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Created June 14, 2018 18:30
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first fork but stabilized
1460156ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block f5914919219d8587... #744347 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:20.000 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 0, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 156 ms]
1460824ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block e6d756b818c409e8... #744346 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:19.500 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 1, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 1324 ms]
1460826ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block df446fccc94902a6... #744347 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:20.000 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 0, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 826 ms]
1460829ms thread-0 controller.cpp:880 maybe_switch_forks ] switching forks from 000b5b9bf5914919219d85870b615dee7bd76aefecafb4fe47c7bf57bddfc3a1 (block number 744347) to 000b5b9c1c38c6e9e7952a2e2748827625cc03e64f74a325489dee48e7e83147 (block number 744348)
1460845ms thread-0 controller.cpp:925 maybe_switch_forks ] successfully switched fork to new head 000b5b9c1c38c6e9e7952a2e2748827625cc03e64f74a325489dee48e7e83147
1460846ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 1c38c6e9e7952a2e... #744348 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:20.500 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 0, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 346 ms]
1461136ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 0f48927e0cbcaae4... #744349 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:21.000 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 1, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 136 ms]
1461653ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 2ddee626b1e08991... #744348 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:20.500 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 0, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 1153 ms]
1461655ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 8894b25ae53a0251... #744349 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:21.000 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 1, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 655 ms]
1461658ms thread-0 controller.cpp:880 maybe_switch_forks ] switching forks from 000b5b9d0f48927e0cbcaae4d0870aae1551ef9f43bd6519d73af14e644a2674 (block number 744349) to 000b5b9e7e60244f4d634d34502a377f764e081eca2547aae5fde6f2b26efeda (block number 744350)
1461676ms thread-0 controller.cpp:925 maybe_switch_forks ] successfully switched fork to new head 000b5b9e7e60244f4d634d34502a377f764e081eca2547aae5fde6f2b26efeda
1461676ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 7e60244f4d634d34... #744350 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:21.500 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 0, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 176 ms]
1462106ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 11fcfb9297e15935... #744351 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:22.000 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 0, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 106 ms]
1462602ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block f82fcb58f1a80b44... #744352 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:22.500 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 0, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 102 ms]
1463284ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 50f363f4735ed267... #744353 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:23.000 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 0, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 284 ms]
1463403ms thread-0 net_plugin.cpp:2458 operator() ] accept txn threw 3080004 tx_cpu_usage_exceeded: transaction exceeded the current CPU usage limit imposed on the transaction
billed CPU time (18602 us) is greater than the maximum billable CPU time for the transaction (17503 us)
thread-0 transaction_context.cpp:350 validate_cpu_usage_to_bill
1463895ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 84ce4e6ae3907afa... #744350 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:21.500 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 0, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 2395 ms]
1463897ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 002aa6e535e6071c... #744351 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:22.000 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 0, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 1897 ms]
1463898ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block b067fd0972472665... #744352 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:22.500 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 0, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 1398 ms]
1463900ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 220c91aa120020b8... #744353 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:23.000 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 0, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 900 ms]
1463903ms thread-0 controller.cpp:880 maybe_switch_forks ] switching forks from 000b5ba150f363f4735ed267429ded6940512a2c8038adb9d0836e52e0c68b5f (block number 744353) to 000b5ba22f55176d5789ba2b63eef6b166a2a0d8bb4516db2293f50eb21dd1ee (block number 744354)
1463965ms thread-0 controller.cpp:925 maybe_switch_forks ] successfully switched fork to new head 000b5ba22f55176d5789ba2b63eef6b166a2a0d8bb4516db2293f50eb21dd1ee
1463965ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 2f55176d5789ba2b... #744354 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:23.500 signed by eoscannonchn [trxs: 1, lib: 744018, conf: 0, latency: 465 ms]
1464117ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block a40c46ec03d3cb5b... #744355 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:24.000 signed by eosdacserver [trxs: 0, lib: 744030, conf: 228, latency: 117 ms]
1464820ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 97054e5a63b935b6... #744356 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:24.500 signed by eosdacserver [trxs: 0, lib: 744030, conf: 0, latency: 320 ms]
1465127ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:290 on_incoming_block ] Received block 22c14d6d9b29c70d... #744357 @ 2018-06-14T18:24:25.000 signed by eosdacserver [trxs: 0, lib: 744030, conf: 0, latency: 127 ms]
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