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Created March 11, 2015 06:06
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module Starforce where
import Data.Bits
import Data.List
answers :: Int -> [Int]
answers = \bitnum -> concat $ map (bit_permutation bitnum) $ reverse [1..bitnum]
bit_permutation :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
bit_permutation bitnum onebit
| zerobit == 0 = [foldr (.|.) 0 $ map bit [0..(onebit-1)]]
| onebit == 0 = [0]
| otherwise = (bit_permutation (bitnum-1) onebit)
++ (map ((bit (bitnum-1)) .|.) (bit_permutation (bitnum-1) (onebit-1)))
where zerobit = bitnum - onebit
possible :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Bool
possible = possible' 0
possible' :: Int -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Bool
possible' _ _ 0 _ = True
possible' _ [] _ _ = False
possible' c (n:ns) m a
| (partial .&. a) == a = possible' 0 ns (m-1) a
| otherwise = possible' partial ns m a
where partial = c .|. n
starforce :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
starforce ns m = case (find (possible ns m) (answers 16)) of Just n -> popCount n
Nothing -> 0
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