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Last active April 12, 2020 01:04
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OSE encounter/treasure generation (F# vs. Ruby)
open FsRandom
let inline tryParse a =
let mutable r = Unchecked.defaultof<'a>
if (^a: (static member TryParse: string * ^a byref -> bool) (a, &r))
then Some r
else None
type Stock =
Empty | Monster | Special | Trap
override this.ToString () =
match this with
| Empty -> "empty"
| Monster -> "monster"
| Special -> "special"
| Trap -> "trap"
let stocking = [| Empty; Empty; Monster; Monster; Special; Trap |]
let chances = Map.ofList [(Empty, 1); (Monster, 3); (Trap, 2)]
let rollD6 = Statistics.uniformDiscrete (1, 6)
let hasTreasure ttype =
random {
let chance = chances |> Map.tryFind ttype |> Option.fold (fun _ t -> t) 0
let! roll = rollD6
return roll <= chance
let runEncounters n =
random {
for x in 1 .. n do
let! roll = rollD6
let encounter = stocking.[roll - 1]
let! treasure = hasTreasure encounter
printfn "Stocking room #%-3d: %s %s"
x (string encounter) (if treasure then "has treasure" else "")
let main argv =
match argv |> Array.tryItem 0 |> Option.bind tryParse with
| Some n -> Utility.defaultState |> Random.get (runEncounters n)
| None -> printfn "usage: generate_treasure <n>"
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
room_stocking = %i[empty empty monster monster special trap]
def treasure?(type)
chances = { empty: 1, monster: 3, trap: 2 }
chance = chances[type] || 0
rand((1..6)) <= chance
16.times do |n|
encounter = room_stocking[rand((1..6))-1]
treasure = treasure?(encounter)
puts "Stocking room ##{format('%-3s', "#{n+1}:")} #{encounter} #{'has treasure' if treasure}"
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