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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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missing comments in JSON
"comment":"Reference documentation for application programming interfaces (APIs).",
"comment_plain":"Reference documentation for application programming interfaces (APIs).",
"label":"API Reference",
"comment":"Web page type: About page.",
"comment_plain":"Web page type: About page.",
"label":"About Page",
"comment":"The act of committing to/adopting an object.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">RejectAction</a>: The antagonym of AcceptAction.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of committing to/adopting an object.Related actions:RejectAction: The antagonym of AcceptAction.",
"label":"Accept Action",
"comment":"Accountancy business.",
"comment_plain":"Accountancy business.",
"label":"Accounting Service",
"comment":"The act of accomplishing something via previous efforts. It is an instantaneous action rather than an ongoing process.",
"comment_plain":"The act of accomplishing something via previous efforts. It is an instantaneous action rather than an ongoing process.",
"label":"Achieve Action",
"comment":"An action performed by a direct agent and indirect participants upon a direct object. Optionally happens at a location with the help of an inanimate instrument. The execution of the action may produce a result. Specific action sub-type documentation specifies the exact expectation of each argument/role.\n <br><br>See also <a href=\"\">blog post</a>\n and <a href=\"\">Actions overview document.</a>",
"comment_plain":"An action performed by a direct agent and indirect participants upon a direct object. Optionally happens at a location with the help of an inanimate instrument. The execution of the action may produce a result. Specific action sub-type documentation specifies the exact expectation of each argument/role.\n See also blog post\n and Actions overview document.",
"comment":"The act of editing by adding an object to a collection.",
"comment_plain":"The act of editing by adding an object to a collection.",
"label":"Add Action",
"comment":"A geographical region under the jurisdiction of a particular government.",
"comment_plain":"A geographical region under the jurisdiction of a particular government.",
"label":"Administrative Area",
"comment":"An adult entertainment establishment.",
"comment_plain":"An adult entertainment establishment.",
"label":"Adult Entertainment",
"comment":"When a single product is associated with multiple offers (for example, the same pair of shoes is offered by different merchants), then AggregateOffer can be used.",
"comment_plain":"When a single product is associated with multiple offers (for example, the same pair of shoes is offered by different merchants), then AggregateOffer can be used.",
"label":"Aggregate Offer",
"comment":"The average rating based on multiple ratings or reviews.",
"comment_plain":"The average rating based on multiple ratings or reviews.",
"label":"Aggregate Rating",
"comment":"The act of expressing a consistency of opinion with the object. An agent agrees to/about an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.",
"comment_plain":"The act of expressing a consistency of opinion with the object. An agent agrees to/about an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.",
"label":"Agree Action",
"comment":"An airport.",
"comment_plain":"An airport.",
"comment":"An intangible item that describes an alignment between a learning resource and a node in an educational framework.",
"comment_plain":"An intangible item that describes an alignment between a learning resource and a node in an educational framework.",
"label":"Alignment Object",
"comment":"The act of organizing tasks/objects/events by associating resources to it.",
"comment_plain":"The act of organizing tasks/objects/events by associating resources to it.",
"label":"Allocate Action",
"comment":"An amusement park.",
"comment_plain":"An amusement park.",
"label":"Amusement Park",
"comment":"Any part of the human body, typically a component of an anatomical system. Organs, tissues, and cells are all anatomical structures.",
"comment_plain":"Any part of the human body, typically a component of an anatomical system. Organs, tissues, and cells are all anatomical structures.",
"label":"Anatomical Structure",
"comment":"An anatomical system is a group of anatomical structures that work together to perform a certain task. Anatomical systems, such as organ systems, are one organizing principle of anatomy, and can includes circulatory, digestive, endocrine, integumentary, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, urinary, vestibular, and other systems.",
"comment_plain":"An anatomical system is a group of anatomical structures that work together to perform a certain task. Anatomical systems, such as organ systems, are one organizing principle of anatomy, and can includes circulatory, digestive, endocrine, integumentary, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, urinary, vestibular, and other systems.",
"label":"Anatomical System",
"comment":"Animal shelter.",
"comment_plain":"Animal shelter.",
"label":"Animal Shelter",
"comment":"Residence type: Apartment complex.",
"comment_plain":"Residence type: Apartment complex.",
"label":"Apartment Complex",
"comment":"The act of inserting at the end if an ordered collection.",
"comment_plain":"The act of inserting at the end if an ordered collection.",
"label":"Append Action",
"comment":"The act of registering to an organization/service without the guarantee to receive it. NOTE(goto): should this be under InteractAction instead?<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">RegisterAction</a>: Unlike RegisterAction, ApplyAction has no guarantees that the application will be accepted.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of registering to an organization/service without the guarantee to receive it. NOTE(goto): should this be under InteractAction instead?Related actions:RegisterAction: Unlike RegisterAction, ApplyAction has no guarantees that the application will be accepted.",
"label":"Apply Action",
"comment":"An indication for a medical therapy that has been formally specified or approved by a regulatory body that regulates use of the therapy; for example, the US FDA approves indications for most drugs in the US.",
"comment_plain":"An indication for a medical therapy that has been formally specified or approved by a regulatory body that regulates use of the therapy; for example, the US FDA approves indications for most drugs in the US.",
"label":"Approved Indication",
"comment":"The act of arriving at a place. An agent arrives at a destination from an fromLocation, optionally with participants.",
"comment_plain":"The act of arriving at a place. An agent arrives at a destination from an fromLocation, optionally with participants.",
"label":"Arrive Action",
"comment":"An art gallery.",
"comment_plain":"An art gallery.",
"label":"Art Gallery",
"comment":"A type of blood vessel that specifically carries blood away from the heart.",
"comment_plain":"A type of blood vessel that specifically carries blood away from the heart.",
"comment":"An article, such as a news article or piece of investigative report. Newspapers and magazines have articles of many different types and this is intended to cover them all.\n\n <br><br>See also <a href=\"\">blog post</a>",
"comment_plain":"An article, such as a news article or piece of investigative report. Newspapers and magazines have articles of many different types and this is intended to cover them all.\n\n See also blog post",
"comment":"The act of posing a question / favor to someone.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">ReplyAction</a>: Appears generally as a response to AskAction.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of posing a question / favor to someone.Related actions:ReplyAction: Appears generally as a response to AskAction.",
"label":"Ask Action",
"comment":"The act of forming one's opinion, reaction or sentiment.",
"comment_plain":"The act of forming one's opinion, reaction or sentiment.",
"label":"Assess Action",
"comment":"The act of allocating an action/event/task to some destination (someone or something).",
"comment_plain":"The act of allocating an action/event/task to some destination (someone or something).",
"label":"Assign Action",
"comment":"Professional service: Attorney.",
"comment_plain":"Professional service: Attorney.",
"comment":"Intended audience for an item, i.e. the group for whom the item was created.",
"comment_plain":"Intended audience for an item, i.e. the group for whom the item was created.",
"comment":"An audio file.",
"comment_plain":"An audio file.",
"label":"Audio Object",
"comment":"The act of granting permission to an object.",
"comment_plain":"The act of granting permission to an object.",
"label":"Authorize Action",
"comment":"Auto body shop.",
"comment_plain":"Auto body shop.",
"label":"Auto Body Shop",
"comment":"An car dealership.",
"comment_plain":"An car dealership.",
"label":"Auto Dealer",
"comment":"An auto parts store.",
"comment_plain":"An auto parts store.",
"label":"Auto Parts Store",
"comment":"A car rental business.",
"comment_plain":"A car rental business.",
"label":"Auto Rental",
"comment":"Car repair business.",
"comment_plain":"Car repair business.",
"label":"Auto Repair",
"comment":"A car wash business.",
"comment_plain":"A car wash business.",
"label":"Auto Wash",
"comment":"ATM/cash machine.",
"comment_plain":"ATM/cash machine.",
"label":"Automated Teller",
"comment":"Car repair, sales, or parts.",
"comment_plain":"Car repair, sales, or parts.",
"label":"Automotive Business",
"comment":"A bakery.",
"comment_plain":"A bakery.",
"comment":"Bank or credit union.",
"comment_plain":"Bank or credit union.",
"label":"Bank or Credit Union",
"comment":"A bar or pub.",
"comment_plain":"A bar or pub.",
"label":"Bar or Pub",
"comment":"Beauty salon.",
"comment_plain":"Beauty salon.",
"label":"Beauty Salon",
"comment":"Bed and breakfast.",
"comment_plain":"Bed and breakfast.",
"label":"Bed And Breakfast",
"comment":"The act of forming a personal connection with someone (object) mutually/bidirectionally/symmetrically.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">FollowAction</a>: Unlike FollowAction, BefriendAction implies that the connection is reciprocal.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of forming a personal connection with someone (object) mutually/bidirectionally/symmetrically.Related actions:FollowAction: Unlike FollowAction, BefriendAction implies that the connection is reciprocal.",
"label":"Befriend Action",
"comment":"A bike store.",
"comment_plain":"A bike store.",
"label":"Bike Store",
"comment":"A blog",
"comment_plain":"A blog",
"comment":"A blog post.",
"comment_plain":"A blog post.",
"label":"Blog Posting",
"comment":"A medical test performed on a sample of a patient's blood.",
"comment_plain":"A medical test performed on a sample of a patient's blood.",
"label":"Blood Test",
"comment":"A body of water, such as a sea, ocean, or lake.",
"comment_plain":"A body of water, such as a sea, ocean, or lake.",
"label":"Body of Water",
"comment":"Rigid connective tissue that comprises up the skeletal structure of the human body.",
"comment_plain":"Rigid connective tissue that comprises up the skeletal structure of the human body.",
"comment":"A book.",
"comment_plain":"A book.",
"comment":"The publication format of the book.",
"comment_plain":"The publication format of the book.",
"label":"Book Format Type",
"comment":"A bookstore.",
"comment_plain":"A bookstore.",
"label":"Book Store",
"comment":"An agent bookmarks/flags/labels/tags/marks an object.",
"comment_plain":"An agent bookmarks/flags/labels/tags/marks an object.",
"label":"Bookmark Action",
"comment":"The act of obtaining an object under an agreement to return it at a later date. Reciprocal of LendAction.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">LendAction</a>: Reciprocal of BorrowAction.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of obtaining an object under an agreement to return it at a later date. Reciprocal of LendAction.Related actions:LendAction: Reciprocal of BorrowAction.",
"label":"Borrow Action",
"comment":"A bowling alley.",
"comment_plain":"A bowling alley.",
"label":"Bowling Alley",
"comment":"Any anatomical structure which pertains to the soft nervous tissue functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.",
"comment_plain":"Any anatomical structure which pertains to the soft nervous tissue functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.",
"label":"Brain Structure",
"comment":"A brand is a name used by an organization or business person for labeling a product, product group, or similar.",
"comment_plain":"A brand is a name used by an organization or business person for labeling a product, product group, or similar.",
"comment":"An over the air or online broadcast event.",
"comment_plain":"An over the air or online broadcast event.",
"label":"Broadcast Event",
"comment":"A delivery service through which content is provided via broadcast over the air or online.",
"comment_plain":"A delivery service through which content is provided via broadcast over the air or online.",
"label":"Broadcast Service",
"comment":"A Buddhist temple.",
"comment_plain":"A Buddhist temple.",
"label":"Buddhist Temple",
"comment":"A bus station.",
"comment_plain":"A bus station.",
"label":"Bus Station",
"comment":"A bus stop.",
"comment_plain":"A bus stop.",
"label":"Bus Stop",
"comment":"A set of characteristics belonging to businesses, e.g. who compose an item's target audience.",
"comment_plain":"A set of characteristics belonging to businesses, e.g. who compose an item's target audience.",
"label":"Business Audience",
"comment":"A business entity type is a conceptual entity representing the legal form, the size, the main line of business, the position in the value chain, or any combination thereof, of an organization or business person.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n\n",
"comment_plain":"A business entity type is a conceptual entity representing the legal form, the size, the main line of business, the position in the value chain, or any combination thereof, of an organization or business person.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n\n",
"label":"Business Entity Type",
"comment":"Event type: Business event.",
"comment_plain":"Event type: Business event.",
"label":"Business Event",
"comment":"The business function specifies the type of activity or access (i.e., the bundle of rights) offered by the organization or business person through the offer. Typical are sell, rental or lease, maintenance or repair, manufacture / produce, recycle / dispose, engineering / construction, or installation. Proprietary specifications of access rights are also instances of this class.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"comment_plain":"The business function specifies the type of activity or access (i.e., the bundle of rights) offered by the organization or business person through the offer. Typical are sell, rental or lease, maintenance or repair, manufacture / produce, recycle / dispose, engineering / construction, or installation. Proprietary specifications of access rights are also instances of this class.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"label":"Business Function",
"comment":"The act of giving money to a seller in exchange for goods or services rendered. An agent buys an object, product, or service from a seller for a price. Reciprocal of SellAction.",
"comment_plain":"The act of giving money to a seller in exchange for goods or services rendered. An agent buys an object, product, or service from a seller for a price. Reciprocal of SellAction.",
"label":"Buy Action",
"comment":"A cafe or coffee shop.",
"comment_plain":"A cafe or coffee shop.",
"label":"Cafe or Coffee Shop",
"comment":"A campground.",
"comment_plain":"A campground.",
"comment":"A canal, like the Panama Canal",
"comment_plain":"A canal, like the Panama Canal",
"comment":"The act of asserting that a future event/action is no longer going to happen.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">ConfirmAction</a>: The antagonym of CancelAction.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of asserting that a future event/action is no longer going to happen.Related actions:ConfirmAction: The antagonym of CancelAction.",
"label":"Cancel Action",
"comment":"A casino.",
"comment_plain":"A casino.",
"comment":"A Catholic church.",
"comment_plain":"A Catholic church.",
"label":"Catholic Church",
"comment":"A graveyard.",
"comment_plain":"A graveyard.",
"comment":"An agent inspects/determines/investigates/inquire or examine an object's accuracy/quality/condition or state.",
"comment_plain":"An agent inspects/determines/investigates/inquire or examine an object's accuracy/quality/condition or state.",
"label":"Check Action",
"comment":"The act of an agent communicating (service provider, social media, etc) their arrival by registering/confirming for a previously reserved service (e.g. flight check in) or at a place (e.g. hotel), possibly resulting in a result (boarding pass, etc).<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">CheckOutAction</a>: The antagonym of CheckInAction.</li><li><a href=\"\">ArriveAction</a>: Unlike ArriveAction, CheckInAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the start of a previously reserved service.</li><li><a href=\"\">ConfirmAction</a>: Unlike ConfirmAction, CheckInAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the *start* of a previously reserved service rather than its validity/existence.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of an agent communicating (service provider, social media, etc) their arrival by registering/confirming for a previously reserved service (e.g. flight check in) or at a place (e.g. hotel), possibly resulting in a result (boarding pass, etc).Related actions:CheckOutAction: The antagonym of CheckInAction.ArriveAction: Unlike ArriveAction, CheckInAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the start of a previously reserved service.ConfirmAction: Unlike ConfirmAction, CheckInAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the *start* of a previously reserved service rather than its validity/existence.",
"label":"Check in Action",
"comment":"The act of an agent communicating (service provider, social media, etc) their departure of a previously reserved service (e.g. flight check in) or place (e.g. hotel).<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">CheckInAction</a>: The antagonym of CheckOutAction.</li><li><a href=\"\">DepartAction</a>: Unlike DepartAction, CheckOutAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the end of a previously reserved service.</li><li><a href=\"\">CancelAction</a>: Unlike CancelAction, CheckOutAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the end of a previously reserved service.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of an agent communicating (service provider, social media, etc) their departure of a previously reserved service (e.g. flight check in) or place (e.g. hotel).Related actions:CheckInAction: The antagonym of CheckOutAction.DepartAction: Unlike DepartAction, CheckOutAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the end of a previously reserved service.CancelAction: Unlike CancelAction, CheckOutAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the end of a previously reserved service.",
"label":"Check Out Action",
"comment":"Web page type: Checkout page.",
"comment_plain":"Web page type: Checkout page.",
"label":"Checkout Page",
"comment":"A Childcare center.",
"comment_plain":"A Childcare center.",
"label":"Child Care",
"comment":"Event type: Children's event.",
"comment_plain":"Event type: Children's event.",
"label":"Childrens Event",
"comment":"The act of expressing a preference from a set of options or a large or unbounded set of choices/options.",
"comment_plain":"The act of expressing a preference from a set of options or a large or unbounded set of choices/options.",
"label":"Choose Action",
"comment":"A church.",
"comment_plain":"A church.",
"comment":"A city or town.",
"comment_plain":"A city or town.",
"comment":"A city hall.",
"comment_plain":"A city hall.",
"label":"City Hall",
"comment":"A public structure, such as a town hall or concert hall.",
"comment_plain":"A public structure, such as a town hall or concert hall.",
"label":"Civic Structure",
"comment":"A class, also often called a 'Type'; equivalent to rdfs:Class.",
"comment_plain":"A class, also often called a 'Type'; equivalent to rdfs:Class.",
"comment":"A short TV or radio program or a segment/part of a program.",
"comment_plain":"A short TV or radio program or a segment/part of a program.",
"comment":"A clothing store.",
"comment_plain":"A clothing store.",
"label":"Clothing Store",
"comment":"Computer programming source code. Example: Full (compile ready) solutions, code snippet samples, scripts, templates.",
"comment_plain":"Computer programming source code. Example: Full (compile ready) solutions, code snippet samples, scripts, templates.",
"comment":"Web page type: Collection page.",
"comment_plain":"Web page type: Collection page.",
"label":"Collection Page",
"comment":"A college, university, or other third-level educational institution.",
"comment_plain":"A college, university, or other third-level educational institution.",
"label":"College or University",
"comment":"A comedy club.",
"comment_plain":"A comedy club.",
"label":"Comedy Club",
"comment":"Event type: Comedy event.",
"comment_plain":"Event type: Comedy event.",
"label":"Comedy Event",
"comment":"A comment on an item - for example, a comment on a blog post. The comment's content is expressed via the \"text\" property, and its topic via \"about\", properties shared with all CreativeWorks.",
"comment_plain":"A comment on an item - for example, a comment on a blog post. The comment's content is expressed via the \"text\" property, and its topic via \"about\", properties shared with all CreativeWorks.",
"comment":"The act of generating a comment about a subject.",
"comment_plain":"The act of generating a comment about a subject.",
"label":"Comment Action",
"comment":"The act of conveying information to another person via a communication medium (instrument) such as speech, email, or telephone conversation.",
"comment_plain":"The act of conveying information to another person via a communication medium (instrument) such as speech, email, or telephone conversation.",
"label":"Communicate Action",
"comment":"A computer store.",
"comment_plain":"A computer store.",
"label":"Computer Store",
"comment":"The act of notifying someone that a future event/action is going to happen as expected.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">CancelAction</a>: The antagonym of ConfirmAction.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of notifying someone that a future event/action is going to happen as expected.Related actions:CancelAction: The antagonym of ConfirmAction.",
"label":"Confirm Action",
"comment":"The act of ingesting information/resources/food.",
"comment_plain":"The act of ingesting information/resources/food.",
"label":"Consume Action",
"comment":"Web page type: Contact page.",
"comment_plain":"Web page type: Contact page.",
"label":"Contact Page",
"comment":"A contact point—for example, a Customer Complaints department.",
"comment_plain":"A contact point—for example, a Customer Complaints department.",
"label":"Contact Point",
"comment":"Enumerated options related to a ContactPoint",
"comment_plain":"Enumerated options related to a ContactPoint",
"label":"Contact Point Option",
"comment":"One of the continents (for example, Europe or Africa).",
"comment_plain":"One of the continents (for example, Europe or Africa).",
"comment":"A convenience store.",
"comment_plain":"A convenience store.",
"label":"Convenience Store",
"comment":"The act of producing/preparing food.",
"comment_plain":"The act of producing/preparing food.",
"label":"Cook Action",
"comment":"Organization: A business corporation.",
"comment_plain":"Organization: A business corporation.",
"comment":"A country.",
"comment_plain":"A country.",
"comment":"A courthouse.",
"comment_plain":"A courthouse.",
"comment":"The act of deliberately creating/producing/generating/building a result out of the agent.",
"comment_plain":"The act of deliberately creating/producing/generating/building a result out of the agent.",
"label":"Create Action",
"comment":"The most generic kind of creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc.",
"comment_plain":"The most generic kind of creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc.",
"label":"Creative Work",
"comment":"A credit or debit card type as a standardized procedure for transferring the monetary amount for a purchase.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"comment_plain":"A credit or debit card type as a standardized procedure for transferring the monetary amount for a purchase.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"label":"Credit Card",
"comment":"A crematorium.",
"comment_plain":"A crematorium.",
"comment":"An alternative, closely-related condition typically considered later in the differential diagnosis process along with the signs that are used to distinguish it.",
"comment_plain":"An alternative, closely-related condition typically considered later in the differential diagnosis process along with the signs that are used to distinguish it.",
"label":"D Dx Element",
"comment":"Event type: A social dance.",
"comment_plain":"Event type: A social dance.",
"label":"Dance Event",
"comment":"A dance group—for example, the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater or Riverdance.",
"comment_plain":"A dance group—for example, the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater or Riverdance.",
"label":"Dance Group",
"comment":"A collection of datasets.",
"comment_plain":"A collection of datasets.",
"label":"Data Catalog",
"comment":"A dataset in downloadable form.",
"comment_plain":"A dataset in downloadable form.",
"label":"Data Download",
"comment":"A body of structured information describing some topic(s) of interest.",
"comment_plain":"A body of structured information describing some topic(s) of interest.",
"comment":"The day of the week, e.g. used to specify to which day the opening hours of an OpeningHoursSpecification refer.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"comment_plain":"The day of the week, e.g. used to specify to which day the opening hours of an OpeningHoursSpecification refer.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"label":"Day of Week",
"comment":"A day spa.",
"comment_plain":"A day spa.",
"label":"Day Spa",
"comment":"A defence establishment, such as an army or navy base.",
"comment_plain":"A defence establishment, such as an army or navy base.",
"label":"Defence Establishment",
"comment":"The act of editing a recipient by removing one of its objects.",
"comment_plain":"The act of editing a recipient by removing one of its objects.",
"label":"Delete Action",
"comment":"The price for the delivery of an offer using a particular delivery method.",
"comment_plain":"The price for the delivery of an offer using a particular delivery method.",
"label":"Delivery Charge Specification",
"comment":"An event involving the delivery of an item.",
"comment_plain":"An event involving the delivery of an item.",
"label":"Delivery Event",
"comment":"A delivery method is a standardized procedure for transferring the product or service to the destination of fulfillment chosen by the customer. Delivery methods are characterized by the means of transportation used, and by the organization or group that is the contracting party for the sending organization or person.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"comment_plain":"A delivery method is a standardized procedure for transferring the product or service to the destination of fulfillment chosen by the customer. Delivery methods are characterized by the means of transportation used, and by the organization or group that is the contracting party for the sending organization or person.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"label":"Delivery Method",
"comment":"A demand entity represents the public, not necessarily binding, not necessarily exclusive, announcement by an organization or person to seek a certain type of goods or services. For describing demand using this type, the very same properties used for Offer apply.",
"comment_plain":"A demand entity represents the public, not necessarily binding, not necessarily exclusive, announcement by an organization or person to seek a certain type of goods or services. For describing demand using this type, the very same properties used for Offer apply.",
"comment":"A dentist.",
"comment_plain":"A dentist.",
"comment":"The act of departing from a place. An agent departs from an fromLocation for a destination, optionally with participants.",
"comment_plain":"The act of departing from a place. An agent departs from an fromLocation for a destination, optionally with participants.",
"label":"Depart Action",
"comment":"A department store.",
"comment_plain":"A department store.",
"label":"Department Store",
"comment":"A medical laboratory that offers on-site or off-site diagnostic services.",
"comment_plain":"A medical laboratory that offers on-site or off-site diagnostic services.",
"label":"Diagnostic Lab",
"comment":"A medical procedure intended primarily for diagnostic, as opposed to therapeutic, purposes.",
"comment_plain":"A medical procedure intended primarily for diagnostic, as opposed to therapeutic, purposes.",
"label":"Diagnostic Procedure",
"comment":"A strategy of regulating the intake of food to achieve or maintain a specific health-related goal.",
"comment_plain":"A strategy of regulating the intake of food to achieve or maintain a specific health-related goal.",
"comment":"A product taken by mouth that contains a dietary ingredient intended to supplement the diet. Dietary ingredients may include vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and substances such as enzymes, organ tissues, glandulars and metabolites.",
"comment_plain":"A product taken by mouth that contains a dietary ingredient intended to supplement the diet. Dietary ingredients may include vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and substances such as enzymes, organ tissues, glandulars and metabolites.",
"label":"Dietary Supplement",
"comment":"The act of expressing a difference of opinion with the object. An agent disagrees to/about an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.",
"comment_plain":"The act of expressing a difference of opinion with the object. An agent disagrees to/about an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.",
"label":"Disagree Action",
"comment":"The act of discovering/finding an object.",
"comment_plain":"The act of discovering/finding an object.",
"label":"Discover Action",
"comment":"The act of expressing a negative sentiment about the object. An agent dislikes an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.",
"comment_plain":"The act of expressing a negative sentiment about the object. An agent dislikes an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.",
"label":"Dislike Action",
"comment":"Properties that take Distances as values are of the form '&lt;Number&gt; &lt;Length unit of measure&gt;'. E.g., '7 ft'",
"comment_plain":"Properties that take Distances as values are of the form '<Number> <Length unit of measure>'. E.g., '7 ft'",
"comment":"The act of providing goods, services, or money without compensation, often for philanthropic reasons.",
"comment_plain":"The act of providing goods, services, or money without compensation, often for philanthropic reasons.",
"label":"Donate Action",
"comment":"A specific dosing schedule for a drug or supplement.",
"comment_plain":"A specific dosing schedule for a drug or supplement.",
"label":"Dose Schedule",
"comment":"The act of downloading an object.",
"comment_plain":"The act of downloading an object.",
"label":"Download Action",
"comment":"The act of producing a visual/graphical representation of an object, typically with a pen/pencil and paper as instruments.",
"comment_plain":"The act of producing a visual/graphical representation of an object, typically with a pen/pencil and paper as instruments.",
"label":"Draw Action",
"comment":"The act of swallowing liquids.",
"comment_plain":"The act of swallowing liquids.",
"label":"Drink Action",
"comment":"A chemical or biologic substance, used as a medical therapy, that has a physiological effect on an organism.",
"comment_plain":"A chemical or biologic substance, used as a medical therapy, that has a physiological effect on an organism.",
"comment":"A class of medical drugs, e.g., statins. Classes can represent general pharmacological class, common mechanisms of action, common physiological effects, etc.",
"comment_plain":"A class of medical drugs, e.g., statins. Classes can represent general pharmacological class, common mechanisms of action, common physiological effects, etc.",
"label":"Drug Class",
"comment":"The cost per unit of a medical drug. Note that this type is not meant to represent the price in an offer of a drug for sale; see the Offer type for that. This type will typically be used to tag wholesale or average retail cost of a drug, or maximum reimbursable cost. Costs of medical drugs vary widely depending on how and where they are paid for, so while this type captures some of the variables, costs should be used with caution by consumers of this schema's markup.",
"comment_plain":"The cost per unit of a medical drug. Note that this type is not meant to represent the price in an offer of a drug for sale; see the Offer type for that. This type will typically be used to tag wholesale or average retail cost of a drug, or maximum reimbursable cost. Costs of medical drugs vary widely depending on how and where they are paid for, so while this type captures some of the variables, costs should be used with caution by consumers of this schema's markup.",
"label":"Drug Cost",
"comment":"Enumerated categories of medical drug costs.",
"comment_plain":"Enumerated categories of medical drug costs.",
"label":"Drug Cost Category",
"comment":"The legal availability status of a medical drug.",
"comment_plain":"The legal availability status of a medical drug.",
"label":"Drug Legal Status",
"comment":"Categories that represent an assessment of the risk of fetal injury due to a drug or pharmaceutical used as directed by the mother during pregnancy.",
"comment_plain":"Categories that represent an assessment of the risk of fetal injury due to a drug or pharmaceutical used as directed by the mother during pregnancy.",
"label":"Drug Pregnancy Category",
"comment":"Indicates whether this drug is available by prescription or over-the-counter.",
"comment_plain":"Indicates whether this drug is available by prescription or over-the-counter.",
"label":"Drug Prescription Status",
"comment":"A specific strength in which a medical drug is available in a specific country.",
"comment_plain":"A specific strength in which a medical drug is available in a specific country.",
"label":"Drug Strength",
"comment":"A dry-cleaning business.",
"comment_plain":"A dry-cleaning business.",
"label":"Dry Cleaning or Laundry",
"comment":"Quantity: Duration (use <a href=\"\">ISO 8601 duration format</a>).",
"comment_plain":"Quantity: Duration (use ISO 8601 duration format).",
"comment":"The act of swallowing solid objects.",
"comment_plain":"The act of swallowing solid objects.",
"label":"Eat Action",
"comment":"Event type: Education event.",
"comment_plain":"Event type: Education event.",
"label":"Education Event",
"comment":"An EducationalAudience",
"comment_plain":"An EducationalAudience",
"label":"Educational Audience",
"comment":"An educational organization.",
"comment_plain":"An educational organization.",
"label":"Educational Organization",
"comment":"An electrician.",
"comment_plain":"An electrician.",
"comment":"An electronics store.",
"comment_plain":"An electronics store.",
"label":"Electronics Store",
"comment":"An elementary school.",
"comment_plain":"An elementary school.",
"label":"Elementary School",
"comment":"An embassy.",
"comment_plain":"An embassy.",
"comment":"An emergency service, such as a fire station or ER.",
"comment_plain":"An emergency service, such as a fire station or ER.",
"label":"Emergency Service",
"comment":"An employment agency.",
"comment_plain":"An employment agency.",
"label":"Employment Agency",
"comment":"An agent approves/certifies/likes/supports/sanction an object.",
"comment_plain":"An agent approves/certifies/likes/supports/sanction an object.",
"label":"Endorse Action",
"comment":"Properties that take Energy as values are of the form '&lt;Number&gt; &lt;Energy unit of measure&gt;'",
"comment_plain":"Properties that take Energy as values are of the form '<Number> <Energy unit of measure>'",
"comment":"A business providing entertainment.",
"comment_plain":"A business providing entertainment.",
"label":"Entertainment Business",
"comment":"Lists or enumerations—for example, a list of cuisines or music genres, etc.",
"comment_plain":"Lists or enumerations—for example, a list of cuisines or music genres, etc.",
"comment":"A media episode (e.g. TV, radio, video game) which can be part of a series or season.",
"comment_plain":"A media episode (e.g. TV, radio, video game) which can be part of a series or season.",
"comment":"An event happening at a certain time and location, such as a concert, lecture, or festival. Ticketing information may be added via the 'offers' property. Repeated events may be structured as separate Event objects.",
"comment_plain":"An event happening at a certain time and location, such as a concert, lecture, or festival. Ticketing information may be added via the 'offers' property. Repeated events may be structured as separate Event objects.",
"comment":"EventStatusType is an enumeration type whose instances represent several states that an Event may be in.",
"comment_plain":"EventStatusType is an enumeration type whose instances represent several states that an Event may be in.",
"label":"Event Status Type",
"comment":"An event venue.",
"comment_plain":"An event venue.",
"label":"Event Venue",
"comment":"The act of participating in exertive activity for the purposes of improving health and fitness",
"comment_plain":"The act of participating in exertive activity for the purposes of improving health and fitness",
"label":"Exercise Action",
"comment":"A gym.",
"comment_plain":"A gym.",
"label":"Exercise Gym",
"comment":"Fitness-related activity designed for a specific health-related purpose, including defined exercise routines as well as activity prescribed by a clinician.",
"comment_plain":"Fitness-related activity designed for a specific health-related purpose, including defined exercise routines as well as activity prescribed by a clinician.",
"label":"Exercise Plan",
"comment":"A fast-food restaurant.",
"comment_plain":"A fast-food restaurant.",
"label":"Fast Food Restaurant",
"comment":"Event type: Festival.",
"comment_plain":"Event type: Festival.",
"comment":"The act of capturing sound and moving images on film, video, or digitally.",
"comment_plain":"The act of capturing sound and moving images on film, video, or digitally.",
"label":"Film Action",
"comment":"Financial services business.",
"comment_plain":"Financial services business.",
"label":"Financial Service",
"comment":"The act of finding an object.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">SearchAction</a>: FindAction is generally lead by a SearchAction, but not necessarily.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of finding an object.Related actions:SearchAction: FindAction is generally lead by a SearchAction, but not necessarily.",
"label":"Find Action",
"comment":"A fire station. With firemen.",
"comment_plain":"A fire station. With firemen.",
"label":"Fire Station",
"comment":"A florist.",
"comment_plain":"A florist.",
"comment":"The act of forming a personal connection with someone/something (object) unidirectionally/asymmetrically to get updates polled from.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">BefriendAction</a>: Unlike BefriendAction, FollowAction implies that the connection is *not* necessarily reciprocal.</li><li><a href=\"\">SubscribeAction</a>: Unlike SubscribeAction, FollowAction implies that the follower acts as an active agent constantly/actively polling for updates.</li><li><a href=\"\">RegisterAction</a>: Unlike RegisterAction, FollowAction implies that the agent is interested in continuing receiving updates from the object.</li><li><a href=\"\">JoinAction</a>: Unlike JoinAction, FollowAction implies that the agent is interested in getting updates from the object.</li><li><a href=\"\">TrackAction</a>: Unlike TrackAction, FollowAction refers to the polling of updates of all aspects of animate objects rather than the location of inanimate objects (e.g. you track a package, but you don't follow it).</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of forming a personal connection with someone/something (object) unidirectionally/asymmetrically to get updates polled from.Related actions:BefriendAction: Unlike BefriendAction, FollowAction implies that the connection is *not* necessarily reciprocal.SubscribeAction: Unlike SubscribeAction, FollowAction implies that the follower acts as an active agent constantly/actively polling for updates.RegisterAction: Unlike RegisterAction, FollowAction implies that the agent is interested in continuing receiving updates from the object.JoinAction: Unlike JoinAction, FollowAction implies that the agent is interested in getting updates from the object.TrackAction: Unlike TrackAction, FollowAction refers to the polling of updates of all aspects of animate objects rather than the location of inanimate objects (e.g. you track a package, but you don't follow it).",
"label":"Follow Action",
"comment":"A food-related business.",
"comment_plain":"A food-related business.",
"label":"Food Establishment",
"comment":"Event type: Food event.",
"comment_plain":"Event type: Food event.",
"label":"Food Event",
"comment":"A furniture store.",
"comment_plain":"A furniture store.",
"label":"Furniture Store",
"comment":"A garden store.",
"comment_plain":"A garden store.",
"label":"Garden Store",
"comment":"A gas station.",
"comment_plain":"A gas station.",
"label":"Gas Station",
"comment":"Residence type: Gated community.",
"comment_plain":"Residence type: Gated community.",
"label":"Gated Residence Community",
"comment":"A general contractor.",
"comment_plain":"A general contractor.",
"label":"General Contractor",
"comment":"The geographic coordinates of a place or event.",
"comment_plain":"The geographic coordinates of a place or event.",
"label":"Geo Coordinates",
"comment":"The geographic shape of a place.",
"comment_plain":"The geographic shape of a place.",
"label":"Geo Shape",
"comment":"The act of transferring ownership of an object to a destination. Reciprocal of TakeAction.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">TakeAction</a>: Reciprocal of GiveAction.</li><li><a href=\"\">SendAction</a>: Unlike SendAction, GiveAction implies that ownership is being transferred (e.g. I may send my laptop to you, but that doesn't mean I'm giving it to you).</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of transferring ownership of an object to a destination. Reciprocal of TakeAction.Related actions:TakeAction: Reciprocal of GiveAction.SendAction: Unlike SendAction, GiveAction implies that ownership is being transferred (e.g. I may send my laptop to you, but that doesn't mean I'm giving it to you).",
"label":"Give Action",
"comment":"A golf course.",
"comment_plain":"A golf course.",
"label":"Golf Course",
"comment":"A government building.",
"comment_plain":"A government building.",
"label":"Government Building",
"comment":"A government office—for example, an IRS or DMV office.",
"comment_plain":"A government office—for example, an IRS or DMV office.",
"label":"Government Office",
"comment":"A governmental organization or agency.",
"comment_plain":"A governmental organization or agency.",
"label":"Government Organization",
"comment":"A permit issued by a government agency.",
"comment_plain":"A permit issued by a government agency.",
"label":"Government Permit",
"comment":"A service provided by a government organization, e.g. food stamps, veterans benefits, etc.",
"comment_plain":"A service provided by a government organization, e.g. food stamps, veterans benefits, etc.",
"label":"Government Service",
"comment":"A grocery store.",
"comment_plain":"A grocery store.",
"label":"Grocery Store",
"comment":"A business that provide Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning services.",
"comment_plain":"A business that provide Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning services.",
"label":"HVAC Business",
"comment":"A hair salon.",
"comment_plain":"A hair salon.",
"label":"Hair Salon",
"comment":"A hardware store.",
"comment_plain":"A hardware store.",
"label":"Hardware Store",
"comment":"Health and beauty.",
"comment_plain":"Health and beauty.",
"label":"Health And Beauty Business",
"comment":"A health club.",
"comment_plain":"A health club.",
"label":"Health Club",
"comment":"A high school.",
"comment_plain":"A high school.",
"label":"High School",
"comment":"A Hindu temple.",
"comment_plain":"A Hindu temple.",
"label":"Hindu Temple",
"comment":"A store that sells materials useful or necessary for various hobbies.",
"comment_plain":"A store that sells materials useful or necessary for various hobbies.",
"label":"Hobby Shop",
"comment":"A construction business.",
"comment_plain":"A construction business.",
"label":"Home And Construction Business",
"comment":"A home goods store.",
"comment_plain":"A home goods store.",
"label":"Home Goods Store",
"comment":"A hospital.",
"comment_plain":"A hospital.",
"comment":"A hostel - cheap accommodation, often in shared dormitories.",
"comment_plain":"A hostel - cheap accommodation, often in shared dormitories.",
"comment":"A hotel.",
"comment_plain":"A hotel.",
"comment":"A house painting service.",
"comment_plain":"A house painting service.",
"label":"House Painter",
"comment":"An ice cream shop",
"comment_plain":"An ice cream shop",
"label":"Ice Cream Shop",
"comment":"The act of intentionally disregarding the object. An agent ignores an object.",
"comment_plain":"The act of intentionally disregarding the object. An agent ignores an object.",
"label":"Ignore Action",
"comment":"Web page type: Image gallery page.",
"comment_plain":"Web page type: Image gallery page.",
"label":"Image Gallery",
"comment":"An image file.",
"comment_plain":"An image file.",
"label":"Image Object",
"comment":"Any medical imaging modality typically used for diagnostic purposes.",
"comment_plain":"Any medical imaging modality typically used for diagnostic purposes.",
"label":"Imaging Test",
"comment":"A single, identifiable product instance (e.g. a laptop with a particular serial number).",
"comment_plain":"A single, identifiable product instance (e.g. a laptop with a particular serial number).",
"label":"Individual Product",
"comment":"Classes of agents or pathogens that transmit infectious diseases. Enumerated type.",
"comment_plain":"Classes of agents or pathogens that transmit infectious diseases. Enumerated type.",
"label":"Infectious Agent Class",
"comment":"An infectious disease is a clinically evident human disease resulting from the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, like pathogenic viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and prions. To be considered an infectious disease, such pathogens are known to be able to cause this disease.",
"comment_plain":"An infectious disease is a clinically evident human disease resulting from the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, like pathogenic viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and prions. To be considered an infectious disease, such pathogens are known to be able to cause this disease.",
"label":"Infectious Disease",
"comment":"The act of notifying someone of information pertinent to them, with no expectation of a response.",
"comment_plain":"The act of notifying someone of information pertinent to them, with no expectation of a response.",
"label":"Inform Action",
"comment":"The act of adding at a specific location in an ordered collection.",
"comment_plain":"The act of adding at a specific location in an ordered collection.",
"label":"Insert Action",
"comment":"The act of installing an application.",
"comment_plain":"The act of installing an application.",
"label":"Install Action",
"comment":"An Insurance agency.",
"comment_plain":"An Insurance agency.",
"label":"Insurance Agency",
"comment":"A utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things such as quantities, structured values, etc.",
"comment_plain":"A utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things such as quantities, structured values, etc.",
"comment":"The act of interacting with another person or organization.",
"comment_plain":"The act of interacting with another person or organization.",
"label":"Interact Action",
"comment":"An internet cafe.",
"comment_plain":"An internet cafe.",
"label":"Internet Cafe",
"comment":"The act of asking someone to attend an event. Reciprocal of RsvpAction.",
"comment_plain":"The act of asking someone to attend an event. Reciprocal of RsvpAction.",
"label":"Invite Action",
"comment":"A list of possible product availability options.",
"comment_plain":"A list of possible product availability options.",
"label":"Item Availability",
"comment":"A list of items of any sort—for example, Top 10 Movies About Weathermen, or Top 100 Party Songs. Not to be confused with HTML lists, which are often used only for formatting.",
"comment_plain":"A list of items of any sort—for example, Top 10 Movies About Weathermen, or Top 100 Party Songs. Not to be confused with HTML lists, which are often used only for formatting.",
"label":"Item List",
"comment":"A page devoted to a single item, such as a particular product or hotel.",
"comment_plain":"A page devoted to a single item, such as a particular product or hotel.",
"label":"Item Page",
"comment":"A jewelry store.",
"comment_plain":"A jewelry store.",
"label":"Jewelry Store",
"comment":"A listing that describes a job opening in a certain organization.",
"comment_plain":"A listing that describes a job opening in a certain organization.",
"label":"Job Posting",
"comment":"An agent joins an event/group with participants/friends at a location.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">RegisterAction</a>: Unlike RegisterAction, JoinAction refers to joining a group/team of people.</li><li><a href=\"\">SubscribeAction</a>: Unlike SubscribeAction, JoinAction does not imply that you'll be receiving updates.</li><li><a href=\"\">FollowAction</a>: Unlike FollowAction, JoinAction does not imply that you'll be polling for updates.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"An agent joins an event/group with participants/friends at a location.Related actions:RegisterAction: Unlike RegisterAction, JoinAction refers to joining a group/team of people.SubscribeAction: Unlike SubscribeAction, JoinAction does not imply that you'll be receiving updates.FollowAction: Unlike FollowAction, JoinAction does not imply that you'll be polling for updates.",
"label":"Join Action",
"comment":"The anatomical location at which two or more bones make contact.",
"comment_plain":"The anatomical location at which two or more bones make contact.",
"comment":"A lake (for example, Lake Pontrachain).",
"comment_plain":"A lake (for example, Lake Pontrachain).",
"label":"Lake Body of Water",
"comment":"A landform or physical feature. Landform elements include mountains, plains, lakes, rivers, seascape and oceanic waterbody interface features such as bays, peninsulas, seas and so forth, including sub-aqueous terrain features such as submersed mountain ranges, volcanoes, and the great ocean basins.",
"comment_plain":"A landform or physical feature. Landform elements include mountains, plains, lakes, rivers, seascape and oceanic waterbody interface features such as bays, peninsulas, seas and so forth, including sub-aqueous terrain features such as submersed mountain ranges, volcanoes, and the great ocean basins.",
"comment":"An historical landmark or building.",
"comment_plain":"An historical landmark or building.",
"label":"Landmarks or Historical Buildings",
"comment":"Natural languages such as Spanish, Tamil, Hindi, English, etc. and programming languages such as Scheme and Lisp.",
"comment_plain":"Natural languages such as Spanish, Tamil, Hindi, English, etc. and programming languages such as Scheme and Lisp.",
"comment":"An agent leaves an event / group with participants/friends at a location.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">JoinAction</a>: The antagonym of LeaveAction.</li><li><a href=\"\">UnRegisterAction</a>: Unlike UnRegisterAction, LeaveAction implies leaving a group/team of people rather than a service.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"An agent leaves an event / group with participants/friends at a location.Related actions:JoinAction: The antagonym of LeaveAction.UnRegisterAction: Unlike UnRegisterAction, LeaveAction implies leaving a group/team of people rather than a service.",
"label":"Leave Action",
"comment":"A legislative building—for example, the state capitol.",
"comment_plain":"A legislative building—for example, the state capitol.",
"label":"Legislative Building",
"comment":"The act of providing an object under an agreement that it will be returned at a later date. Reciprocal of BorrowAction.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">BorrowAction</a>: Reciprocal of LendAction.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of providing an object under an agreement that it will be returned at a later date. Reciprocal of BorrowAction.Related actions:BorrowAction: Reciprocal of LendAction.",
"label":"Lend Action",
"comment":"A library.",
"comment_plain":"A library.",
"comment":"A process of care involving exercise, changes to diet, fitness routines, and other lifestyle changes aimed at improving a health condition.",
"comment_plain":"A process of care involving exercise, changes to diet, fitness routines, and other lifestyle changes aimed at improving a health condition.",
"label":"Lifestyle Modification",
"comment":"A short band of tough, flexible, fibrous connective tissue that functions to connect multiple bones, cartilages, and structurally support joints.",
"comment_plain":"A short band of tough, flexible, fibrous connective tissue that functions to connect multiple bones, cartilages, and structurally support joints.",
"comment":"The act of expressing a positive sentiment about the object. An agent likes an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.",
"comment_plain":"The act of expressing a positive sentiment about the object. An agent likes an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.",
"label":"Like Action",
"comment":"A shop that sells alcoholic drinks such as wine, beer, whisky and other spirits.",
"comment_plain":"A shop that sells alcoholic drinks such as wine, beer, whisky and other spirits.",
"label":"Liquor Store",
"comment":"The act of consuming audio content.",
"comment_plain":"The act of consuming audio content.",
"label":"Listen Action",
"comment":"Event type: Literary event.",
"comment_plain":"Event type: Literary event.",
"label":"Literary Event",
"comment":"A particular physical business or branch of an organization. Examples of LocalBusiness include a restaurant, a particular branch of a restaurant chain, a branch of a bank, a medical practice, a club, a bowling alley, etc.",
"comment_plain":"A particular physical business or branch of an organization. Examples of LocalBusiness include a restaurant, a particular branch of a restaurant chain, a branch of a bank, a medical practice, a club, a bowling alley, etc.",
"label":"Local Business",
"comment":"A DeliveryMethod in which an item is made available via locker.",
"comment_plain":"A DeliveryMethod in which an item is made available via locker.",
"label":"Locker Delivery",
"comment":"A locksmith.",
"comment_plain":"A locksmith.",
"comment":"A lodging business, such as a motel, hotel, or inn.",
"comment_plain":"A lodging business, such as a motel, hotel, or inn.",
"label":"Lodging Business",
"comment":"The act of being defeated in a competitive activity.",
"comment_plain":"The act of being defeated in a competitive activity.",
"label":"Lose Action",
"comment":"A type of blood vessel that specifically carries lymph fluid unidirectionally toward the heart.",
"comment_plain":"A type of blood vessel that specifically carries lymph fluid unidirectionally toward the heart.",
"label":"Lymphatic Vessel",
"comment":"A map.",
"comment_plain":"A map.",
"comment":"The act of marrying a person.",
"comment_plain":"The act of marrying a person.",
"label":"Marry Action",
"comment":"Properties that take Mass as values are of the form '&lt;Number&gt; &lt;Mass unit of measure&gt;'. E.g., '7 kg'",
"comment_plain":"Properties that take Mass as values are of the form '<Number> <Mass unit of measure>'. E.g., '7 kg'",
"comment":"The maximum dosing schedule considered safe for a drug or supplement as recommended by an authority or by the drug/supplement's manufacturer. Capture the recommending authority in the recognizingAuthority property of MedicalEntity.",
"comment_plain":"The maximum dosing schedule considered safe for a drug or supplement as recommended by an authority or by the drug/supplement's manufacturer. Capture the recommending authority in the recognizingAuthority property of MedicalEntity.",
"label":"Maximum Dose Schedule",
"comment":"An image, video, or audio object embedded in a web page. Note that a creative work may have many media objects associated with it on the same web page. For example, a page about a single song (MusicRecording) may have a music video (VideoObject), and a high and low bandwidth audio stream (2 AudioObject's).",
"comment_plain":"An image, video, or audio object embedded in a web page. Note that a creative work may have many media objects associated with it on the same web page. For example, a page about a single song (MusicRecording) may have a music video (VideoObject), and a high and low bandwidth audio stream (2 AudioObject's).",
"label":"Media Object",
"comment":"Target audiences for medical web pages. Enumerated type.",
"comment_plain":"Target audiences for medical web pages. Enumerated type.",
"label":"Medical Audience",
"comment":"The causative agent(s) that are responsible for the pathophysiologic process that eventually results in a medical condition, symptom or sign. In this schema, unless otherwise specified this is meant to be the proximate cause of the medical condition, symptom or sign. The proximate cause is defined as the causative agent that most directly results in the medical condition, symptom or sign. For example, the HIV virus could be considered a cause of AIDS. Or in a diagnostic context, if a patient fell and sustained a hip fracture and two days later sustained a pulmonary embolism which eventuated in a cardiac arrest, the cause of the cardiac arrest (the proximate cause) would be the pulmonary embolism and not the fall. <p>Medical causes can include cardiovascular, chemical, dermatologic, endocrine, environmental, gastroenterologic, genetic, hematologic, gynecologic, iatrogenic, infectious, musculoskeletal, neurologic, nutritional, obstetric, oncologic, otolaryngologic, pharmacologic, psychiatric, pulmonary, renal, rheumatologic, toxic, traumatic, or urologic causes; medical conditions can be causes as well.</p>",
"comment_plain":"The causative agent(s) that are responsible for the pathophysiologic process that eventually results in a medical condition, symptom or sign. In this schema, unless otherwise specified this is meant to be the proximate cause of the medical condition, symptom or sign. The proximate cause is defined as the causative agent that most directly results in the medical condition, symptom or sign. For example, the HIV virus could be considered a cause of AIDS. Or in a diagnostic context, if a patient fell and sustained a hip fracture and two days later sustained a pulmonary embolism which eventuated in a cardiac arrest, the cause of the cardiac arrest (the proximate cause) would be the pulmonary embolism and not the fall. Medical causes can include cardiovascular, chemical, dermatologic, endocrine, environmental, gastroenterologic, genetic, hematologic, gynecologic, iatrogenic, infectious, musculoskeletal, neurologic, nutritional, obstetric, oncologic, otolaryngologic, pharmacologic, psychiatric, pulmonary, renal, rheumatologic, toxic, traumatic, or urologic causes; medical conditions can be causes as well.",
"label":"Medical Cause",
"comment":"A medical clinic.",
"comment_plain":"A medical clinic.",
"label":"Medical Clinic",
"comment":"A code for a medical entity.",
"comment_plain":"A code for a medical entity.",
"label":"Medical Code",
"comment":"Any condition of the human body that affects the normal functioning of a person, whether physically or mentally. Includes diseases, injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes, etc.",
"comment_plain":"Any condition of the human body that affects the normal functioning of a person, whether physically or mentally. Includes diseases, injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes, etc.",
"label":"Medical Condition",
"comment":"A stage of a medical condition, such as 'Stage IIIa'.",
"comment_plain":"A stage of a medical condition, such as 'Stage IIIa'.",
"label":"Medical Condition Stage",
"comment":"A condition or factor that serves as a reason to withhold a certain medical therapy. Contraindications can be absolute (there are no reasonable circumstances for undertaking a course of action) or relative (the patient is at higher risk of complications, but that these risks may be outweighed by other considerations or mitigated by other measures).",
"comment_plain":"A condition or factor that serves as a reason to withhold a certain medical therapy. Contraindications can be absolute (there are no reasonable circumstances for undertaking a course of action) or relative (the patient is at higher risk of complications, but that these risks may be outweighed by other considerations or mitigated by other measures).",
"label":"Medical Contraindication",
"comment":"Any object used in a medical capacity, such as to diagnose or treat a patient.",
"comment_plain":"Any object used in a medical capacity, such as to diagnose or treat a patient.",
"label":"Medical Device",
"comment":"Categories of medical devices, organized by the purpose or intended use of the device.",
"comment_plain":"Categories of medical devices, organized by the purpose or intended use of the device.",
"label":"Medical Device Purpose",
"comment":"The most generic type of entity related to health and the practice of medicine.",
"comment_plain":"The most generic type of entity related to health and the practice of medicine.",
"label":"Medical Entity",
"comment":"Enumerations related to health and the practice of medicine.",
"comment_plain":"Enumerations related to health and the practice of medicine.",
"label":"Medical Enumeration",
"comment":"Level of evidence for a medical guideline. Enumerated type.",
"comment_plain":"Level of evidence for a medical guideline. Enumerated type.",
"label":"Medical Evidence Level",
"comment":"Any recommendation made by a standard society (e.g. ACC/AHA) or consensus statement that denotes how to diagnose and treat a particular condition. Note: this type should be used to tag the actual guideline recommendation; if the guideline recommendation occurs in a larger scholarly article, use MedicalScholarlyArticle to tag the overall article, not this type. Note also: the organization making the recommendation should be captured in the recognizingAuthority base property of MedicalEntity.",
"comment_plain":"Any recommendation made by a standard society (e.g. ACC/AHA) or consensus statement that denotes how to diagnose and treat a particular condition. Note: this type should be used to tag the actual guideline recommendation; if the guideline recommendation occurs in a larger scholarly article, use MedicalScholarlyArticle to tag the overall article, not this type. Note also: the organization making the recommendation should be captured in the recognizingAuthority base property of MedicalEntity.",
"label":"Medical Guideline",
"comment":"A guideline contraindication that designates a process as harmful and where quality of the data supporting the contraindication is sound.",
"comment_plain":"A guideline contraindication that designates a process as harmful and where quality of the data supporting the contraindication is sound.",
"label":"Medical Guideline Contraindication",
"comment":"A guideline recommendation that is regarded as efficacious and where quality of the data supporting the recommendation is sound.",
"comment_plain":"A guideline recommendation that is regarded as efficacious and where quality of the data supporting the recommendation is sound.",
"label":"Medical Guideline Recommendation",
"comment":"Any medical imaging modality typically used for diagnostic purposes. Enumerated type.",
"comment_plain":"Any medical imaging modality typically used for diagnostic purposes. Enumerated type.",
"label":"Medical Imaging Technique",
"comment":"A condition or factor that indicates use of a medical therapy, including signs, symptoms, risk factors, anatomical states, etc.",
"comment_plain":"A condition or factor that indicates use of a medical therapy, including signs, symptoms, risk factors, anatomical states, etc.",
"label":"Medical Indication",
"comment":"A utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things in the medical space.",
"comment_plain":"A utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things in the medical space.",
"label":"Medical Intangible",
"comment":"An observational study is a type of medical study that attempts to infer the possible effect of a treatment through observation of a cohort of subjects over a period of time. In an observational study, the assignment of subjects into treatment groups versus control groups is outside the control of the investigator. This is in contrast with controlled studies, such as the randomized controlled trials represented by MedicalTrial, where each subject is randomly assigned to a treatment group or a control group before the start of the treatment.",
"comment_plain":"An observational study is a type of medical study that attempts to infer the possible effect of a treatment through observation of a cohort of subjects over a period of time. In an observational study, the assignment of subjects into treatment groups versus control groups is outside the control of the investigator. This is in contrast with controlled studies, such as the randomized controlled trials represented by MedicalTrial, where each subject is randomly assigned to a treatment group or a control group before the start of the treatment.",
"label":"Medical Observational Study",
"comment":"Design models for observational medical studies. Enumerated type.",
"comment_plain":"Design models for observational medical studies. Enumerated type.",
"label":"Medical Observational Study Design",
"comment":"A medical organization, such as a doctor's office or clinic.",
"comment_plain":"A medical organization, such as a doctor's office or clinic.",
"label":"Medical Organization",
"comment":"A process of care used in either a diagnostic, therapeutic, or palliative capacity that relies on invasive (surgical), non-invasive, or percutaneous techniques.",
"comment_plain":"A process of care used in either a diagnostic, therapeutic, or palliative capacity that relies on invasive (surgical), non-invasive, or percutaneous techniques.",
"label":"Medical Procedure",
"comment":"An enumeration that describes different types of medical procedures.",
"comment_plain":"An enumeration that describes different types of medical procedures.",
"label":"Medical Procedure Type",
"comment":"A complex mathematical calculation requiring an online calculator, used to assess prognosis. Note: use the url property of Thing to record any URLs for online calculators.",
"comment_plain":"A complex mathematical calculation requiring an online calculator, used to assess prognosis. Note: use the url property of Thing to record any URLs for online calculators.",
"label":"Medical Risk Calculator",
"comment":"Any rule set or interactive tool for estimating the risk of developing a complication or condition.",
"comment_plain":"Any rule set or interactive tool for estimating the risk of developing a complication or condition.",
"label":"Medical Risk Estimator",
"comment":"A risk factor is anything that increases a person's likelihood of developing or contracting a disease, medical condition, or complication.",
"comment_plain":"A risk factor is anything that increases a person's likelihood of developing or contracting a disease, medical condition, or complication.",
"label":"Medical Risk Factor",
"comment":"A simple system that adds up the number of risk factors to yield a score that is associated with prognosis, e.g. CHAD score, TIMI risk score.",
"comment_plain":"A simple system that adds up the number of risk factors to yield a score that is associated with prognosis, e.g. CHAD score, TIMI risk score.",
"label":"Medical Risk Score",
"comment":"A scholarly article in the medical domain.",
"comment_plain":"A scholarly article in the medical domain.",
"label":"Medical Scholarly Article",
"comment":"Any physical manifestation of a person's medical condition discoverable by objective diagnostic tests or physical examination.",
"comment_plain":"Any physical manifestation of a person's medical condition discoverable by objective diagnostic tests or physical examination.",
"label":"Medical Sign",
"comment":"Any indication of the existence of a medical condition or disease.",
"comment_plain":"Any indication of the existence of a medical condition or disease.",
"label":"Medical Sign or Symptom",
"comment":"Any specific branch of medical science or practice. Medical specialities include clinical specialties that pertain to particular organ systems and their respective disease states, as well as allied health specialties. Enumerated type.",
"comment_plain":"Any specific branch of medical science or practice. Medical specialities include clinical specialties that pertain to particular organ systems and their respective disease states, as well as allied health specialties. Enumerated type.",
"label":"Medical Specialty",
"comment":"A medical study is an umbrella type covering all kinds of research studies relating to human medicine or health, including observational studies and interventional trials and registries, randomized, controlled or not. When the specific type of study is known, use one of the extensions of this type, such as MedicalTrial or MedicalObservationalStudy. Also, note that this type should be used to mark up data that describes the study itself; to tag an article that publishes the results of a study, use MedicalScholarlyArticle. Note: use the code property of MedicalEntity to store study IDs, e.g. ID.",
"comment_plain":"A medical study is an umbrella type covering all kinds of research studies relating to human medicine or health, including observational studies and interventional trials and registries, randomized, controlled or not. When the specific type of study is known, use one of the extensions of this type, such as MedicalTrial or MedicalObservationalStudy. Also, note that this type should be used to mark up data that describes the study itself; to tag an article that publishes the results of a study, use MedicalScholarlyArticle. Note: use the code property of MedicalEntity to store study IDs, e.g. ID.",
"label":"Medical Study",
"comment":"The status of a medical study. Enumerated type.",
"comment_plain":"The status of a medical study. Enumerated type.",
"label":"Medical Study Status",
"comment":"Any indication of the existence of a medical condition or disease that is apparent to the patient.",
"comment_plain":"Any indication of the existence of a medical condition or disease that is apparent to the patient.",
"label":"Medical Symptom",
"comment":"Any medical test, typically performed for diagnostic purposes.",
"comment_plain":"Any medical test, typically performed for diagnostic purposes.",
"label":"Medical Test",
"comment":"Any collection of tests commonly ordered together.",
"comment_plain":"Any collection of tests commonly ordered together.",
"label":"Medical Test Panel",
"comment":"Any medical intervention designed to prevent, treat, and cure human diseases and medical conditions, including both curative and palliative therapies. Medical therapies are typically processes of care relying upon pharmacotherapy, behavioral therapy, supportive therapy (with fluid or nutrition for example), or detoxification (e.g. hemodialysis) aimed at improving or preventing a health condition.",
"comment_plain":"Any medical intervention designed to prevent, treat, and cure human diseases and medical conditions, including both curative and palliative therapies. Medical therapies are typically processes of care relying upon pharmacotherapy, behavioral therapy, supportive therapy (with fluid or nutrition for example), or detoxification (e.g. hemodialysis) aimed at improving or preventing a health condition.",
"label":"Medical Therapy",
"comment":"A medical trial is a type of medical study that uses scientific process used to compare the safety and efficacy of medical therapies or medical procedures. In general, medical trials are controlled and subjects are allocated at random to the different treatment and/or control groups.",
"comment_plain":"A medical trial is a type of medical study that uses scientific process used to compare the safety and efficacy of medical therapies or medical procedures. In general, medical trials are controlled and subjects are allocated at random to the different treatment and/or control groups.",
"label":"Medical Trial",
"comment":"Design models for medical trials. Enumerated type.",
"comment_plain":"Design models for medical trials. Enumerated type.",
"label":"Medical Trial Design",
"comment":"A web page that provides medical information.",
"comment_plain":"A web page that provides medical information.",
"label":"Medical Web Page",
"comment":"Systems of medical practice.",
"comment_plain":"Systems of medical practice.",
"label":"Medicine System",
"comment":"A men's clothing store.",
"comment_plain":"A men's clothing store.",
"label":"Mens Clothing Store",
"comment":"A middle school (typically for children aged around 11-14, although this varies somewhat).",
"comment_plain":"A middle school (typically for children aged around 11-14, although this varies somewhat).",
"label":"Middle School",
"comment":"A software application designed specifically to work well on a mobile device such as a telephone.",
"comment_plain":"A software application designed specifically to work well on a mobile device such as a telephone.",
"label":"Mobile Application",
"comment":"A store that sells mobile phones and related accessories.",
"comment_plain":"A store that sells mobile phones and related accessories.",
"label":"Mobile Phone Store",
"comment":"A mosque.",
"comment_plain":"A mosque.",
"comment":"A motel.",
"comment_plain":"A motel.",
"comment":"A motorcycle dealer.",
"comment_plain":"A motorcycle dealer.",
"label":"Motorcycle Dealer",
"comment":"A motorcycle repair shop.",
"comment_plain":"A motorcycle repair shop.",
"label":"Motorcycle Repair",
"comment":"A mountain, like Mount Whitney or Mount Everest",
"comment_plain":"A mountain, like Mount Whitney or Mount Everest",
"comment":"The act of an agent relocating to a place.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">TransferAction</a>: Unlike TransferAction, the subject of the move is a living Person or Organization rather than an inanimate object.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of an agent relocating to a place.Related actions:TransferAction: Unlike TransferAction, the subject of the move is a living Person or Organization rather than an inanimate object.",
"label":"Move Action",
"comment":"A movie.",
"comment_plain":"A movie.",
"comment":"A movie rental store.",
"comment_plain":"A movie rental store.",
"label":"Movie Rental Store",
"comment":"A movie theater.",
"comment_plain":"A movie theater.",
"label":"Movie Theater",
"comment":"A moving company.",
"comment_plain":"A moving company.",
"label":"Moving Company",
"comment":"A muscle is an anatomical structure consisting of a contractile form of tissue that animals use to effect movement.",
"comment_plain":"A muscle is an anatomical structure consisting of a contractile form of tissue that animals use to effect movement.",
"comment":"A museum.",
"comment_plain":"A museum.",
"comment":"A collection of music tracks.",
"comment_plain":"A collection of music tracks.",
"label":"Music Album",
"comment":"Event type: Music event.",
"comment_plain":"Event type: Music event.",
"label":"Music Event",
"comment":"A musical group, such as a band, an orchestra, or a choir. Can also be a solo musician.",
"comment_plain":"A musical group, such as a band, an orchestra, or a choir. Can also be a solo musician.",
"label":"Music Group",
"comment":"A collection of music tracks in playlist form.",
"comment_plain":"A collection of music tracks in playlist form.",
"label":"Music Playlist",
"comment":"A music recording (track), usually a single song.",
"comment_plain":"A music recording (track), usually a single song.",
"label":"Music Recording",
"comment":"A music store.",
"comment_plain":"A music store.",
"label":"Music Store",
"comment":"A music venue.",
"comment_plain":"A music venue.",
"label":"Music Venue",
"comment":"A music video file.",
"comment_plain":"A music video file.",
"label":"Music Video Object",
"comment":"Organization: Non-governmental Organization.",
"comment_plain":"Organization: Non-governmental Organization.",
"comment":"A nail salon.",
"comment_plain":"A nail salon.",
"label":"Nail Salon",
"comment":"A common pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons.",
"comment_plain":"A common pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons.",
"comment":"A news article",
"comment_plain":"A news article",
"label":"News Article",
"comment":"A nightclub or discotheque.",
"comment_plain":"A nightclub or discotheque.",
"label":"Night Club",
"comment":"A notary.",
"comment_plain":"A notary.",
"comment":"Nutritional information about the recipe.",
"comment_plain":"Nutritional information about the recipe.",
"label":"Nutrition Information",
"comment":"An ocean (for example, the Pacific).",
"comment_plain":"An ocean (for example, the Pacific).",
"label":"Ocean Body of Water",
"comment":"An offer to transfer some rights to an item or to provide a service—for example, an offer to sell tickets to an event, to rent the DVD of a movie, to stream a TV show over the internet, to repair a motorcycle, or to loan a book.\n <br><br>\n For <a href=\"\">GTIN</a>-related fields, see\n <a href=\"\">Check Digit calculator</a>\n and <a href=\"\">validation guide</a>\n from <a href=\"\">GS1</a>.",
"comment_plain":"An offer to transfer some rights to an item or to provide a service—for example, an offer to sell tickets to an event, to rent the DVD of a movie, to stream a TV show over the internet, to repair a motorcycle, or to loan a book.\n \n For GTIN-related fields, see\n Check Digit calculator\n and validation guide\n from GS1.",
"comment":"A list of possible conditions for the item.",
"comment_plain":"A list of possible conditions for the item.",
"label":"Offer Item Condition",
"comment":"An office equipment store.",
"comment_plain":"An office equipment store.",
"label":"Office Equipment Store",
"comment":"A publication event e.g. catch-up TV or radio podcast, during which a program is available on-demand.",
"comment_plain":"A publication event e.g. catch-up TV or radio podcast, during which a program is available on-demand.",
"label":"On Demand Event",
"comment":"A DeliveryMethod in which an item is collected on site, e.g. in a store or at a box office.",
"comment_plain":"A DeliveryMethod in which an item is collected on site, e.g. in a store or at a box office.",
"label":"On Site Pickup",
"comment":"A structured value providing information about the opening hours of a place or a certain service inside a place.",
"comment_plain":"A structured value providing information about the opening hours of a place or a certain service inside a place.",
"label":"Opening Hours Specification",
"comment":"A store that sells reading glasses and similar devices for improving vision.",
"comment_plain":"A store that sells reading glasses and similar devices for improving vision.",
"comment":"An order is a confirmation of a transaction (a receipt), which can contain multiple line items, each represented by an Offer that has been accepted by the customer.",
"comment_plain":"An order is a confirmation of a transaction (a receipt), which can contain multiple line items, each represented by an Offer that has been accepted by the customer.",
"comment":"An agent orders an object/product/service to be delivered/sent.",
"comment_plain":"An agent orders an object/product/service to be delivered/sent.",
"label":"Order Action",
"comment":"Enumerated status values for Order.",
"comment_plain":"Enumerated status values for Order.",
"label":"Order Status",
"comment":"An organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc.",
"comment_plain":"An organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc.",
"comment":"The act of manipulating/administering/supervising/controlling one or more objects.",
"comment_plain":"The act of manipulating/administering/supervising/controlling one or more objects.",
"label":"Organize Action",
"comment":"An outlet store.",
"comment_plain":"An outlet store.",
"label":"Outlet Store",
"comment":"A structured value providing information about when a certain organization or person owned a certain product.",
"comment_plain":"A structured value providing information about when a certain organization or person owned a certain product.",
"label":"Ownership Info",
"comment":"The act of producing a painting, typically with paint and canvas as instruments.",
"comment_plain":"The act of producing a painting, typically with paint and canvas as instruments.",
"label":"Paint Action",
"comment":"A painting.",
"comment_plain":"A painting.",
"comment":"A medical procedure intended primarily for palliative purposes, aimed at relieving the symptoms of an underlying health condition.",
"comment_plain":"A medical procedure intended primarily for palliative purposes, aimed at relieving the symptoms of an underlying health condition.",
"label":"Palliative Procedure",
"comment":"The delivery of a parcel either via the postal service or a commercial service.",
"comment_plain":"The delivery of a parcel either via the postal service or a commercial service.",
"label":"Parcel Delivery",
"comment":"A private parcel service as the delivery mode available for a certain offer.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n",
"comment_plain":"A private parcel service as the delivery mode available for a certain offer.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n",
"label":"Parcel Service",
"comment":"A set of characteristics describing parents, who can be interested in viewing some content",
"comment_plain":"A set of characteristics describing parents, who can be interested in viewing some content",
"label":"Parent Audience",
"comment":"A park.",
"comment_plain":"A park.",
"comment":"A parking lot or other parking facility.",
"comment_plain":"A parking lot or other parking facility.",
"label":"Parking Facility",
"comment":"A medical test performed by a laboratory that typically involves examination of a tissue sample by a pathologist.",
"comment_plain":"A medical test performed by a laboratory that typically involves examination of a tissue sample by a pathologist.",
"label":"Pathology Test",
"comment":"A shop that will buy, or lend money against the security of, personal possessions.",
"comment_plain":"A shop that will buy, or lend money against the security of, personal possessions.",
"label":"Pawn Shop",
"comment":"An agent pays a price to a participant.",
"comment_plain":"An agent pays a price to a participant.",
"label":"Pay Action",
"comment":"The costs of settling the payment using a particular payment method.",
"comment_plain":"The costs of settling the payment using a particular payment method.",
"label":"Payment Charge Specification",
"comment":"A payment method is a standardized procedure for transferring the monetary amount for a purchase. Payment methods are characterized by the legal and technical structures used, and by the organization or group carrying out the transaction.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"comment_plain":"A payment method is a standardized procedure for transferring the monetary amount for a purchase. Payment methods are characterized by the legal and technical structures used, and by the organization or group carrying out the transaction.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"label":"Payment Method",
"comment":"A set of characteristics belonging to people, e.g. who compose an item's target audience.",
"comment_plain":"A set of characteristics belonging to people, e.g. who compose an item's target audience.",
"label":"People Audience",
"comment":"The act of participating in performance arts.",
"comment_plain":"The act of participating in performance arts.",
"label":"Perform Action",
"comment":"A theater or other performing art center.",
"comment_plain":"A theater or other performing art center.",
"label":"Performing Arts Theater",
"comment":"A performance group, such as a band, an orchestra, or a circus.",
"comment_plain":"A performance group, such as a band, an orchestra, or a circus.",
"label":"Performing Group",
"comment":"A permit issued by an organization, e.g. a parking pass.",
"comment_plain":"A permit issued by an organization, e.g. a parking pass.",
"comment":"A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional).",
"comment_plain":"A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional).",
"comment":"A pet store.",
"comment_plain":"A pet store.",
"label":"Pet Store",
"comment":"A pharmacy or drugstore.",
"comment_plain":"A pharmacy or drugstore.",
"comment":"A photograph.",
"comment_plain":"A photograph.",
"comment":"The act of capturing still images of objects using a camera.",
"comment_plain":"The act of capturing still images of objects using a camera.",
"label":"Photograph Action",
"comment":"Any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. Includes activity that is part of daily living and routine, structured exercise, and exercise prescribed as part of a medical treatment or recovery plan.",
"comment_plain":"Any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. Includes activity that is part of daily living and routine, structured exercise, and exercise prescribed as part of a medical treatment or recovery plan.",
"label":"Physical Activity",
"comment":"Categories of physical activity, organized by physiologic classification.",
"comment_plain":"Categories of physical activity, organized by physiologic classification.",
"label":"Physical Activity Category",
"comment":"A type of physical examination of a patient performed by a physician. Enumerated type.",
"comment_plain":"A type of physical examination of a patient performed by a physician. Enumerated type.",
"label":"Physical Exam",
"comment":"A process of progressive physical care and rehabilitation aimed at improving a health condition.",
"comment_plain":"A process of progressive physical care and rehabilitation aimed at improving a health condition.",
"label":"Physical Therapy",
"comment":"A doctor's office.",
"comment_plain":"A doctor's office.",
"comment":"Entities that have a somewhat fixed, physical extension.",
"comment_plain":"Entities that have a somewhat fixed, physical extension.",
"comment":"Place of worship, such as a church, synagogue, or mosque.",
"comment_plain":"Place of worship, such as a church, synagogue, or mosque.",
"label":"Place of Worship",
"comment":"The act of planning the execution of an event/task/action/reservation/plan to a future date.",
"comment_plain":"The act of planning the execution of an event/task/action/reservation/plan to a future date.",
"label":"Plan Action",
"comment":"The act of playing/exercising/training/performing for enjoyment, leisure, recreation, Competition or exercise.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">ListenAction</a>: Unlike ListenAction (which is under ConsumeAction), PlayAction refers to performing for an audience or at an event, rather than consuming music.</li><li><a href=\"\">WatchAction</a>: Unlike WatchAction (which is under ConsumeAction), PlayAction refers to showing/displaying for an audience or at an event, rather than consuming visual content.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of playing/exercising/training/performing for enjoyment, leisure, recreation, Competition or exercise.Related actions:ListenAction: Unlike ListenAction (which is under ConsumeAction), PlayAction refers to performing for an audience or at an event, rather than consuming music.WatchAction: Unlike WatchAction (which is under ConsumeAction), PlayAction refers to showing/displaying for an audience or at an event, rather than consuming visual content.",
"label":"Play Action",
"comment":"A playground.",
"comment_plain":"A playground.",
"comment":"A plumbing service.",
"comment_plain":"A plumbing service.",
"comment":"A police station.",
"comment_plain":"A police station.",
"label":"Police Station",
"comment":"A pond",
"comment_plain":"A pond",
"comment":"A post office.",
"comment_plain":"A post office.",
"label":"Post Office",
"comment":"The mailing address.",
"comment_plain":"The mailing address.",
"label":"Postal Address",
"comment":"The act of inserting at the beginning if an ordered collection.",
"comment_plain":"The act of inserting at the beginning if an ordered collection.",
"label":"Prepend Action",
"comment":"A preschool.",
"comment_plain":"A preschool.",
"comment":"An indication for preventing an underlying condition, symptom, etc.",
"comment_plain":"An indication for preventing an underlying condition, symptom, etc.",
"label":"Prevention Indication",
"comment":"A structured value representing a monetary amount. Typically, only the subclasses of this type are used for markup.",
"comment_plain":"A structured value representing a monetary amount. Typically, only the subclasses of this type are used for markup.",
"label":"Price Specification",
"comment":"Any offered product or service. For example: a pair of shoes; a concert ticket; the rental of a car; a haircut; or an episode of a TV show streamed online.",
"comment_plain":"Any offered product or service. For example: a pair of shoes; a concert ticket; the rental of a car; a haircut; or an episode of a TV show streamed online.",
"comment":"A datasheet or vendor specification of a product (in the sense of a prototypical description).",
"comment_plain":"A datasheet or vendor specification of a product (in the sense of a prototypical description).",
"label":"Product Model",
"comment":"Provider of professional services.",
"comment_plain":"Provider of professional services.",
"label":"Professional Service",
"comment":"Web page type: Profile page.",
"comment_plain":"Web page type: Profile page.",
"label":"Profile Page",
"comment":"A property, used to indicate attributes and relationships of some Thing; equivalent to rdf:Property.",
"comment_plain":"A property, used to indicate attributes and relationships of some Thing; equivalent to rdf:Property.",
"comment":"A process of care relying upon counseling, dialogue, communication, verbalization aimed at improving a mental health condition.",
"comment_plain":"A process of care relying upon counseling, dialogue, communication, verbalization aimed at improving a mental health condition.",
"label":"Psychological Treatment",
"comment":"A public swimming pool.",
"comment_plain":"A public swimming pool.",
"label":"Public Swimming Pool",
"comment":"A PublicationEvent corresponds indifferently to the event of publication for a CreativeWork of any type e.g. a broadcast event, an on-demand event, a book/journal publication via a variety of delivery media.",
"comment_plain":"A PublicationEvent corresponds indifferently to the event of publication for a CreativeWork of any type e.g. a broadcast event, an on-demand event, a book/journal publication via a variety of delivery media.",
"label":"Publication Event",
"comment":"A predefined value for a product characteristic, e.g. the the power cord plug type \"US\" or the garment sizes \"S\", \"M\", \"L\", and \"XL\"",
"comment_plain":"A predefined value for a product characteristic, e.g. the the power cord plug type \"US\" or the garment sizes \"S\", \"M\", \"L\", and \"XL\"",
"label":"Qualitative Value",
"comment":"A point value or interval for product characteristics and other purposes.",
"comment_plain":"A point value or interval for product characteristics and other purposes.",
"label":"Quantitative Value",
"comment":"Quantities such as distance, time, mass, weight, etc. Particular instances of say Mass are entities like '3 Kg' or '4 milligrams'.",
"comment_plain":"Quantities such as distance, time, mass, weight, etc. Particular instances of say Mass are entities like '3 Kg' or '4 milligrams'.",
"comment":"An agent quotes/estimates/appraises an object/product/service with a price at a location/store.",
"comment_plain":"An agent quotes/estimates/appraises an object/product/service with a price at a location/store.",
"label":"Quote Action",
"comment":"A place offering space for \"Recreational Vehicles\", Caravans, mobile homes and the like.",
"comment_plain":"A place offering space for \"Recreational Vehicles\", Caravans, mobile homes and the like.",
"label":"RV Park",
"comment":"A process of care using radiation aimed at improving a health condition.",
"comment_plain":"A process of care using radiation aimed at improving a health condition.",
"label":"Radiation Therapy",
"comment":"A short radio program or a segment/part of a radio program.",
"comment_plain":"A short radio program or a segment/part of a radio program.",
"label":"Radio Clip",
"comment":"A radio episode which can be part of a series or season.",
"comment_plain":"A radio episode which can be part of a series or season.",
"label":"Radio Episode",
"comment":"Season dedicated to radio broadcast and associated online delivery.",
"comment_plain":"Season dedicated to radio broadcast and associated online delivery.",
"label":"Radio Season",
"comment":"Series dedicated to radio broadcast and associated online delivery.",
"comment_plain":"Series dedicated to radio broadcast and associated online delivery.",
"label":"Radio Series",
"comment":"A radio station.",
"comment_plain":"A radio station.",
"label":"Radio Station",
"comment":"A rating is an evaluation on a numeric scale, such as 1 to 5 stars.",
"comment_plain":"A rating is an evaluation on a numeric scale, such as 1 to 5 stars.",
"comment":"The act of responding instinctively and emotionally to an object, expressing a sentiment.",
"comment_plain":"The act of responding instinctively and emotionally to an object, expressing a sentiment.",
"label":"React Action",
"comment":"The act of consuming written content.",
"comment_plain":"The act of consuming written content.",
"label":"Read Action",
"comment":"A real-estate agent.",
"comment_plain":"A real-estate agent.",
"label":"Real Estate Agent",
"comment":"The act of physically/electronically taking delivery of an object thathas been transferred from an origin to a destination. Reciprocal of SendAction.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">SendAction</a>: The reciprocal of ReceiveAction.</li><li><a href=\"\">TakeAction</a>: Unlike TakeAction, ReceiveAction does not imply that the ownership has been transfered (e.g. I can receive a package, but it does not mean the package is now mine).</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of physically/electronically taking delivery of an object thathas been transferred from an origin to a destination. Reciprocal of SendAction.Related actions:SendAction: The reciprocal of ReceiveAction.TakeAction: Unlike TakeAction, ReceiveAction does not imply that the ownership has been transfered (e.g. I can receive a package, but it does not mean the package is now mine).",
"label":"Receive Action",
"comment":"A recipe.",
"comment_plain":"A recipe.",
"comment":"A recommended dosing schedule for a drug or supplement as prescribed or recommended by an authority or by the drug/supplement's manufacturer. Capture the recommending authority in the recognizingAuthority property of MedicalEntity.",
"comment_plain":"A recommended dosing schedule for a drug or supplement as prescribed or recommended by an authority or by the drug/supplement's manufacturer. Capture the recommending authority in the recognizingAuthority property of MedicalEntity.",
"label":"Recommended Dose Schedule",
"comment":"A recycling center.",
"comment_plain":"A recycling center.",
"label":"Recycling Center",
"comment":"The act of registering to be a user of a service, product or web page.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">JoinAction</a>: Unlike JoinAction, RegisterAction implies you are registering to be a user of a service, *not* a group/team of people.</li><li><a href=\"\">FollowAction</a>: Unlike FollowAction, RegisterAction doesn't imply that the agent is expecting to poll for updates from the object.</li><li><a href=\"\">SubscribeAction</a>: Unlike SubscribeAction, RegisterAction doesn't imply that the agent is expecting updates from the object.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of registering to be a user of a service, product or web page.Related actions:JoinAction: Unlike JoinAction, RegisterAction implies you are registering to be a user of a service, *not* a group/team of people.FollowAction: Unlike FollowAction, RegisterAction doesn't imply that the agent is expecting to poll for updates from the object.SubscribeAction: Unlike SubscribeAction, RegisterAction doesn't imply that the agent is expecting updates from the object.",
"label":"Register Action",
"comment":"The act of rejecting to/adopting an object.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">AcceptAction</a>: The antagonym of RejectAction.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of rejecting to/adopting an object.Related actions:AcceptAction: The antagonym of RejectAction.",
"label":"Reject Action",
"comment":"The act of giving money in return for temporary use, but not ownership, of an object such as a vehicle or property. For example, an agent rents a property from a landlord in exchange for a periodic payment.",
"comment_plain":"The act of giving money in return for temporary use, but not ownership, of an object such as a vehicle or property. For example, an agent rents a property from a landlord in exchange for a periodic payment.",
"label":"Rent Action",
"comment":"The act of editing a recipient by replacing an old object with a new object.",
"comment_plain":"The act of editing a recipient by replacing an old object with a new object.",
"label":"Replace Action",
"comment":"The act of responding to a question/message asked/sent by the object. Related to <a href=\"AskAction\">AskAction</a>.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">AskAction</a>: Appears generally as an origin of a ReplyAction.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of responding to a question/message asked/sent by the object. Related to AskAction.Related actions:AskAction: Appears generally as an origin of a ReplyAction.",
"label":"Reply Action",
"comment":"A patient-reported or observed dosing schedule for a drug or supplement.",
"comment_plain":"A patient-reported or observed dosing schedule for a drug or supplement.",
"label":"Reported Dose Schedule",
"comment":"Reserving a concrete object.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">ScheduleAction</a>: Unlike ScheduleAction, ReserveAction reserves concrete objects (e.g. a table, a hotel) towards a time slot / spatial allocation.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"Reserving a concrete object.Related actions:ScheduleAction: Unlike ScheduleAction, ReserveAction reserves concrete objects (e.g. a table, a hotel) towards a time slot / spatial allocation.",
"label":"Reserve Action",
"comment":"A reservoir of water, typically an artificially created lake, like the Lake Kariba reservoir.",
"comment_plain":"A reservoir of water, typically an artificially created lake, like the Lake Kariba reservoir.",
"comment":"The place where a person lives.",
"comment_plain":"The place where a person lives.",
"comment":"A restaurant.",
"comment_plain":"A restaurant.",
"comment":"The act of returning to the origin that which was previously received (concrete objects) or taken (ownership).",
"comment_plain":"The act of returning to the origin that which was previously received (concrete objects) or taken (ownership).",
"label":"Return Action",
"comment":"A review of an item - for example, of a restaurant, movie, or store.",
"comment_plain":"A review of an item - for example, of a restaurant, movie, or store.",
"comment":"The act of producing a balanced opinion about the object for an audience. An agent reviews an object with participants resulting in a review.",
"comment_plain":"The act of producing a balanced opinion about the object for an audience. An agent reviews an object with participants resulting in a review.",
"label":"Review Action",
"comment":"A river (for example, the broad majestic Shannon).",
"comment_plain":"A river (for example, the broad majestic Shannon).",
"label":"River Body of Water",
"comment":"A roofing contractor.",
"comment_plain":"A roofing contractor.",
"label":"Roofing Contractor",
"comment":"The act of notifying an event organizer as to whether you expect to attend the event.",
"comment_plain":"The act of notifying an event organizer as to whether you expect to attend the event.",
"label":"Rsvp Action",
"comment":"Event type: Sales event.",
"comment_plain":"Event type: Sales event.",
"label":"Sale Event",
"comment":"Scheduling future actions, events, or tasks.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">ReserveAction</a>: Unlike ReserveAction, ScheduleAction allocates future actions (e.g. an event, a task, etc) towards a time slot / spatial allocation.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"Scheduling future actions, events, or tasks.Related actions:ReserveAction: Unlike ReserveAction, ScheduleAction allocates future actions (e.g. an event, a task, etc) towards a time slot / spatial allocation.",
"label":"Schedule Action",
"comment":"A scholarly article.",
"comment_plain":"A scholarly article.",
"label":"Scholarly Article",
"comment":"A school.",
"comment_plain":"A school.",
"comment":"A piece of sculpture.",
"comment_plain":"A piece of sculpture.",
"comment":"A sea (for example, the Caspian sea).",
"comment_plain":"A sea (for example, the Caspian sea).",
"label":"Sea Body of Water",
"comment":"The act of searching for an object.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">FindAction</a>: SearchAction generally leads to a FindAction, but not necessarily.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of searching for an object.Related actions:FindAction: SearchAction generally leads to a FindAction, but not necessarily.",
"label":"Search Action",
"comment":"Web page type: Search results page.",
"comment_plain":"Web page type: Search results page.",
"label":"Search Results Page",
"comment":"A media season e.g. tv, radio, video game etc.",
"comment_plain":"A media season e.g. tv, radio, video game etc.",
"comment":"A self-storage facility.",
"comment_plain":"A self-storage facility.",
"label":"Self Storage",
"comment":"The act of taking money from a buyer in exchange for goods or services rendered. An agent sells an object, product, or service to a buyer for a price. Reciprocal of BuyAction.",
"comment_plain":"The act of taking money from a buyer in exchange for goods or services rendered. An agent sells an object, product, or service to a buyer for a price. Reciprocal of BuyAction.",
"label":"Sell Action",
"comment":"The act of physically/electronically dispatching an object for transfer from an origin to a destination.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">ReceiveAction</a>: The reciprocal of SendAction.</li><li><a href=\"\">GiveAction</a>: Unlike GiveAction, SendAction does not imply the transfer of ownership (e.g. I can send you my laptop, but I'm not necessarily giving it to you).</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of physically/electronically dispatching an object for transfer from an origin to a destination.Related actions:ReceiveAction: The reciprocal of SendAction.GiveAction: Unlike GiveAction, SendAction does not imply the transfer of ownership (e.g. I can send you my laptop, but I'm not necessarily giving it to you).",
"label":"Send Action",
"comment":"A Series in is a group of related items, typically but not necessarily of the same kind.\n Series are usually organized into some order, often chronological. Unlike <a href=\"/ItemList\">ItemList</a> which\n is a general purpose data structure for lists of things, the emphasis with Series\n is on published materials (written e.g. books and periodicals, or media such as\n tv, radio and games).\n\n <br><br>\n\n Specific subtypes are available for describing <a href=\"/TVSeries\">TVSeries</a>, <a href=\"/RadioSeries\">RadioSeries</a>,\n <a href=\"/MovieSeries\">MovieSeries</a>,\n <a href=\"/BookSeries\">BookSeries</a>,\n <a href=\"/Periodical\">Periodical</a>\n and <a href=\"/VideoGameSeries\">VideoGameSeries</a>. In each case,\n the <a href=\"/hasPart\">hasPart</a> / <a href=\"/isPartOf\">isPartOf</a> properties\n can be used to relate the Series to its parts. The general Series type serves largely\n just to organize these more specific and practical subtypes.\n\n <br><br>\n\n It is common for properties applicable to an item from the series to be usefully applied to the containing group.\n attempts to anticipate some of these cases, but publishers should be free to apply\n properties of the series parts to the series as a whole wherever they seem appropriate.",
"comment_plain":"A Series in is a group of related items, typically but not necessarily of the same kind.\n Series are usually organized into some order, often chronological. Unlike ItemList which\n is a general purpose data structure for lists of things, the emphasis with Series\n is on published materials (written e.g. books and periodicals, or media such as\n tv, radio and games).\n\n \n\n Specific subtypes are available for describing TVSeries, RadioSeries,\n MovieSeries,\n BookSeries,\n Periodical\n and VideoGameSeries. In each case,\n the hasPart / isPartOf properties\n can be used to relate the Series to its parts. The general Series type serves largely\n just to organize these more specific and practical subtypes.\n\n \n\n It is common for properties applicable to an item from the series to be usefully applied to the containing group.\n attempts to anticipate some of these cases, but publishers should be free to apply\n properties of the series parts to the series as a whole wherever they seem appropriate.",
"comment":"A service provided by an organization, e.g. delivery service, print services, etc.",
"comment_plain":"A service provided by an organization, e.g. delivery service, print services, etc.",
"comment":"A means for accessing a service, e.g. a government office location, web site, or phone number.",
"comment_plain":"A means for accessing a service, e.g. a government office location, web site, or phone number.",
"label":"Service Channel",
"comment":"The act of distributing content to people for their amusement or edification.",
"comment_plain":"The act of distributing content to people for their amusement or edification.",
"label":"Share Action",
"comment":"A shoe store.",
"comment_plain":"A shoe store.",
"label":"Shoe Store",
"comment":"A shopping center or mall.",
"comment_plain":"A shopping center or mall.",
"label":"Shopping Center",
"comment":"Residence type: Single-family home.",
"comment_plain":"Residence type: Single-family home.",
"label":"Single Family Residence",
"comment":"A navigation element of the page.",
"comment_plain":"A navigation element of the page.",
"label":"Site Navigation Element",
"comment":"A ski resort.",
"comment_plain":"A ski resort.",
"label":"Ski Resort",
"comment":"Event type: Social event.",
"comment_plain":"Event type: Social event.",
"label":"Social Event",
"comment":"A software application.",
"comment_plain":"A software application.",
"label":"Software Application",
"comment":"A placeholder for multiple similar products of the same kind.",
"comment_plain":"A placeholder for multiple similar products of the same kind.",
"label":"Some Products",
"comment":"Any branch of a field in which people typically develop specific expertise, usually after significant study, time, and effort.",
"comment_plain":"Any branch of a field in which people typically develop specific expertise, usually after significant study, time, and effort.",
"comment":"A sporting goods store.",
"comment_plain":"A sporting goods store.",
"label":"Sporting Goods Store",
"comment":"A sports location, such as a playing field.",
"comment_plain":"A sports location, such as a playing field.",
"label":"Sports Activity Location",
"comment":"A sports club.",
"comment_plain":"A sports club.",
"label":"Sports Club",
"comment":"Event type: Sports event.",
"comment_plain":"Event type: Sports event.",
"label":"Sports Event",
"comment":"Organization: Sports team.",
"comment_plain":"Organization: Sports team.",
"label":"Sports Team",
"comment":"A stadium.",
"comment_plain":"A stadium.",
"label":"Stadium or Arena",
"comment":"A state or province of a country.",
"comment_plain":"A state or province of a country.",
"comment":"A retail good store.",
"comment_plain":"A retail good store.",
"comment":"Structured values are strings—for example, addresses—that have certain constraints on their structure.",
"comment_plain":"Structured values are strings—for example, addresses—that have certain constraints on their structure.",
"label":"Structured Value",
"comment":"The act of forming a personal connection with someone/something (object) unidirectionally/asymmetrically to get updates pushed to.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">FollowAction</a>: Unlike FollowAction, SubscribeAction implies that the subscriber acts as a passive agent being constantly/actively pushed for updates.</li><li><a href=\"\">RegisterAction</a>: Unlike RegisterAction, SubscribeAction implies that the agent is interested in continuing receiving updates from the object.</li><li><a href=\"\">JoinAction</a>: Unlike JoinAction, SubscribeAction implies that the agent is interested in continuing receiving updates from the object.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of forming a personal connection with someone/something (object) unidirectionally/asymmetrically to get updates pushed to.Related actions:FollowAction: Unlike FollowAction, SubscribeAction implies that the subscriber acts as a passive agent being constantly/actively pushed for updates.RegisterAction: Unlike RegisterAction, SubscribeAction implies that the agent is interested in continuing receiving updates from the object.JoinAction: Unlike JoinAction, SubscribeAction implies that the agent is interested in continuing receiving updates from the object.",
"label":"Subscribe Action",
"comment":"A subway station.",
"comment_plain":"A subway station.",
"label":"Subway Station",
"comment":"Anatomical features that can be observed by sight (without dissection), including the form and proportions of the human body as well as surface landmarks that correspond to deeper subcutaneous structures. Superficial anatomy plays an important role in sports medicine, phlebotomy, and other medical specialties as underlying anatomical structures can be identified through surface palpation. For example, during back surgery, superficial anatomy can be used to palpate and count vertebrae to find the site of incision. Or in phlebotomy, superficial anatomy can be used to locate an underlying vein; for example, the median cubital vein can be located by palpating the borders of the cubital fossa (such as the epicondyles of the humerus) and then looking for the superficial signs of the vein, such as size, prominence, ability to refill after depression, and feel of surrounding tissue support. As another example, in a subluxation (dislocation) of the glenohumeral joint, the bony structure becomes pronounced with the deltoid muscle failing to cover the glenohumeral joint allowing the edges of the scapula to be superficially visible. Here, the superficial anatomy is the visible edges of the scapula, implying the underlying dislocation of the joint (the related anatomical structure).",
"comment_plain":"Anatomical features that can be observed by sight (without dissection), including the form and proportions of the human body as well as surface landmarks that correspond to deeper subcutaneous structures. Superficial anatomy plays an important role in sports medicine, phlebotomy, and other medical specialties as underlying anatomical structures can be identified through surface palpation. For example, during back surgery, superficial anatomy can be used to palpate and count vertebrae to find the site of incision. Or in phlebotomy, superficial anatomy can be used to locate an underlying vein; for example, the median cubital vein can be located by palpating the borders of the cubital fossa (such as the epicondyles of the humerus) and then looking for the superficial signs of the vein, such as size, prominence, ability to refill after depression, and feel of surrounding tissue support. As another example, in a subluxation (dislocation) of the glenohumeral joint, the bony structure becomes pronounced with the deltoid muscle failing to cover the glenohumeral joint allowing the edges of the scapula to be superficially visible. Here, the superficial anatomy is the visible edges of the scapula, implying the underlying dislocation of the joint (the related anatomical structure).",
"label":"Superficial Anatomy",
"comment":"A synagogue.",
"comment_plain":"A synagogue.",
"comment":"A short TV program or a segment/part of a TV program.",
"comment_plain":"A short TV program or a segment/part of a TV program.",
"label":"TV Clip",
"comment":"A TV episode which can be part of a series or season.",
"comment_plain":"A TV episode which can be part of a series or season.",
"label":"TV Episode",
"comment":"Season dedicated to TV broadcast and associated online delivery.",
"comment_plain":"Season dedicated to TV broadcast and associated online delivery.",
"label":"TV Season",
"comment":"Natural languages such as Spanish, Tamil, Hindi, English, etc. and programming languages such as Scheme and Lisp.",
"comment_plain":"Natural languages such as Spanish, Tamil, Hindi, English, etc. and programming languages such as Scheme and Lisp.",
"label":"TV Series",
"comment":"A table on a Web page.",
"comment_plain":"A table on a Web page.",
"comment":"The act of gaining ownership of an object from an origin. Reciprocal of GiveAction.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">GiveAction</a>: The reciprocal of TakeAction.</li><li><a href=\"\">ReceiveAction</a>: Unlike ReceiveAction, TakeAction implies that ownership has been transfered.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of gaining ownership of an object from an origin. Reciprocal of GiveAction.Related actions:GiveAction: The reciprocal of TakeAction.ReceiveAction: Unlike ReceiveAction, TakeAction implies that ownership has been transfered.",
"label":"Take Action",
"comment":"A tattoo parlor.",
"comment_plain":"A tattoo parlor.",
"label":"Tattoo Parlor",
"comment":"A taxi stand.",
"comment_plain":"A taxi stand.",
"label":"Taxi Stand",
"comment":"A technical article - Example: How-to (task) topics, step-by-step, procedural troubleshooting, specifications, etc.",
"comment_plain":"A technical article - Example: How-to (task) topics, step-by-step, procedural troubleshooting, specifications, etc.",
"label":"Tech Article",
"comment":"A television station.",
"comment_plain":"A television station.",
"label":"Television Station",
"comment":"A tennis complex.",
"comment_plain":"A tennis complex.",
"label":"Tennis Complex",
"comment":"Event type: Theater performance.",
"comment_plain":"Event type: Theater performance.",
"label":"Theater Event",
"comment":"A theater group or company, for example, the Royal Shakespeare Company or Druid Theatre.",
"comment_plain":"A theater group or company, for example, the Royal Shakespeare Company or Druid Theatre.",
"label":"Theater Group",
"comment":"A medical procedure intended primarily for therapeutic purposes, aimed at improving a health condition.",
"comment_plain":"A medical procedure intended primarily for therapeutic purposes, aimed at improving a health condition.",
"label":"Therapeutic Procedure",
"comment":"The most generic type of item.",
"comment_plain":"The most generic type of item.",
"comment":"The act of reaching a draw in a competitive activity.",
"comment_plain":"The act of reaching a draw in a competitive activity.",
"label":"Tie Action",
"comment":"The act of giving money voluntarily to a beneficiary in recognition of services rendered.",
"comment_plain":"The act of giving money voluntarily to a beneficiary in recognition of services rendered.",
"label":"Tip Action",
"comment":"A tire shop.",
"comment_plain":"A tire shop.",
"label":"Tire Shop",
"comment":"A tourist attraction.",
"comment_plain":"A tourist attraction.",
"label":"Tourist Attraction",
"comment":"A tourist information center.",
"comment_plain":"A tourist information center.",
"label":"Tourist Information Center",
"comment":"A toy store.",
"comment_plain":"A toy store.",
"label":"Toy Store",
"comment":"An agent tracks an object for updates.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">FollowAction</a>: Unlike FollowAction, TrackAction refers to the interest on the location of innanimates objects.</li><li><a href=\"\">SubscribeAction</a>: Unlike SubscribeAction, TrackAction refers to the interest on the location of innanimate objects.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"An agent tracks an object for updates.Related actions:FollowAction: Unlike FollowAction, TrackAction refers to the interest on the location of innanimates objects.SubscribeAction: Unlike SubscribeAction, TrackAction refers to the interest on the location of innanimate objects.",
"label":"Track Action",
"comment":"The act of participating in an exchange of goods and services for monetary compensation. An agent trades an object, product or service with a participant in exchange for a one time or periodic payment.",
"comment_plain":"The act of participating in an exchange of goods and services for monetary compensation. An agent trades an object, product or service with a participant in exchange for a one time or periodic payment.",
"label":"Trade Action",
"comment":"A train station.",
"comment_plain":"A train station.",
"label":"Train Station",
"comment":"The act of transferring/moving (abstract or concrete) animate or inanimate objects from one place to another.",
"comment_plain":"The act of transferring/moving (abstract or concrete) animate or inanimate objects from one place to another.",
"label":"Transfer Action",
"comment":"The act of traveling from an fromLocation to a destination by a specified mode of transport, optionally with participants.",
"comment_plain":"The act of traveling from an fromLocation to a destination by a specified mode of transport, optionally with participants.",
"label":"Travel Action",
"comment":"A travel agency.",
"comment_plain":"A travel agency.",
"label":"Travel Agency",
"comment":"An indication for treating an underlying condition, symptom, etc.",
"comment_plain":"An indication for treating an underlying condition, symptom, etc.",
"label":"Treatment Indication",
"comment":"A structured value indicating the quantity, unit of measurement, and business function of goods included in a bundle offer.",
"comment_plain":"A structured value indicating the quantity, unit of measurement, and business function of goods included in a bundle offer.",
"label":"Type And Quantity Node",
"comment":"The act of un-registering from a service.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href=\"\">RegisterAction</a>: Antagonym of UnRegisterAction.</li><li><a href=\"\">Leave</a>: Unlike LeaveAction, UnRegisterAction implies that you are unregistering from a service you werer previously registered, rather than leaving a team/group of people.</li></ul>",
"comment_plain":"The act of un-registering from a service.Related actions:RegisterAction: Antagonym of UnRegisterAction.Leave: Unlike LeaveAction, UnRegisterAction implies that you are unregistering from a service you werer previously registered, rather than leaving a team/group of people.",
"label":"Un Register Action",
"comment":"The price asked for a given offer by the respective organization or person.",
"comment_plain":"The price asked for a given offer by the respective organization or person.",
"label":"Unit Price Specification",
"comment":"The act of managing by changing/editing the state of the object.",
"comment_plain":"The act of managing by changing/editing the state of the object.",
"label":"Update Action",
"comment":"The act of applying an object to its intended purpose.",
"comment_plain":"The act of applying an object to its intended purpose.",
"label":"Use Action",
"comment":"User interaction: Block this content.",
"comment_plain":"User interaction: Block this content.",
"label":"User Blocks",
"comment":"User interaction: Check-in at a place.",
"comment_plain":"User interaction: Check-in at a place.",
"label":"User Checkins",
"comment":"The UserInteraction event in which a user comments on an item.",
"comment_plain":"The UserInteraction event in which a user comments on an item.",
"label":"User Comments",
"comment":"User interaction: Download of an item.",
"comment_plain":"User interaction: Download of an item.",
"label":"User Downloads",
"comment":"A user interacting with a page",
"comment_plain":"A user interacting with a page",
"label":"User Interaction",
"comment":"User interaction: Like an item.",
"comment_plain":"User interaction: Like an item.",
"label":"User Likes",
"comment":"User interaction: Visit to a web page.",
"comment_plain":"User interaction: Visit to a web page.",
"label":"User Page Visits",
"comment":"User interaction: Play count of an item, for example a video or a song.",
"comment_plain":"User interaction: Play count of an item, for example a video or a song.",
"label":"User Plays",
"comment":"User interaction: +1.",
"comment_plain":"User interaction: +1.",
"label":"User Plus Ones",
"comment":"User interaction: Tweets.",
"comment_plain":"User interaction: Tweets.",
"label":"User Tweets",
"comment":"A type of blood vessel that specifically carries blood to the heart.",
"comment_plain":"A type of blood vessel that specifically carries blood to the heart.",
"comment":"A component of the human body circulatory system comprised of an intricate network of hollow tubes that transport blood throughout the entire body.",
"comment_plain":"A component of the human body circulatory system comprised of an intricate network of hollow tubes that transport blood throughout the entire body.",
"comment":"A vet's office.",
"comment_plain":"A vet's office.",
"label":"Veterinary Care",
"comment":"Web page type: Video gallery page.",
"comment_plain":"Web page type: Video gallery page.",
"label":"Video Gallery",
"comment":"A video file.",
"comment_plain":"A video file.",
"label":"Video Object",
"comment":"The act of consuming static visual content.",
"comment_plain":"The act of consuming static visual content.",
"label":"View Action",
"comment":"Event type: Visual arts event.",
"comment_plain":"Event type: Visual arts event.",
"label":"Visual Arts Event",
"comment":"A volcano, like Fuji san.",
"comment_plain":"A volcano, like Fuji san.",
"comment":"The act of expressing a preference from a fixed/finite/structured set of choices/options.",
"comment_plain":"The act of expressing a preference from a fixed/finite/structured set of choices/options.",
"label":"Vote Action",
"comment":"An advertising section of the page.",
"comment_plain":"An advertising section of the page.",
"label":"WP Ad Block",
"comment":"The footer section of the page.",
"comment_plain":"The footer section of the page.",
"label":"WP Footer",
"comment":"The header section of the page.",
"comment_plain":"The header section of the page.",
"label":"WP Header",
"comment":"A sidebar section of the page.",
"comment_plain":"A sidebar section of the page.",
"label":"WP Side Bar",
"comment":"The act of expressing a desire about the object. An agent wants an object.",
"comment_plain":"The act of expressing a desire about the object. An agent wants an object.",
"label":"Want Action",
"comment":"A structured value representing the duration and scope of services that will be provided to a customer free of charge in case of a defect or malfunction of a product.",
"comment_plain":"A structured value representing the duration and scope of services that will be provided to a customer free of charge in case of a defect or malfunction of a product.",
"label":"Warranty Promise",
"comment":"A range of of services that will be provided to a customer free of charge in case of a defect or malfunction of a product.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n",
"comment_plain":"A range of of services that will be provided to a customer free of charge in case of a defect or malfunction of a product.\n\n Commonly used values:\n\n\n\n",
"label":"Warranty Scope",
"comment":"The act of consuming dynamic/moving visual content.",
"comment_plain":"The act of consuming dynamic/moving visual content.",
"label":"Watch Action",
"comment":"A waterfall, like Niagara",
"comment_plain":"A waterfall, like Niagara",
"comment":"The act of dressing oneself in clothing.",
"comment_plain":"The act of dressing oneself in clothing.",
"label":"Wear Action",
"comment":"Web applications.",
"comment_plain":"Web applications.",
"label":"Web Application",
"comment":"A web page. Every web page is implicitly assumed to be declared to be of type WebPage, so the various properties about that webpage, such as <code>breadcrumb</code> may be used. We recommend explicit declaration if these properties are specified, but if they are found outside of an itemscope, they will be assumed to be about the page",
"comment_plain":"A web page. Every web page is implicitly assumed to be declared to be of type WebPage, so the various properties about that webpage, such as breadcrumb may be used. We recommend explicit declaration if these properties are specified, but if they are found outside of an itemscope, they will be assumed to be about the page",
"label":"Web Page",
"comment":"A web page element, like a table or an image",
"comment_plain":"A web page element, like a table or an image",
"label":"Web Page Element",
"comment":"A wholesale store.",
"comment_plain":"A wholesale store.",
"label":"Wholesale Store",
"comment":"The act of achieving victory in a competitive activity.",
"comment_plain":"The act of achieving victory in a competitive activity.",
"label":"Win Action",
"comment":"A winery.",
"comment_plain":"A winery.",
"comment":"The act of authoring written creative content.",
"comment_plain":"The act of authoring written creative content.",
"label":"Write Action",
"comment":"A zoo.",
"comment_plain":"A zoo.",
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