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Created July 7, 2010 11:05
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# Global data
# dict for dart station rss IDs
stations = {
'pearse' : 'PERSE',
'blackrock' : 'BROCK',
'grand canal dock' : 'GCDK',
'tara' : 'TARA',
'tara street' : 'TARA',
def dart_arrival_time(dart, now):
returns time to DART in minutes (int).
dart = RSS item
now = (hours, minutes) tuple
dart_ = dart.split()
# get the hours and minutes of the dart arrival, convert to minutes
hours_eta, mins_eta = dart_[0].split(':')
delta_min = 60*int(hours_eta) + int(mins_eta)
# do the same with the current time
now_min = 60*int(now[0]) + int(now[1])
return int(delta_min - now_min)
def set_args():
Set up options
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
# set up arguments, take any immediate action required
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-s", "--station", dest="start_station", help="starting station")
parser.add_option("-d", "--direction", dest="direction", help="direction of travel" )
parser.add_option("-l", "--list", action="store_true", dest="list_stations", help="list available stations" )
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.list_stations:
print "Possible options for starting station:"
print "\n".join(stations.keys())
# assign arguments as required
start_station = options.start_station.lower()
direction = options.direction.lower()
except Exception, e:
parser.error("Problem with arguments, see -h --help for help")
print e
return (start_station, direction)
def main():
import sys
import feedparser
except Exception, e:
print("Requires feedparser module")
print e
# handle options
start_station, direction = set_args()
feed = feedparser.parse('' + stations[start_station])
# check that feed returned correctly
good_responses = [200,]
if feed.status not in good_responses:
print("Feed download failed (status %d)" % (feed.status) )
except Exception, e:
print("Error: no connection made")
print feed.feed.title
# terminating stations
if direction == 'south':
targets = ['Bray', 'Greystones']
elif direction == 'north':
targets = ['Howth', 'Malahide']
# initialise current time
feed_time = feed.feed.title.split()[-1]
# time is HH:MMam so we split on':' then remove the am or pm
now_hour, now_min = feed_time.split(':')[0], feed_time.split(':')[1]
now_min = now_min[0:-2]
now = (now_hour, now_min)
# now find the right darts
#for item in feed['items']:
for entry in feed.entries:
dart = entry.title
# destination is last word in each item
if dart.split()[-1] in targets:
print("[ arriving in %3d minutes ] %s" % (dart_arrival_time(dart, now), dart))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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