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Created September 1, 2023 13:15
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Powershell script to authenticate to zerto using a implicit flow client and secret
# Define variables
$baseServer = ""
$keycloakBaseUrl = "https://$baseServer/auth" # Replace with your Keycloak server URL
$zvmApiUrl = "https://$baseServer/v1"
$realm = "zerto" # Replace with your Keycloak realm name
$client_id = "api-script"
$client_secret = "fcYMFuA5TkIUwp6b3hDUxim0f32z8erk" # Replace with your client's secret key
$tokenUrl = "$keycloakBaseUrl/realms/$realm/protocol/openid-connect/token"
# Define data as a hashtable
$data = @{
"grant_type" = "client_credentials"
"client_id" = $client_id
"client_secret" = $client_secret
# Disable SSL certificate verification (use with caution)
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $tokenUrl -Method Post -Body $data -SkipCertificateCheck
if ($response.status_code -eq 200) {
$access_token = $response.access_token
Write-Host "Authentication successful. Access token: $access_token"
} else {
Write-Host "Authentication failed. Status code: $($response.status_code)"
Write-Host "Error message: $($response.text)"
$uri = "$zvmApiUrl/vpgs"
Write-Host $uri
$headers = @{
"Authorization" = "Bearer $access_token"
"accept" = "application/json"
# Make a GET request to the URI with the specified headers
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -Method Get -SkipCertificateCheck
# Check if the request was successful (HTTP status code 200)
if ($response.status_code -eq 200) {
# Output the response JSON
Write-Host $response
} else {
Write-Host "Status code: $($response.status_code)"
Write-Host "Error message: $($response)"
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