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Last active June 24, 2018 20:07
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  • Save reckenrode/4f786094f56694461c55153e29ee8520 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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PowerShell config file for macOS, which correctly updates the Terminal’s cwd and also understands /etc/paths.d.
$env:PATH = {
# Powershell doesn’t understand paths.d, nor does it put sbin in the path.
# Fix-up the paths to have the same ones as bash.
$pathPrefixes = "/usr/local/bin"
$pathSuffixes = "/usr/sbin", "/sbin", `
[System.String]::Join(":", (Get-ChildItem -Path "/etc/paths.d" | Get-Content))
"$([System.String]::Join(':', $pathPrefixes)):$($env:PATH):$([System.String]::Join(':', $pathSuffixes))"
function Format-Path {
param (
if ($env:HOME -eq $path) {
} elseif ("/" -eq $path) {
} else {
function Update-TerminalPath {
param (
$uri = New-Object System.Uri $path
$uribuilder = New-Object System.UriBuilder $uri
$uribuilder.Host = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName()
Write-Host -NoNewline "$([char]0x1B)]7;$($uribuilder.Uri.AbsoluteUri)`a"
function prompt {
Update-TerminalPath $PWD
"$([System.Environment]::MachineName):$(Format-Path $PWD) $([System.Environment]::UserName)$ "
function ls-GF {
& /bin/ls -GF $args
Set-Alias ls ls-GF
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