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Last active September 23, 2019 11:30
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import yaml
import psutil
# function to validate it an IP address is real, or NA to skip (used for NS2)
def validate_ip(s):
if s.upper() == "NA":
return True
a = s.split('.')
if len(a) != 4:
return False
for x in a:
if not x.isdigit():
return False
i = int(x)
if i < 0 or i > 255:
return False
return True
# function to validate if a network mask is between 8 and 30 bits
def validate_mask(a):
if len(a) > 2:
return False
for x in a:
if not x.isdigit():
return False
if not 8 <= int(a) <= 30:
return False
return True
# function to format dhcp yaml for given nic
def set_nic_dhcp(n):
yamldhcp = {'network': {'version': 2, 'renderer': 'networkd', 'ethernets': {'tempnic': {'dhcp4': True}}}}
yamldhcp["network"]["ethernets"][n] = yamldhcp["network"]["ethernets"].pop("tempnic")
staticfilename = "50-" + n + ".yaml"
write_yaml(yamldhcp, staticfilename)
# function to format static yaml for given nic after getting info
def set_nic_static(n):
# a basic static YAML config
yamlstatic = {'network': {'ethernets': {'tempnic': {'addresses': [''], 'gateway4': '', 'nameservers': {'addresses': ['', ''], 'search': ['']}, 'optional': True}}, 'version': 2}}
s_ip = " "
s_mask = " "
s_gateway = " "
s_ns1 = " "
s_ns2 = " "
# swap out the tempnic with the nic that the user selected
yamlstatic["network"]["ethernets"][n] = yamlstatic["network"]["ethernets"].pop("tempnic")
# get static IP information from the user
while not validate_ip(s_ip):
s_ip = input("Please enter the IP address (ex. ")
while not validate_mask(s_mask):
s_mask = input("Please enter the subnet bits (ex. = 24): ")
while not validate_ip(s_gateway):
s_gateway = input("Please enter the default gateway (ex. ")
while not validate_ip(s_ns1):
s_ns1 = input("Please enter DNS nameserver 1 (ex. ")
while not validate_ip(s_ns2):
s_ns2 = input("Please enter DNS nameserver 2 (enter NA to skip): ")
s_searchdomain = input("Please enter the search domain (ex. corp.local): ")
# start setting yaml data to the input info
address = s_ip + '/' + s_mask
yamlstatic['network']['ethernets'][n]['addresses'][0] = address
yamlstatic['network']['ethernets'][n]['gateway4'] = s_gateway
yamlstatic['network']['ethernets'][n]['nameservers']['search'][0] = s_searchdomain
# set name servers
if (not s_ns2) or (s_ns2.upper() == "NA"):
yamlstatic['network']['ethernets'][n]['nameservers']['addresses'][0] = s_ns1
yamlstatic['network']['ethernets'][n]['nameservers']['addresses'][0] = s_ns1
yamlstatic['network']['ethernets'][n]['nameservers']['addresses'][1] = s_ns2
# call write yaml function to put yaml data into a config file
staticfilename = "50-" + n + ".yaml"
write_yaml(yamlstatic, staticfilename)
# function to write yaml file to netplan config directory
def write_yaml(yamldata, filename):
filename = "/etc/netplan/" + filename
print("Trying to write {}".format(filename))
with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
yaml.dump(yamldata, outfile, default_flow_style=False)
print("File was written successfully")
print("Something went wrong, unable to write file. Did you run the script as sudo or root?")
# main function to control
def main():
selection = None
addrs = psutil.net_if_addrs()
nics = list(addrs.keys())
print("Please select the network interface to configure")
i = 0
while i < len(nics):
if not nics[i] == "lo":
print("{} - {}".format(i, nics[i]))
i = i + 1
selection = input("Enter the nic number: ")
nic = nics[int(selection)]
print("Configuring {}".format(nic))
static = False
tmp = input("Do you want to set a Static IP address? (Y/N): ")
if tmp.upper() == "Y":
if __name__ == "__main__":
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