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Created January 4, 2018 18:19
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  • Save redbar0n/220dcf53dc0b9b025d1b8c4a83dc567d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Couldn't update the tiny_tds version installed with yum, since the yum repo didn't have the latest tiny_tds version.
# So remove tiny_tds installed by yum, to avoid conflicts with the succeeding binary tarball install.
# Note: yum installs freetds.conf into /etc/freetds.conf
# Answer y to remove dependent libraries.
printf 'y' | sudo yum remove freetds
# Download FreeTDS latest stable version (as of Jan 4, 2018) from binary tarball.
cd /tmp
tar -xzf freetds-1.00.80.tar.gz
cd freetds-1.00.80
# Create Makefile by running the configure script and template.
# Note: This will by default install freetds.conf into `/usr/local/etc/freetds.conf` as it should since it is a binary install. But if you need another path like ie. `/etc`, use `--sysconfdir=/etc` as an option.
./configure --with-tdsver=7.3 # specifies the configuration for the install, makes config file
# Use Makefile to build/compile the software (object files) from the src
make # if it should fail, then run `sudo make clean` to delete the object files.
# Uninstall potential previous version of v1.00.80, by using the Makefile.
# Uninstalls with the same configuration as in the Makefile, to ensure the same paths are referenced and thus everything uninstalled properly.
sudo make uninstall # uninstall using the compiled object files
# The actual system installation of FreeTDS v1.00.80. Comment out the following lines if you only want to uninstall.
# Will also clean up by deleting downloaded installation files (including the contained generated Makefile and object files).
sudo make install # install using the compiled object files
cd ..
sudo rm -rf freetds-1.00.80
sudo rm -rf freetds-1.00.80.tar.gz
# Uninstall/reinstall tiny_tds gem: So that it will bind to the FreeTDS version you just installed. The tiny_tds gem will not be reinstalled if you have removed it from the Gemfile.
cd ~/mullet
# Answer 3 to affirm removing "3. All versions" of the tiny_tds gem, and Y on the question "Remove executables: defncopy, tsql" which are just the tiny_tds binstubs for FreeTDS.
printf '3\nY\n' | bundle exec gem uninstall tiny_tds
bundle install
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