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Last active March 30, 2016 16:22
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@type tail
path /fluentd/log/main.log
format none
tag x
<match **>
@type file
path /fluentd/log/output.log
set -e
mkdir -p log
rm -rf log/*
gen_x_lines() {
N=$1; shift
yes | head -n $N > log/main.log
ID=$(sudo docker run -d -v $PWD/fluent.conf:/fluentd/etc/fluent.conf -v $PWD/log:/fluentd/log fluent/fluentd:latest)
trap "sudo docker stop $ID >/dev/null; sudo docker rm $ID >/dev/null;" EXIT
echo Started container $ID
sleep 1
echo Generating logs
while gen_x_lines 10000 && ((C++ < $LIMIT)) ; do sleep 2; mv log/main.log log/main.log.${C} ; done
echo Comparing results
GOAL=$(wc -l log/main.log*|awk '/total/ {print $1}')
echo original output: $GOAL
I=$(wc -l log/output.log* |awk '/total/ {print $1}')
while (( FNUM != I )); do
echo fluent produced: $I; FNUM="$I"
sleep 1
I=$(wc -l log/output.log* |awk '/total/ {print $1}')
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