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Forked from qzed/Pipfile
Last active October 6, 2018 15:04
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Surface Book 2 / Surface Pro (2017) / Surface Laptop UART protocol proof-of-concept script.

This script is from jakeday/linux-surface#28 (comment)

It works for Surface Book 2 and Surface Pro 2017.

If you're using Surface Laptop, edit the baudrate to 1843200 and it will work too.

If /dev/ttyS4 doesn't exist, try /dev/ttyS0. (My Surface Laptop is the case)

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import pprint
import crcmod
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pathlib import Path
import serial
from serial import Serial
DEFAULT_DEVICE = '/dev/ttyS4'
CRC_FN = crcmod.predefined.mkCrcFun('crc-ccitt-false')
def setup_device(port):
# definition from DSDT
return Serial(
def crc(pld):
x = CRC_FN(bytes(pld))
return [x & 0xff, (x >> 0x08) & 0xff]
def to_int(bytes):
return int.from_bytes(bytes, byteorder='little')
class Counters:
PATH = Path(__file__).parent / '.counters.json'
def load():
if Counters.PATH.is_file():
with open(Counters.PATH) as fd:
data = json.load(fd)
seq = data['seq']
cnt = data['cnt']
seq = 0x00
cnt = 0x0000
return Counters(seq, cnt)
def __init__(self, seq, cnt):
self.seq = seq
self.cnt = cnt
def store(self):
with open(Counters.PATH, 'w') as fd:
data = {'seq': self.seq, 'cnt': self.cnt}
json.dump(data, fd)
def inc_seq(self):
self.seq = (self.seq + 1) & 0xFF
def inc_cnt(self):
self.cnt = (self.cnt + 1) & 0xFFFF
def inc(self):
class Command:
def __init__(self, rtc, riid, rcid):
self.rtc = rtc
self.riid = riid
self.rcid = rcid
def _write_msg(self, dev, seq, cnt):
cnt_lo = cnt & 0xff
cnt_hi = (cnt >> 0x08) & 0xff
hdr = [0x80, 0x08, 0x00, seq]
pld = [0x80, self.rtc, 0x01, 0x00, self.riid, cnt_lo, cnt_hi, self.rcid]
msg = [0xaa, 0x55] + hdr + crc(hdr) + pld + crc(pld)
return dev.write(bytes(msg))
def _write_ack(self, dev, seq):
hdr = [0x40, 0x00, 0x00, seq]
msg = [0xaa, 0x55] + hdr + crc(hdr) + [0xff, 0xff]
return dev.write(bytes(msg))
def _read_ack(self, dev, exp_seq):
msg = bytes()
while len(msg) < 0x0A:
msg += - len(msg))
print("received: {}".format(msg.hex()))
assert msg[0:2] == bytes([0xaa, 0x55])
assert msg[3:5] == bytes([0x00, 0x00])
assert msg[6:8] == bytes(crc(msg[2:-4]))
assert msg[8:] == bytes([0xff, 0xff])
mty = msg[2]
seq = msg[5]
if mty == 0x40:
assert seq == exp_seq
return mty == 0x04
def _read_msg(self, dev, cnt):
cnt_lo = cnt & 0xff
cnt_hi = (cnt >> 0x08) & 0xff
buf = bytes()
rem = 0x08 # begin with header length
while len(buf) < rem:
buf +=
# if we got a header, validate it
if rem == 0x08 and len(buf) >= 0x08:
hdr = buf[0:8]
assert hdr[0:3] == bytes([0xaa, 0x55, 0x80])
assert hdr[-2:] == bytes(crc(hdr[2:-2]))
rem += hdr[3] + 10 # len(payload) + frame + crc
hdr = buf[0:8]
msg = buf[8:hdr[3]+10]
rem = buf[hdr[3]+10:]
print("received: {}".format(hdr.hex()))
print("received: {}".format(msg.hex()))
assert msg[0:8] == bytes([0x80, self.rtc, 0x00, 0x01, self.riid, cnt_lo, cnt_hi, self.rcid])
assert msg[-2:] == bytes(crc(msg[:-2]))
seq = hdr[5]
pld = msg[8:-2]
return seq, pld, rem
def _read_clean(self, dev, buf=bytes()):
buf += # make sure we're not missing some bytes
while buf:
# get header / detect message type
if len(buf) >= 0x08:
if buf[0:3] == bytes([0xaa, 0x55, 0x40]): # ACK
while len(buf) < 0x0A:
buf +=
print("ignored ACK: {}".format(buf[:0x0a].hex()))
buf = bytes(buf[0x0a:])
elif buf[0:3] == bytes([0xaa, 0x55, 0x80]): # response
buflen = 0x0a + buf[3]
while len(buf) < buflen:
buf +=
print("ignored MSG: {}".format(buf[:buflen].hex()))
buf = bytes(buf[buflen:])
elif buf[0:3] == bytes([0x4e, 0x00, 0x53]): # control message?
while len(buf) < 0x19:
buf +=
print("ignored CTRL: {}".format(buf[:0x19].hex()))
buf = bytes(buf[0x19:])
else: # unknown
print("ignored unknown: {}".format(buf.hex()))
assert False
buf +=
def run(self, dev, cnt):
self._write_msg(dev, cnt.seq, cnt.cnt)
retry = self._read_ack(dev, cnt.seq)
# retry one time on com failure
if retry:
self._write_msg(dev, cnt.seq, cnt.cnt)
retry = self._read_ack(dev, cnt.seq)
if retry:
print('Communication failure: invalid ACK, try again')
seq, pld, rem = self._read_msg(dev, cnt.cnt)
self._write_ack(dev, seq)
self._read_clean(dev, rem)
return self._handle_payload(pld)
def _handle_payload(self, pld):
return None
class Gbos(Command):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(0x11, 0x00, 0x0d)
def _handle_payload(self, pld):
return {
'Base Status': hex(pld[0]),
class Psr(Command):
def __init__(self, bat):
super().__init__(0x02, bat, 0x0d)
def _handle_payload(self, pld):
return {
'Power Source': hex(to_int(pld[0:4])),
class Sta(Command):
def __init__(self, bat):
super().__init__(0x02, bat, 0x01)
def _handle_payload(self, pld):
return {
'Battery Status': hex(to_int(pld[0:4])),
class Bst(Command):
def __init__(self, bat):
super().__init__(0x02, bat, 0x03)
def _handle_payload(self, pld):
return {
'State': hex(to_int(pld[0:4])),
'Present Rate': hex(to_int(pld[4:8])),
'Remaining Capacity': hex(to_int(pld[8:12])),
'Present Voltage': hex(to_int(pld[12:16])),
class Bix(Command):
def __init__(self, bat):
super().__init__(0x02, bat, 0x02)
def _handle_payload(self, pld):
return {
'Revision': hex(pld[0]),
'Power Unit': hex(to_int(pld[1:5])),
'Design Capacity': hex(to_int(pld[5:9])),
'Last Full Charge Capacity': hex(to_int(pld[9:13])),
'Technology': hex(to_int(pld[13:17])),
'Design Voltage': hex(to_int(pld[17:21])),
'Design Capacity of Warning': hex(to_int(pld[21:25])),
'Design Capacity of Low': hex(to_int(pld[25:29])),
'Cycle Count': hex(to_int(pld[29:33])),
'Measurement Accuracy': hex(to_int(pld[33:37])),
'Max Sampling Time': hex(to_int(pld[37:41])),
'Min Sampling Time': hex(to_int(pld[41:45])),
'Max Averaging Interval': hex(to_int(pld[45:49])),
'Min Averaging Interval': hex(to_int(pld[49:53])),
'Capacity Granularity 1': hex(to_int(pld[53:57])),
'Capacity Granularity 2': hex(to_int(pld[57:61])),
'Model Number': pld[61:82].decode().rstrip('\0'),
'Serial Number': pld[82:93].decode().rstrip('\0'),
'Type': pld[93:98].decode().rstrip('\0'),
'OEM Information': pld[98:119].decode().rstrip('\0'),
class PrettyBat:
def __init__(self, bat):
self.bix = Bix(bat)
self.bst = Bst(bat)
def run(self, dev, cnt):
bix =, cnt)
bst =, cnt)
state = int(bst['State'], 0)
vol = int(bst['Present Voltage'], 0)
rem_cap = int(bst['Remaining Capacity'], 0)
full_cap = int(bix['Last Full Charge Capacity'], 0)
rate = int(bst['Present Rate'], 0)
bat_states = {
0: 'None',
1: 'Discharging',
2: 'Charging',
4: 'Critical',
5: 'Critical (Discharging)',
6: 'Critical (Charging)',
bat_state = bat_states[state]
bat_vol = vol / 1000
if full_cap <= 0:
bat_rem_perc = '<unavailable>'
bat_rem_perc = "{}%".format(int(rem_cap / full_cap * 100))
if state == 0x00 or rate == 0:
bat_rem_life = '<unavailable>'
bat_rem_life = "{:.2f}h".format(rem_cap / rate)
return {
'State': bat_state,
'Voltage': "{}V".format(bat_vol),
'Precentage': bat_rem_perc,
'Remaing ': bat_rem_life,
'lid0.gbos': Gbos(),
'adp1._psr': Psr(0x01),
'bat1._sta': Sta(0x01),
'bat1._bst': Bst(0x01),
'bat1._bix': Bix(0x01),
'bat2._sta': Sta(0x02),
'bat2._bst': Bst(0x02),
'bat2._bix': Bix(0x02),
'bat1.pretty': PrettyBat(0x01),
'bat2.pretty': PrettyBat(0x02),
def main():
cli = ArgumentParser(description='Surface Book 2 / Surface Pro (2017) embedded controller requests.')
cli.add_argument('-d', '--device', default=DEFAULT_DEVICE, metavar='DEV', help='the UART device')
cli.add_argument('-c', '--cnt', type=lambda x: int(x, 0), help='overwrite CNT')
cli.add_argument('-s', '--seq', type=lambda x: int(x, 0), help='overwrite SEQ')
commands = cli.add_subparsers()
for cmd in COMMANDS.keys():
parser = commands.add_parser(cmd, help="run request '{}'".format(cmd.upper()))
args = cli.parse_args()
dev = setup_device(args.device)
cmd = COMMANDS.get(args.command)
cnt = Counters.load()
if args.seq is not None:
cnt.seq = args.seq
if args.cnt is not None:
cnt.cnt = args.cnt
res =, cnt)
if __name__ == '__main__':
url = ""
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"
crcmod = "*"
pyserial = "*"
pylint = "*"
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