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Created August 22, 2022 19:59
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  • Save reconbot/354307a9a811416e6731c42a2dad8067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save reconbot/354307a9a811416e6731c42a2dad8067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Database Workflows

  • local development workflow
    • ensure there's a dev branch that matches the machine ID and force schema, truncate tables, load dev data, write branch name/access keys to envs
    • ensure there's a test branch that matches the machine ID and force schema, truncate tables, write branch name/access keys to envs
  • github branch workflow
    • ensure there's a test branch that matches 'github', branch_name, and force schema, truncate data, write branch name/access keys to envs
  • deployment workflows
    • deploying to staging, create a branch off of staging if schema changed, force schema, try to merge, block code deploy if you can't merge
    • deploying to production, create a branch off of production if schema changed, force schema, try to merge, block code deploy if you can't merge
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