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Created March 18, 2020 00:04
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Commands to install and configure FAHClient in addition to basic control commands of FAHClient from within a screen session.
## Intended for installation on a mining os such as HiveOS but should be applicable to all linux os'es with small changes to step 1.
## Some parts of script may be added to startup areas.
## Wrote this because advice for using FAHClient without a gui was 'for advanced users.' Its not! Hopefully some miners who are feeling
## generous can use this to have their rigs do some folding for COVID-19 and this should make it that much less painful.
## STEP 1) download and install fahclient 7.5.1
cd ~
dpkg -i fahclient_7.5.1_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get install -f
## Answer default options, be sure to answer false for the last option (to run at startup)
## CONFIGURATION, assuming default filename of config.xml, from ~
## STEP 2) Configure FAHClient and launch
## Must be in ~ directory for appropriate permissions
FAHClient --configure
FAHClient -config config.xml
## STEP 3) Disable unwanted devices (optional) - stop the program the edit, and relaunch
vi config.xml
## Optional Screen Setup
## Add this to a startup script (
## SCREEN SETUP create screen session for folding@home
screen -dmS folding@home -q -t folding@home
## stop miner (optional?)
miner stop
## SCREEN FAHClient command to load config.xml generated above
screen -S folding@home -p 0 -X stuff "cd ~ && FAHClient --config config.xml^M"
## view log output
screen -r folding@home
## Stop, graceful exit
alias foldStop=`screen -S folding@home -p 0 -X stuff "^C"`
## Kill, throw three controls
alias foldKill=`screen -S folding@home -p 0 -X stuff "^C^C^C"`
## Start (may double launch careful!)
alias foldStart=`screen -S folding@home -p 0 -X stuff "cd ~ && FAHClient --config config.xml^M"`
alias folding@home=`screen -r folding@home`
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