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Created February 22, 2021 17:49
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  • Save recursivecodes/2662d95794de36386d752c31ae4261a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$ terraform destroy           
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  - destroy
Terraform will perform the following actions:
  # oci_objectstorage_bucket.create_bucket will be destroyed
  - resource "oci_objectstorage_bucket" "create_bucket" {
      - access_type           = "NoPublicAccess" -> null
      - approximate_count     = "0" -> null
      - approximate_size      = "0" -> null
      - bucket_id             = "ocid1.bucket.oc1.[redacted]" -> null
      - compartment_id        = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..[redacted]" -> null
      - created_by            = "ocid1.user.oc1..[redacted]" -> null
      - defined_tags          = {
        } -> null
      - etag                  = "ac1ae994-7a46-4709-bf22-28e78fc28a62" -> null
      - freeform_tags         = {} -> null
      - id                    = "n/toddrsharp/b/my_new_bucket" -> null
      - is_read_only          = false -> null
      - metadata              = {} -> null
      - name                  = "my_new_bucket" -> null
      - namespace             = "toddrsharp" -> null
      - object_events_enabled = false -> null
      - replication_enabled   = false -> null
      - storage_tier          = "Standard" -> null
      - time_created          = "2021-02-02 14:00:30.676 +0000 UTC" -> null
      - versioning            = "Disabled" -> null
Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy.
Changes to Outputs:
  - new_bucket = {
      - access_type                  = "NoPublicAccess"
      - approximate_count            = "0"
      - approximate_size             = "0"
      - bucket_id                    = "ocid1.bucket.oc1.[redacted]"
      - compartment_id               = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..[redacted]"
      - created_by                   = "ocid1.user.oc1..[redacted]"
      - defined_tags                 = {
      - etag                         = "ac1ae994-7a46-4709-bf22-28e78fc28a62"
      - freeform_tags                = {}
      - id                           = "n/toddrsharp/b/my_new_bucket"
      - is_read_only                 = false
      - kms_key_id                   = null
      - metadata                     = {}
      - name                         = "my_new_bucket"
      - namespace                    = "toddrsharp"
      - object_events_enabled        = false
      - object_lifecycle_policy_etag = null
      - replication_enabled          = false
      - retention_rules              = []
      - storage_tier                 = "Standard"
      - time_created                 = "2021-02-02 14:00:30.676 +0000 UTC"
      - timeouts                     = null
      - versioning                   = "Disabled"
    } -> null
Do you really want to destroy all resources?
  Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above.
  There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.
  Enter a value: yes
oci_objectstorage_bucket.create_bucket: Destroying... [id=n/toddrsharp/b/my_new_bucket]
oci_objectstorage_bucket.create_bucket: Destruction complete after 3s
Destroy complete! Resources: 1 destroyed.
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