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Last active October 7, 2020 07:19
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Validator for AI Offline 2
* g++ -std=c++11 -o eval *
* ./eval yor.stu yor.sol *
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <exception>
using namespace std;
typedef pair<int, int> pii;
typedef vector<int> VI;
typedef vector<VI> VVI;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if(argc < 4) {
cerr << "Please run this as: <program> <course file> <student file> <solution>\n";
return 0;
ifstream crs, stu, sol;[1], ifstream::in);[2], ifstream::in);[3], ifstream::in);
if( or or {
cerr << "Couldn't open some file.\n";
return 1;
vector<pii> courses(1);
while(crs >> courses.back().first >> courses.back().second) {
sort(courses.begin(), courses.end());
int vertices = courses.size();
VVI g(vertices, VI(vertices, 0));
string line;
while(getline(stu, line)) {
stringstream ss(line);
VI enrolled;
int c;
while(ss >> c) enrolled.push_back(c);
for(int i=0; i<(int) enrolled.size(); ++i) {
int pos_i = lower_bound(courses.begin(), courses.end(), pii(enrolled[i], 0)) - courses.begin();
for(int j=i+1; j<(int) enrolled.size(); ++j) {
int pos_j = lower_bound(courses.begin(), courses.end(), pii(enrolled[j], 0)) - courses.begin();
if(pos_i == vertices or pos_j == vertices) {
cerr << "Course in stu file doesn't appear in crs file.\n";
return 1;
g[pos_i][pos_j] = g[pos_j][pos_i] = 1;
VI slot_no(vertices);
int c, s, courses_in_sol = 0;
while(sol >> c >> s) {
int pos_c = lower_bound(courses.begin(), courses.end(), pii(c, 0)) - courses.begin();
if(pos_c == vertices) {
cerr << "Course in sol file doesn't appear in crs file\n";
return 1;
slot_no[pos_c] = s;
if(courses_in_sol != vertices) {
cerr << "Error: # of courses in sol file doesn't equal to # of courses in crs file\n";
return 1;
int errorno = 0;
for(int i=0; i<vertices; ++i) {
for(int j=i+1; j<vertices; ++j) {
if(g[i][j] and slot_no[i] == slot_no[j]) {
cerr << "Error " << setw(3) << left << ++errorno << ": Course " << courses[i].first << " and course " << courses[j].first << " occur at the same time.\n";
if(!errorno) {
cout << "No errors (y)\n";
return (errorno ? 1 : 0);
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