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Created July 23, 2015 21:46
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capybara-webkit 1.5.2 still doesn't catch .onEnded events from videojs, so any video playing will not end (and tests will stall indefinitely)
My system specs:
OSX Mavericks 10.9.5
capybara 2.4.4
capybara-webkit 1.5.2
Videojs code from [video.js](
* Fired when the end of the media resource is reached (currentTime == duration)
* @event ended
vjs.Player.prototype.onEnded = function(){
console.log("VIDEOJS END OF VIDEO");
if (this.options_['loop']) {
} else if (!this.paused()) {
The failing test:
it "the state 'Completed' should be tracked correctly", focus: true, :js => true do
visit show_video_path(:unit_id =>, :channel_id =>, :w => 600, :h => 450)
page.find("div.vjs-big-play-button").click # click play video button
expect(page).to have_css(".vjs-playing")
expect(page).to have_css(".vjs-ended")
sign_in_with(, ".l00t.l00t.")
check_results('Completed', '1')
Actual :webkit_debug output:
› rspec spec/features/tracking_spec.rb
Run options: include {:focus=>true}
Randomized with seed 26113
Running with Capybara.current_driver:
Inside :js => true blocks the Capybara.current_driver will be set to Capybara.javascript_driver which is:
Finished "EnableLogging()" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Received "Visit("
Started "Visit("
Load started
"Visit(" started page load
Started request to ""
Finished "Visit(" with response "Success()"
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""|14308|EVENT HANDLERS SET
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Received 200 from ""
Page finished with true
Load finished
Page load from command finished
Wrote response true ""
Received "FindCss(div.vjs-big-play-button)"
Started "FindCss(div.vjs-big-play-button)"
Finished "FindCss(div.vjs-big-play-button)" with response "Success(1)"
Wrote response true "1"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.leftClick"
Started "Node.leftClick"
Finished "Node.leftClick" with response "Success()"
Wrote response true ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Started request to ""
Received "FindCss(.vjs-playing)"
Started "FindCss(.vjs-playing)"
Finished "FindCss(.vjs-playing)" with response "Success(2,3)"
Wrote response true "2,3"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Node.visible"
Started "Node.visible"
Finished "Node.visible" with response "Success(true)"
Wrote response true "true"
Received "Evaluate(document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-ended').length;)"
Started "Evaluate(document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-ended').length;)"
Finished "Evaluate(document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-ended').length;)" with response "Success(0)"
Wrote response true "0"
Received "Evaluate(document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-ended').length;)"
Started "Evaluate(document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-ended').length;)"
Finished "Evaluate(document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-ended').length;)" with response "Success(0)"
Wrote response true "0"
Received "Evaluate(document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-ended').length;)"
Started "Evaluate(document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-ended').length;)"
Finished "Evaluate(document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-ended').length;)" with response "Success(0)"
Wrote response true "0"
Received "Evaluate(document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-ended').length;)"
Started "Evaluate(document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-ended').length;)"
Finished "Evaluate(document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-ended').length;)" with response "Success(0)"
Wrote response true "0"
... and just repeatedly loop output the last 4 lines, stalling indefinitely, so I have to shut down the process with CTRL+C
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