-rgb pos/1 [pos/1: color])
| set-word! (set pos/1 next pos) ;-- preset set-words
| any-string! | any-path!
| into rule
| skip
pre-load: function [value][
if word? value [attempt [value: get value]]
if all [issue? value not color: hex-to-rgb value][
throw-error reduce [value]
if color [value: color]
if find [file! url!] type?/word value [value: load value]
add-option: function [opts [object!] spec [block!]][
either block? opts/options [
foreach [field value] spec [put opts/options field value]
opts/options: copy spec
last spec
add-flag: function [obj [object!] facet [word!] field [word!] flag return: [logic!]][
unless obj/:facet [
obj/:facet: make get select [font font! para para!] facet []
if field = 'color [obj/font/color: none] ;-- fixes #1458
obj: obj/:facet
make logic! either blk: obj/:field [
unless block? blk [obj/:field: blk: reduce [blk]]
alter blk flag
obj/:field: flag
] ;-- returns TRUE if added
fetch-value: function [blk][
value: blk/1
any [all [any [word? :value path? :value] get :value] value]
fetch-argument: function [expected [datatype! typeset!] 'pos [word!]][
spec: next get pos
either any [
expected = type: type? value: spec/1
all [typeset? expected find expected type]
unless all [
any [type = word! type = path!]
value: get value
any [
all [datatype? expected expected = type? value]
all [typeset? expected find expected type? value]
][throw-error spec]
set pos spec
fetch-options: function [
face [object!] opts [object!] style [block!] spec [block!] css [map!]
/extern focal-face
return: [block!]
opt?: yes
divides: none
calc-y?: no
obj-spec!: make typeset! [block! object!]
rate!: make typeset! [integer! time!]
color!: make typeset! [tuple! issue!]
set opts none
;-- process style options --
until [
value: first spec: next spec
match?: parse spec [[
['left | 'center | 'right] (opt?: add-flag opts 'para 'align value)
| ['top | 'middle | 'bottom] (opt?: add-flag opts 'para 'v-align value)
| ['bold | 'italic | 'underline] (opt?: add-flag opts 'font 'style value)
| 'extra (opts/extra: fetch-value spec: next spec)
| 'data (opts/data: fetch-value spec: next spec)
| 'draw (opts/draw: process-draw fetch-argument block! spec)
| 'font (opts/font: make any [opts/font font!] fetch-argument obj-spec! spec)
| 'para (opts/para: make any [opts/para para!] fetch-argument obj-spec! spec)
| 'wrap (opt?: add-flag opts 'para 'wrap? yes)
| 'no-wrap (opt?: add-flag opts 'para 'wrap? no)
| 'focus (focal-face: face)
| 'font-name (add-flag opts 'font 'name fetch-argument string! spec)
| 'font-size (add-flag opts 'font 'size fetch-argument integer! spec)
| 'font-color (add-flag opts 'font 'color pre-load fetch-argument color! spec)
| 'react (append reactors reduce [face fetch-argument block! spec])
| 'loose (add-option opts [drag-on: 'down])
| 'all-over (set-flag opts 'flags 'all-over)
| 'hidden (opts/visible?: no)
| 'disabled (opts/enable?: no)
| 'select (opts/selected: fetch-argument integer! spec)
| 'rate (opts/rate: fetch-argument rate! spec)
opt [rate! 'now (opts/now?: yes spec: next spec)]
| 'default (opts/data: add-option opts append copy [default: ] fetch-value spec: next spec)
| 'no-border (set-flag opts 'flags 'no-border)
| 'space (opt?: no) ;-- avoid wrongly reducing that word
] to end
unless match? [
either all [word? value find/skip next system/view/evt-names value 2][
make-actor opts value spec/2 spec spec: next spec
opt?: switch/default type?/word value: pre-load value [
pair! [unless opts/size [opts/size: value]]
string! [unless opts/text [opts/text: value]]
percent! [unless opts/data [opts/data: value]]
image! [unless opts/image [opts/image: value]]
tuple! [
either opts/color [
add-flag opts 'font 'color value
opts/color: value
integer! [
unless opts/size [
either find [panel group-box] face/type [
divides: value
opts/size: as-pair value face/size/y
calc-y?: yes ;-- force size/y calculation
block! [
switch/default face/type [
panel [layout/parent/styles value face divides css]
group-box [layout/parent/styles value face divides css]
tab-panel [
face/pane: make block! (length? value) / 2
opts/data: extract value 2
max-sz: 0x0
foreach p extract next value 2 [
layout/parent/styles reduce ['panel copy p] face divides css
p: last face/pane
if p/size/x > max-sz/x [max-sz/x: p/size/x]
if p/size/y > max-sz/y [max-sz/y: p/size/y]
unless opts/size [opts/size: max-sz + 0x25] ;@@ extract the right metrics from OS
][make-actor opts style/default-actor spec/1 spec]
get-word! [make-actor opts style/default-actor spec/1 spec]
char! [yes]
any [not opt? tail? spec]
unless opt? [spec: back spec]
if all [opts/image not opts/size][opts/size: opts/image/size]
font: opts/font
if any [face-font: face/font font][
either face-font [
face-font: copy face-font ;-- @@ share font/state between faces ?
if font [
set/some face-font font ;-- overwrite face/font with opts/font
opts/font: face-font
face-font: font
foreach [field value] default-font [
if none? face-font/:field [face-font/:field: get value]
set/some face opts
if block? face/actors [face/actors: make object! face/actors]
if all [any [calc-y? not opts/size] any [calc-y? opts/text opts/data] min-size: calc-size face][
if all [not calc-y? face/size/x < min-size/x][face/size/x: min-size/x + 10] ;@@ hardcoded margins
if face/size/y < min-size/y [face/size/y: min-size/y + 10] ;@@ not taking widgets margins into account
make-actor: function [obj [object!] name [word!] body spec [block!]][
unless any [name block? body][throw-error spec]
unless obj/actors [obj/actors: make block! 4]
append obj/actors load append form name #":" ;@@ to set-word!
append obj/actors either get-word? body [body][
reduce [
'func [face [object!] event [event! none!]]
copy/deep body
face-options: object [
type: offset: size: text: color: enable?: visible?: selected: image:
rate: font: flags: options: para: data: extra: actors: draw: now?: none
set 'stylize function [
"Return a style sheet block built from VID-like specification"
spec [block!] "Dialect block of style description"
/master "Put styles into master style sheet"
/styles "Use an existing styles list"
css [map!] "Styles list"
/local tmp face args parent style
/extern face-options
] [
local-styles: case [
master (system/view/VID/styles)
styles (copy css)
true (#())
while [spec: find spec set-word!] [
name: first spec
parent: first spec: next spec
style: any [
select local-styles parent
select system/view/VID/styles parent
unless tmp: find spec set-word! [tmp: tail spec]
args: copy/part spec tmp
face: make face! copy/deep style/template
spec: fetch-options face face-options style spec local-styles
parse style/template: body-of face [
some [remove [set-word! [none! | function!]] | skip]
local-styles/:name: style
set 'layout function [
"Return a face with a pane built from a VID description"
spec [block!] "Dialect block of styles, attributes, and layouts"
/tight "Zero offset and origin"
user-opts [block!] "Optional features in [name: value] format"
flgs [block! word!] "One or more window flags"
/only "Returns only the pane block"
panel [object!]
divides [integer! none!]
/styles "Use an existing styles list"
css [map!] "Styles list"
/local axis anti ;-- defined in a SET block
/extern focal-face
background!: make typeset! [image! file! tuple! word! issue!]
list: make block! 4 ;-- panel's pane block
local-styles: any [css #()] ;-- panel-local styles definitions
pane-size: 0x0 ;-- panel's content dynamic size
direction: 'across
size: none ;-- user-set panel's size
max-sz: 0 ;-- maximum width/height of current column/row
current: 0 ;-- layout's cursor position
global?: yes ;-- TRUE: panel options expected
cursor: origin: spacing: pick [0x0 10x10] tight
reset: [
cursor: as-pair origin/:axis cursor/:anti + max-sz + spacing/:anti
print "Reset"
if direction = 'below [cursor: reverse cursor]
max-sz: 0
unless panel [
focal-face: none
panel: make face! system/view/VID/styles/window/template ;-- absolute path to avoid clashing with /styles
while [all [global? not tail? spec]][ ;-- process wrapping panel options
switch/default spec/1 [
title [panel/text: fetch-argument string! spec]
size [size: fetch-argument pair! spec]
backdrop [
value: pre-load fetch-argument background! spec
switch type?/word value [
tuple! [panel/color: value]
image! [panel/image: value]
][global?: no]
if global? [spec: next spec]
while [not tail? spec][ ;-- process panel's content
value: spec/1
set [axis anti] pick [[x y][y x]] direction = 'across
switch/default value [
across [direction: value] ;@@ fix this
below [direction: value]
space [spacing: fetch-argument pair! spec]
origin [origin: cursor: fetch-argument pair! spec]
at [at-offset: fetch-argument pair! spec]
pad [cursor: cursor + fetch-argument pair! spec]
do [do-safe bind fetch-argument block! spec panel]
return [either divides [throw-error spec][do reset]]
react [repend reactors [none fetch-argument block! spec]]
style [
unless set-word? name: first spec: next spec [throw-error spec]
styling?: yes
styles [
local-styles: extend local-styles get first spec: next spec
unless styling? [
name: none
if set-word? value [
name: value
value: first spec: next spec
unless style: any [
select local-styles value
select system/view/VID/styles value
throw-error spec
if style/template/type = 'window [throw-error spec]
face: make face! copy/deep style/template
spec: fetch-options face face-options style spec local-styles
if style/init [do bind style/init 'face]
either styling? [
if same? css local-styles [local-styles: copy css]
name: to word! form name
value: copy style
parse value/template: body-of face [
some [remove [set-word! [none! | function!]] | skip]
local-styles/:name: value
styling?: off
;-- update cursor position --
either at-offset [
face/offset: at-offset
at-offset: none
either all [
divide?: all [divides divides <= length? list]
zero? index: (length? list) // divides
do reset
if cursor/:axis <> origin/:axis [
cursor/:axis: cursor/:axis + spacing/:axis
max-sz: max max-sz face/size/:anti
face/offset: cursor
cursor/:axis: cursor/:axis + face/size/:axis
if all [divide? index > 0][
index: index + 1
face/offset/:axis: list/:index/offset/:axis
append list face
if name [set name face]
box: face/offset + face/size + spacing
if box/x > pane-size/x [pane-size/x: box/x]
if box/y > pane-size/y [pane-size/y: box/y]
if face-options/now? [do-actor face none 'time]
spec: next spec
process-reactors ;-- Needs to be after [set name face]
either block? panel/pane [append panel/pane list][
unless only [panel/pane: list]
either size [panel/size: size][
if pane-size <> 0x0 [panel/size: pane-size - spacing + origin]
if image: panel/image [
x: image/size/x
y: image/size/y
if panel/size/x < x [panel/size/x: x]
if panel/size/y < y [panel/size/y: y]
if all [focal-face not parent][panel/selected: focal-face]
if options [set/some panel make object! user-opts]
if flags [spec/flags: either spec/flags [unique union spec/flags flgs][flgs]]
either only [list][panel]
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